Trip Report Readers Chick Chat and Guy Gabbing Thread!


Premium Member
I've got sad news to share...

Middle daughter C who has been in the Orlando area for the last two years teaching has realized she hates Florida and is moving back to the Midwest. Ok, ok it's good news since I'll get to see her a lot more but sad news for not being able to hop down for a quick trip to see her and go to Disney property. She let her annual pirate pass expire so she won't be going back for quite a while she says. Hopefully, she'll find a job somewhat close to home.

Don't know if I should give your post a like or not! It is sad that she won't be there for you to make quick WDW trips but at least she will be closer to you. What did she not like about Florida? The heat, alligators?


Well-Known Member
Don't know if I should give your post a like or not! It is sad that she won't be there for you to make quick WDW trips but at least she will be closer to you. What did she not like about Florida? The heat, alligators?
Totally understandable. I go from very happy to a bit bummed when I think about it. I'm more happy, I want her to be up here with family and friends.

Oh where to begin. First is the cost of living for a single person. A 650 sq ft apartment for her in a mediocre/safe area is what she would pay for a very nice two-three bedroom in Indiana. Her car insurance is insane. The second would be traffic, I4 is horrible which a lot of you may know, she has to drive it every day to and from work. Third, she really hasn't made many friends while she's been down there. It's even hard to befriend co workers where she is. Her school is set up like a college campus with different buildings holding different areas of study. She is the youngest in her building with most everyone else being in their 40's. They all get along and enjoy each other but that doesn't help with the friend situation. Did I say she is also an introvert ☺️ Lastly is the heat. She has never liked hot weather. She actually would prefer a northern climate. She would do great up there with you in Wisconsin!


Well-Known Member
I've got sad news to share...

Middle daughter C who has been in the Orlando area for the last two years teaching has realized she hates Florida and is moving back to the Midwest. Ok, ok it's good news since I'll get to see her a lot more but sad news for not being able to hop down for a quick trip to see her and go to Disney property. She let her annual pirate pass expire so she won't be going back for quite a while she says. Hopefully, she'll find a job somewhat close to home.
Sorry to hear C doesn't care for living in Florida, but it's so great that she tried it out. I wish I had been brave enough back in the day to leave home for at least a little while.


Well-Known Member
I've got sad news to share...

Middle daughter C who has been in the Orlando area for the last two years teaching has realized she hates Florida and is moving back to the Midwest. Ok, ok it's good news since I'll get to see her a lot more but sad news for not being able to hop down for a quick trip to see her and go to Disney property. She let her annual pirate pass expire so she won't be going back for quite a while she says. Hopefully, she'll find a job somewhat close to home.
Aw, that's so sad! What did she hate? I don't think I'd want to live there either, though the proximity to Disney is a huge plus.

Edit: Nevermind, I see you answered already. At least she has the option of going somewhere else, and now she knows what to avoid. I feel like it's so hard finding friends in a new place. I have lived here for over 20 years, and I still haven't made any friends here outside of the ones I met at the language school where we were all learning Dutch, and they are all foreigners married to Dutchies. I love them, but we definitely don't have the same dynamic that I have with my friends back home, and these gals all live in a different town than I do and none of them want to do anything on weekends when their husbands and kids are home. I don't think I've seen any of them in over 5 years now. It gets very lonely at times. I can understand how that would impact your daughter's feelings about Florida. Sure, you can go out to dinner or a movie or shopping yourself, but it really isn't the same as having friends to do those things with you.
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Well-Known Member
Aw, that's so sad! What did she hate? I don't think I'd want to live there either, though the proximity to Disney is a huge plus.

Edit: Nevermind, I see you answered already. At least she has the option of going somewhere else, and now she knows what to avoid. I feel like it's so hard finding friends in a new place. I have lived here for over 20 years, and I still haven't made any friends here outside of the ones I met at the language school where we were all learning Dutch, and they are all foreigners married to Dutchies. I love them, but we definitely don't have the same dynamic that I have with my friends back home, and these gals all live in a different town than I do and none of them want to do anything on weekends when their husbands and kids are home. I don't think I've seen any of them in over 5 years now. It gets very lonely at times. I can understand how that would impact your daughter's feelings about Florida. Sure, you can go out to dinner or a movie or shopping yourself, but it really isn't the same as having friends to do those things with you.
That's it. After five days of dealing with grumpy, snotty, and some really good kids she is done and doesn't want to go out and socialize to meet new people. I do wish there were more coworkers her age at her school. She did have a Universal and Disney pass but like you said you can only go so many times by yourself and her friends from the North were fresh out of college and barely making it by and didn't have the funds to come down and I can only go down so much. It's sad to see your child having to deal with certain grown up issues. I'm glad she's coming back.


Well-Known Member
Totally understandable. I go from very happy to a bit bummed when I think about it. I'm more happy, I want her to be up here with family and friends.

