Trouble in paradise officially?


Well-Known Member
I’d love to know how these elusive perfect people who don’t use credit cards manage to get car loans and mortgages. They must buy theirs cars and homes with cash! 😉
It is called selling one's expensive home up North going down South to live ( cheaper COL ) to pay for some items with cash as just one example. Realtors in my area love foreign folks coming to live and work here. A number of them pay for their new vehicles and purchase their homes with cash.


Well-Known Member
I’m Hispanic bud and come from a broken home. Maybe check your assumptions?

nobody here is saying we’re perfect, we’re pointing out that unfortunately many go into debt just to go to WDW. Which is very risky
Oh I agree 100% that going into major debt for a Disney trip is ridiculous, I’m just laughing at all the perfect people having their “peeing” contest on who has the least debt. It’s such a disboards conversation.


Well-Known Member
Oh yes of course, everyone posting in this thread is perfect financially and has never had a cent of debt in their life! *wink wink*. This place never fails to amuse, almost as bad as the disboards.

I won’t even go into the white privilege of the conversation...
I think you are assuming that people arent speaking from personal experience. Im sure lots of us have over extended ourselves at least once in our lives and we learned. Its called saving for a known thing, or working MORE (extra job, more ot, sell some things etc). Theres a huge difference in Disney and an emergency medical procedure or even a fridge that goes out.

And stop using race and wokeness to defend your comment. All races, sexes, and classes use debt to pay for things they shouldnt.


Well-Known Member
Oh I agree 100% that going into major debt for a Disney trip is ridiculous, I’m just laughing at all the perfect people having their “peeing” contest on who has the least debt. It’s such a disboards conversation.
Oh ok gotcha.

agreed. It’s nice to be debt free (can’t wait to pay off my car) but our social and financial systems really make it hard to live that way.


Well-Known Member
I’m Hispanic bud and come from a broken home. Maybe check your assumptions?

nobody here is saying we’re perfect, we’re pointing out that unfortunately many go into debt just to go to WDW. Which is very risky
I know a few that take out loans to go on vacation to WDW and or go to Disney and later don't pay their credit card bill on time because of lack of funds.


Well-Known Member
Oh ok gotcha.

agreed. It’s nice to be debt free (can’t wait to pay off my car) but our social and finanxcial systems really make it hard to live that way.

It's nice to be debt-free, I was for a long while. But recently took out a loan (not for Disney :D) and also while I would prefer to rent for the rest of time, my person wants to purchase a home in the next couple years. So that will be another debt we will have. I will admit, I do pay for trips "cash", mostly out of guilt of spending the money.

I am comfortable having some debt for now and the future. Some aren't. That's life.


Well-Known Member
And stop using race and wokeness to defend your comment. All races, sexes, and classes use debt to pay for things they shouldnt.
I didn’t say they didn’t, but go off. My white privilege comment was directed at the posters who were implying it was as simple as 1 2 3 to “pick yourselves up by the bootstraps” to survive.

uncle jimmy

Premium Member
I just dislike seeing people trying to lecture other people on financial matters when they haven't walked in their shoes.
I've walked in their shoes, for many years when I was younger, so you'll see no lectures from me. I have nothing but empathy.
I'm sorry if you felt as though I was lecturing others on financial matters. That was not my intent.
I grew up in a 2 income home, that became one when one parent died. My sister and I, worked during high school and college to help our mother put us through school. I have walked and worked with holes in my shoes for many years, even into my 30's.


Well-Known Member
honestly it has to stay expensive... supply and demand.. if it was cheaper the parks would sell out everyday. We hate to think that way but it not just corporate greed (although thats part of it).. can you imagine the crowds, the waiting lists, the reservations if disney was affordable?

Or they could....

Wait for it....

Wait for it....

Build more capacity? Iger, and especially Chapek, are all about extracting maximum profit on the backs of the investments made by those who came before them.

Tony the Tigger

Well-Known Member
Ill be honest as a 40-50 year old.. people of my generation and below do not look at debt as people older than us. Yes credit cards are more prevalent (hence why lay away used to be popular and isnt now). I know my parents used to put money aside every week so we could have a trip like disney, or my mom would work (back when we were still in the single earning days), or my dad would put in tons of ot or work a second job so we could go.

Ill never forget my dad telling me he worked a second job to buy my moms wedding ring. Today people just put it on credit.

Yes im using glaring generalities and this doesnt apply to everyone.

Gen X here. (And Virgo lol.) I've been in plenty of debt and no debt. The amount of debt I had at any given time was no reflection on me as a person, my character, my values, etc. It is what it is. It's better to not waste money on interest if possible. Sometimes it's not possible. Sometimes it's totally worth it or no big deal. Sometimes it gets out of control.

After working 3 jobs in my 20's and probably still not cracking $30K, someone will have a hard time explaining to me why they are better than I, and can't or "shouldn't have to" do that. Some people are born with silver spoons. Some have to pay their dues and work their way up. That's life.

Re: Disney: first trip in the late 1990s: 4 day FL Resident tix, $35 motel on 192, cheap buffet next to the motel, McDonald's on site, went to the Poly one night to ask if it was ok to get a table just for dessert just to experience the place. 10 year wedding anniversary trip in 2017: AP's, Grand Flo, V&A. That's life.

My secret to make Disney more "worth it" is my Chase Visa card. I use it for my business, and I get a lot of points. (In fact, the dinner at V&A was 100% on points - or I couldn't have justified spending that much money on one meal.) That makes the crazy resort prices and the parking fees more affordable. When I can pay for tickets, room, and some food with points, I can easily justify spending some cash, making the whole thing actually quite a value and easily affordable. The points are my "savings" for our (typically short) trips.

I regret nothing. The good times and memories are worth it, and no one else pays for it but me/us. Tomorrow isn't guaranteed.

Donna Summer is awesome forever.


Well-Known Member
which is why travel shouldn’t be financed. Really shouldn’t. Why people pay Disney a Redonk 10% to purchase DVC I’ll never get?

im not an ogre (all the time)...I’m not saying don’t finance all leisure. But it shouldn’t be a disposable product. You want a $2000 bike or a dune buggy? Go for it.

not a character buffet that ends up at the “spot” on the edge of town
actually isn't it the other way around? (question) Psychologist will say that "event's or experiences" are worth going in debt for not things.

So take the loan to go to Italy as oppose to buying a bike.

I can't throw rocks though because yep, I've taken loans to do fancy things and probably will do it again. July 1st I'm retiring (thank you Jesus. lol) I'm planning a 3 month tour of Europe next year. 1/2 on borrowed dough and feel absolutely no pressure to be "debt" free.

anyhoo, my perspective is totally skewed, I live in a city where a million dollars is consider reasonable for 1300 sq foot apartment. go figure.

the middle class has been whining for years about being pushed out of every thing. college, vacations and lately the price of gas and groceries. I assume maybe incorrectly that if they go to Disney it's because they see some value in it.

The article didn't have enough information about the poll imo to be really relevant.
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