News Tron coaster coming to the Magic Kingdom


Well-Known Member
I'll provide a middle ground between both

I love Tron and I'm super excited to see this attraction coming to WDW.
But I just wish it was coming to a different park (DHS)
I don’t, because it going to DHS would have meant the death of Fantasmic. Plus, Rock ‘n’ Rollercoaster/TRON is even worse to me than the Space Mountain/TRON comparisons.


Well-Known Member
This. And I like Tron.

Indeed, Tron feels like a future world concept to me. It fits the "tomorrow" in tomorrowland as well, but perhaps using a different ride concept other than a rollercoaster.

The flip side of that is that when people think of Tron, they automatically think of the light cycles, so I don't know what other type of ride would fit the IP. Couple that with the fact they already have one built that can be cloned, well, that's The WDO philosophy.

This is the path of least resistance for them.

The Empress Lilly

Well-Known Member
I love Tron. One of the times Disney actually managed to be hip. An honest to goodnes cult classics, especially its visual style.

I also love the idea of a third actual coaster coming to the MK, disregarding the two overtly me ones. Of which Dwarf is fine and Barnstormer a disgrace.

But I do regret the sightline issues, the clash of styles (even with the new full TL Tron overlay. That at any rate will likely make TL look less cohesive, rather than more. That'll now be three layers of conflicting styles), the dwarfing of Space's Mountain (tear down the giftshop building instead so the space castle can breathe again!)


Well-Known Member
Maybe he's not a fan of terrible sightlines? Or a Space Mountain substitute right next to Space Mountain? Or the amount of money being spent versus the final product? You don't have to like or dislike Tron to think this is a bad idea.

To each their own. Why is it a bad idea? Because you've designated yourself some theme expert?

You guys spend too much time hating things because of principle, because of the cost spent ... to each their own though. Do you.

What on earth does going through the grid have to with DHS? Because TRON had a feature film attached to it? I don't think every movie IP should be shoved into DHS just because it was a movie. I don't think TRON or even FROZEN "fit" the studio parks. Just because they were a movie? That's no different than saying Indy fits Animal Kingdom or Frozen fits Norway.


Well-Known Member
I love Tron. One of the times Disney actually managed to be hip. An honest to goodnes cult classics, especially its visual style.

I also love the idea of a third actual coaster coming to the MK, disregarding the two overtly me ones. Of which Dwarf is fine and Barnstormer a disgrace.

But I do regret the sightline issues, the clash of styles (even with the new full TL Tron overlay. That at any rate will likely make TL look less cohesive, rather than more. That'll now be three layers of conflicting styles), the dwarfing of Space's Mountain (tear down the giftshop building instead so the space castle can breathe again!)

I can agree with some of this, however ... there's a Tomorrowland makeover in the process, no? (not that I'm holding my breath lol). It sounds like the plan is to tie it more into TRON so we really don't know Tomorrowland will still be a mess, that's an assumption. Just like assuming sight lines will be ruined. Are you ruined seeing the bunch of other things we see?

I agree on having that gift shop in the way. But you don't know how the area will look when it's done. You're making a lot of assumptions. (Sadly they're probably accurate but I keep having a bit of optimism)

Not everything's going to be absolutely perfect. Nothing was ever 100% perfect.

I've still not been given a convincing argument why this is a bad idea other than some personally don't like it.

@marni1971 throw some reasonable things out there and tell me why this should be considered a bad idea. I'm not saying there weren't other needs and that the money could likely go to a LOT better use.

I'm fine with it coming and I'd be fine if it wasn't. Not that I have some major vested interest in this thing. I'm not sure because of my coaster wariness (TRON looks to be pushing it for me) so it could be very much one and done.

Personally I would have put Guardians coaster in Tomorrowland and TRON in Future World. But we all have our own opinions on where things should go. I don't think either works for me in DHS. I don't know why but they don't work for me there. I just don't think they fit.
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Well-Known Member
I would like to think the Imagineers are aware of possible sight line issues and are taking steps to mitigate them. The placement seemed a bit odd to me at the beginning, but I could also see it working out nicely along with having a positive effect on the rest of Tomorrowland.


Well-Known Member
Maybe he's not a fan of terrible sightlines? Or a Space Mountain substitute right next to Space Mountain? Or the amount of money being spent versus the final product? You don't have to like or dislike Tron to think this is a bad idea.
Take a look at it’s neighbour.

Wouldn’t Fire Mountain have been a better use of resources? As an example.
To me, the most positive aspect of this project is the opportunity to overhaul the speedway. It really really needs it.


Premium Member
There's a Tomorrowland makeover in the process, no? It sounds like the plan is to tie it more into TRON so we really don't know Tomorrowland will still be a mess, that's an assumption. Just like assuming sight lines will be ruined. Are you ruined seeing the bunch of other things we see? Come on. It's like nitpicking for things to dislike about this and this is why some of us get annoyed at the complaining. But again, to each their own. I'd hope all the other sightlines bother you.

I agree on having that gift shop in the way. But you don't know how the area will look when it's done. You're making a lot of assumptions.

Not everything's going to be absolutely perfect.
I think it's because there are certain sightlines that are iconic WDW, and they aren't that many. I woildnt want them putting a big attraction in the middle of Main Street, obstructing the view of Cinderella Castle? Or something that overshadows Spaceship Earth, even if it's an amazing, E-ticket attraction. Space Mountain is one of those iconic views, especially if you've ever stayed at CR or BLT. Or from the monorail as you approach MK. Not everything will be perfect, but there's a handful of sightlines that are so iconic they should be preserved.


