Well-Known Member
Hard to believe but there's only been one good Tron game released for home use and that was Tron 2.0 in 2003. Tron Run/r came out back in 2015 but doesn't have a main story to follow, just a bunch of different game modes (not bad, just shallow). Those are the only positive Tron games to come out. Everything else is a dumpster fire which is ironic because Tron=video games.For a ride like Tron, I can’t imagine that much merch selling. Maybe some mini bikes, and copies of the soundtrack, but the film doesn’t lend itself to merch that isn’t a video game (and I don’t see that being a popular thing to grab while in the parks).
Except for Filch’s store or whatever the exit is called for Forbidden Journey, my friends and I didn’t spend too much time shopping immediately after the attractions on the last trip. In the middle of things, yes, but not right after getting off a ride.
Even funnier yet, they updated Tron 2.0 to fix an issue with the Windows 10 Steam release last year:
I'd add light up toys to your list. Tron is the perfect attraction to sell light up things for. And honestly, Tron is one of those things that sell just because it looks cool. You don't need to know anything about it to accept that it looks neat.
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