Really, I thought he was managing from afar. You missed the whole point of what I was saying. I am painfully aware that the only target is profit, but profit can happen in different ways. There is short term profit and long term profits. Their aim at the moment is to rake in as much as they can right now, which would seem logical for now, however, nothing last forever and in my mind, as what was in Walt's, I think, long range meant that you kept quality high and charges low to keep a non-fluctuating system that will last another 50 years. I honestly think that the way things are going right now, before the end of the next 50 years it will be sold off in parts and pieces and eventually become a ghost town just like the other parks and/or companies that we all thought would last forever. Oh, and you will not have to get excited about telling me "I told you so" because I will be long dead by then and no one will have a WDW to go too anymore.