Well-Known Member
I think it's because there are certain sightlines that are iconic WDW, and they aren't that many. I woildnt want them putting a big attraction in the middle of Main Street, obstructing the view of Cinderella Castle? Or something that overshadows Spaceship Earth, even if it's an amazing, E-ticket attraction. Space Mountain is one of those iconic views, especially if you've ever stayed at CR or BLT. Or from the monorail as you approach MK. Not everything will be perfect, but there's a handful of sightlines that are so iconic they should be preserved.

TRON isn't going in front of Space Mountain ;). I get what you're saying. I enjoy that view but it's not something I think of when I think of TRON coming, personally. I don't think just because you like the view of Space Mountain from the monorail coming into the park that they shouldn't use that land. But I get the sentiment.

Better than them tearing down Space Mountain or putting it over the Speedway. At least this is an expansion of the land there. For once.

And if Tomorrowland weren't some hodgepodge sci-fi city, TRON's aestitics would fit right in. I think it looks good behind Space Mountain. The design itself just isn't overly attractive though, IMO. I know people think it's a cool building but it looks off to me. We'll see how it looks.

I'm not exactly the biggest fan of this idea, but I also don't mind it's coming, so I guess I just keep asking to find out real reasons why this shouldn't happen.

Horizons '83

Well-Known Member
In the Parks
Maybe he's not a fan of terrible sightlines? Or a Space Mountain substitute right next to Space Mountain? Or the amount of money being spent versus the final product? You don't have to like or dislike Tron to think this is a bad idea.
Completely valid concerns, I am not naive to the fact that this isn't the perfect match (MK/TRON) but at some point as a fan of the franchise and Disney Parks as a whole you have to be excited when the two will come to fruition as they did in Shanghai.


Well-Known Member
TRON isn't going in front of Space Mountain ;). I get what you're saying. I enjoy that view but it's not something I think of when I think of TRON coming, personally. I don't think just because you like the view of Space Mountain from the monorail coming into the park that they shouldn't use that land. But I get the sentiment.

Better than them tearing down Space Mountain or putting it over the Speedway. At least this is an expansion of the land there. For once.
With Tron being built right next to it, I'd say it's days are numbered. :grumpy:


Well-Known Member
I would like to think the Imagineers are aware of possible sight line issues and are taking steps to mitigate them. The placement seemed a bit odd to me at the beginning, but I could also see it working out nicely along with having a positive effect on the rest of Tomorrowland.
They didn’t care about the site lines the first time and the building form isn’t changing.


Well-Known Member
With Tron being built right next to it, I'd say it's days are numbered. :grumpy:

Shhhh. I'm trying to quietly stay in denial about that fact ... lol. It's too bad I don't ride Space Mountain anymore. They really need that full update but then with nothing planned for it, and it so badly needing one, I have the same feeling about it's days being numbered. I still hope not though. One coaster shouldn't mean the death of the other one. Multiple coasters can exist in the same park and land. I think they're very different.

I go back and forth on TRON. I think it fits Tomorrowland and Future World. Guardians would have been good in the sci-fi city hodgepodge of Tomorrowland if they truly wanted another coaster. But I know why they put it in Epcot. TRON would have been a better option to replace Energy, though I imagine we'd have lost the building there now for Energy. I also wonder, @marni1971 did the TRON plan for DHS have the same exterior still? I just have a hard time picturing that off of Sunset Boulevard. Maybe with a different exterior I'd be fine with it in DHS. But I don't think TRON would have benefited them, either. If two coasters could have existed there, they can exist in Tomorrowland.


Well-Known Member
Completely valid concerns, I am not naive to the fact that this isn't the perfect match (MK/TRON) but at some point as a fan of the franchise and Disney Parks as a whole you have to be excited when the two will come to fruition as they did in Shanghai.


They're valid concerns, and I was a bit dismissive towards @egg (and I apologize, wasn't my morning) but they don't seem like reasons the ride shouldn't be happening.


Well-Known Member
Take a look at it’s neighbour.

Wouldn’t Fire Mountain have been a better use of resources? As an example.
I am not a true Tron fan, but I still question Tron going into MK. Honestly, to me why would Tron not go to Epcot(yes I know you probably are not a fan of that either...) and move GotG to DHS where it fits better thematically. That would have been a much better outcome to me.


Well-Known Member
Shhhh. I'm trying to quietly stay in denial about that fact ... lol. It's too bad I don't ride Space Mountain anymore. They really need that full update but then with nothing planned for it, and it so badly needing one, I have the same feeling about it's days being numbered. I still hope not though. One coaster shouldn't mean the death of the other one. Multiple coasters can exist in the same park and land. I think they're very different.

I go back and forth on TRON. I think it fits Tomorrowland and Future World. Guardians would have been good in the sci-fi city hodgepodge of Tomorrowland if they truly wanted another coaster. But I know why they put it in Epcot. TRON would have been a better option to replace Energy, though I imagine we'd have lost the building there now for Energy. I also wonder, @marni1971 did the TRON plan for DHS have the same exterior still? I just have a hard time picturing that off of Sunset Boulevard. Maybe with a different exterior I'd be fine with it in DHS. But I don't think TRON would have benefited them, either. If two coasters could have existed there, they can exist in Tomorrowland.
I may be wrong, but I believe Martin mentioned it would have sat back from sunset, where Fantasmic theater is located.

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