Oh where to begin. First is the cost of living for a single person. A 650 sq ft apartment for her in a mediocre/safe area is what she would pay for a very nice two-three bedroom in Indiana. Her car insurance is insane. The second would be traffic, I4 is horrible which a lot of you may know, she has to drive it every day to and from work. Third, she really hasn't made many friends while she's been down there. It's even hard to befriend co workers where she is. Her school is set up like a college campus with different buildings holding different areas of study. She is the youngest in her building with most everyone else being in their 40's. They all get along and enjoy each other but that doesn't help with the friend situation. Did I say she is also an introvert ☺️ Lastly is the heat. She has never liked hot weather. She actually would prefer a northern climate. She would do great up there with you in Wisconsin!

At least now she knows, and there’ll be no “What if…???” regrets. Maybe when she’s older she may want to try it again…?
And yes, as per my previous silly post, the heat can be a deal breaker for many here in Texas, as well.
We’re all used to it, as myself and our 3 grown kids are native Texans, and DWifey’s lived here so long she might as well be…!!!!! :hilarious:
Good luck to her with the move, and in her future endeavors…!!! :)


Well-Known Member
For some reason I stopped getting alerts to this thread so I've missed months of posts. Gotta love technology. For those that have been reading others trip reports, my last few planned vacations to WDW had to be postponed because of my elderly dog. I'm sad to say that he's no longer with us (as of last week) so we're going on our trip this month. He was my heart dog, canine soul mate, and animal love of my life so I'm completely devastated. Fingers crossed for smooth travels and no drama while we're gone.....


Premium Member
For some reason I stopped getting alerts to this thread so I've missed months of posts. Gotta love technology. For those that have been reading others trip reports, my last few planned vacations to WDW had to be postponed because of my elderly dog. I'm sad to say that he's no longer with us (as of last week) so we're going on our trip this month. He was my heart dog, canine soul mate, and animal love of my life so I'm completely devastated. Fingers crossed for smooth travels and no drama while we're gone.....

Sorry to hear about your pup passing. I lost my pup in November and she was my canine soul mate so I know how hard it can be.


Well-Known Member
For some reason I stopped getting alerts to this thread so I've missed months of posts. Gotta love technology. For those that have been reading others trip reports, my last few planned vacations to WDW had to be postponed because of my elderly dog. I'm sad to say that he's no longer with us (as of last week) so we're going on our trip this month. He was my heart dog, canine soul mate, and animal love of my life so I'm completely devastated. Fingers crossed for smooth travels and no drama while we're gone.....
So sorry - I hope the trip can bring you a little bit of joy during this sad time.


Premium Member
For some reason I stopped getting alerts to this thread so I've missed months of posts. Gotta love technology. For those that have been reading others trip reports, my last few planned vacations to WDW had to be postponed because of my elderly dog. I'm sad to say that he's no longer with us (as of last week) so we're going on our trip this month. He was my heart dog, canine soul mate, and animal love of my life so I'm completely devastated. Fingers crossed for smooth travels and no drama while we're gone.....
The loss of a pet can be so sad. Perhaps take some comfort in the fact that you gave him a good life with your family.


Well-Known Member
For some reason I stopped getting alerts to this thread so I've missed months of posts. Gotta love technology. For those that have been reading others trip reports, my last few planned vacations to WDW had to be postponed because of my elderly dog. I'm sad to say that he's no longer with us (as of last week) so we're going on our trip this month. He was my heart dog, canine soul mate, and animal love of my life so I'm completely devastated. Fingers crossed for smooth travels and no drama while we're gone.....
I'm so sorry for your loss. I'm glad you have a trip planned to help distract you a bit from that pain, and I hope it all goes smoothly!


Well-Known Member
For some reason I stopped getting alerts to this thread so I've missed months of posts. Gotta love technology. For those that have been reading others trip reports, my last few planned vacations to WDW had to be postponed because of my elderly dog. I'm sad to say that he's no longer with us (as of last week) so we're going on our trip this month. He was my heart dog, canine soul mate, and animal love of my life so I'm completely devastated. Fingers crossed for smooth travels and no drama while we're gone.....

My sincerest condolences regarding the loss of your pup. It’s never easy.

We’re on pups #9 and #10, over a 33+ year period. All big pups, we’ve never had less than 2, and we’ve had 3 twice.
5 of them are buried in the backyard of our old home (we lived there for 33+ years) that we moved from at the end of last year. Fortunately, our backyard at the new home is about twice as big as the other one, so the dogs have plenty of room to run.
Anyway, again, my sincerest condolences.

I very much hope y’all are able to enjoy y’all’s trip…!!! :)


Resident Redhead
Premium Member
For some reason I stopped getting alerts to this thread so I've missed months of posts. Gotta love technology. For those that have been reading others trip reports, my last few planned vacations to WDW had to be postponed because of my elderly dog. I'm sad to say that he's no longer with us (as of last week) so we're going on our trip this month. He was my heart dog, canine soul mate, and animal love of my life so I'm completely devastated. Fingers crossed for smooth travels and no drama while we're gone.....
I am so sorry...I remember you mentioning the postponed trips on account of your dog. While he's at rest now, you will take some time to heal. I hope your long-awaited WDW trip will offer some ease.

Can you share a photo of Pip?

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