Trip Report 8/15-8/21(Hot and Bothered)

Ok, so let me re-introduce the cast. There's myself and my beautiful girlfriend(Allison) of 2.5 years...

And there's the other couple Ron and Cass...

Our flight was leaving from Philly International Airport and 7:00 AM so we were up at about 3:30-4 in the AM. This doesn't suit me well at all but for Disney, anything. After a short drive to the airport we were through security no problem and quickly found our gate. With time to kill, we grabbed a quick breakfast from the grand-daddy of fine cuisine...McDonalds. After a filling and nutritious breakfast we were ready to get to Orlando.

Some people can sleep on a plane. I cannot. Luckily my friend Ron can...

No problems with our flight. After 2 of the longest hours anybody can expierence we were landing in Orlando. The Orlando airport itself could be a vacation destination in my opinion. But after going to the wrong end of the airport for Disney Magical Express we found ourselves at the end of a huge line for the DME. I've never actually had to wait for the DME or seen this much of a crowd at this time in the morning so this kind of shocked me but that would be the theme of the week.

Even though I complain it wasn't actually that long a wait for us. Soon enough we were at the Port Orleans FQ to begin our truely magical week. Check-In was smooth which was crucial for four 18 year olds on their first real trip alone. We got to our ice cold room which was as we wanted on ground level. We quickly got out of there and headed for Disney's Hollywood Studios.

The original plan was to go to DHS first in order to ride TSMM and OM'sD during their last day of operation before refurbishment. However, plans would change. By the time we were in the park TSMM had a 2.5 hour wait which none of us would sit in for one ride. TSMM would end up being a no-go for us due to this. I've been on it before so it wasn't a terrible loss for me. In the mean time we did Star Tours (Can't wait for the new one), Lunch at the Backlot Express, The Great Movie Ride, and Muppetvision 3D.



This would conclude our day as DHS. On to dinner at Captain Jack's.

David Roberts

Original Poster
Day 4: A night to remember

So the 4th day of the trip would end up being our take it slow day and most importantly our Downtown Disney. Also, to be taken into account is that myself and Allison had a 7:15 ADR for Hoop Dee Doo. It would be my first expierence there and a memorable one. Anyway we awoke at our resort (obviously) and I believe grabbed a quick bite at cafeteria there. We than headed to Downtown Disney. I love Downtown Disney even if there's not a whole lot there. It was time to shop. We made our rounds all throughout the Marketplace, Pleasure Island, West Side, and than back again. I love pins and spent my largest amount at one time on them at the kiosk there. Than a trip to Art of Disney which led to the purchase of The Haunted Mansion Retro poster and A Tomorrowland one as well. This visit would also lead to another purchase later in the trip but more on that later.

We tried to eat at Earl of Sandwich, a personal favorite, but of course it was too crowded:mad:. Instead we left and would make our way to Magic Kingdom.

Once in MK we headed over to Starlight Ray's Cafe to grab a burger. Ya know on this particular trip I didn't really LOVE any of the burgers we had ,but we didn't make it to Peco's Bills and I have yet to try Beaches and Cream. After eating we made our way to my favorite attraction....

Than over to Pirate's! I dare you to think of two better attractions than HM or PoTC.

I called next game but these guys were taking forever.

David Roberts

Original Poster
After a couple of rides it was actually already time to make it over to Ft. Wilderness. See we had booked this ADR when it was just me and Al going on this trip. When we added Ron and Cass they booked instead at Rain Forest Cafe. For now we're gonna focus on Hoop Dee Doo cause that's where I was:). We took the boat from MK to Ft Wilderness and it was a nice enjoyable ride. On the ride over I said to Allison I hope the table isn't too close to the stage cause I don't wanna be pulled up on stage or anything. Believe it or not I even have my shy moments. Anyway we arrived and after a short wait we proceeded in. I got separated from Al as she made her way in following our waitress. I finally caught up and instantly saw Allison just rolling laughing as we sat at the center stage table which was actually touching the stage. I guess this would be considered the best seat in the house. Of course we were part of the act somewhat but it definitely made the expierence well worth it. I couldn't eat because I laughed the entire time. Their was several instances where the cast interacted with us and I have video that I can try to post eventually. The point is Hoop Dee Doo was great and I can't wait to do it again sometime.


After the show we opted to take the boat over to Contemporary. We were going to cap our night with a trip to the Grand Floridean. I stared there years ago but Allison had never been there and especially wanted to check out the dream chapel there:hammer:. I think the Grand Floridean gets kind of a bad rep on the boards at least ,but I have to say it is the most beautiful and relaxing resort on Disney Property. I didn't wanna leave. We walked through the gift shop where I had to buy something for my dad(It's his favorite resort) and than made our way outside. We got up to the dock right by Narcoose's just in time to catch the tail end of wishes. Than, we meandered our way on over to the Disney chapel. I mean what can ya say? Clearly this is a few years in the distance for me for many reasons but I can't imagine a better place and she was in awe at both the resort and the chapel. I'm sure she's booking the wedding/disneymoon as we speak. After that stroll we walked along the beach over to the Polynesian to take the monorail back to MK and than the bus back.

To many this may seem like a throw away day at the world but this actually ended up being our favorite day, especially the evening, of our trip. It's a little sappy but it was a night that kind of put things in perspective for me/us. Oh and Cassandra and Ron had a good time too:lol:.
So that ends the hopelessly romantic day 4 of our trip. I promis that Day 5 will be filled with Testosterone as we ride Rockin Roller Coaster and I conquer the Tower of Terror. Thanks for reading guys:).


New Member
Just read your tr. Looks like fun. Your pics are great. The Kona cones look delicious.

Looking forward to reading more.


Well-Known Member
I grew up in Delaware County and currently also live in South Jersey, not far from where your girlfriend got you that awesome Phillies Shirt :). Loving the trip report so far and keep up that Philly pride!


Well-Known Member
i am really enjoying reading your trip report! my boyfriend and i went last year and it was our first official trip as an adult. its exciting to go on your first trip without the parentals. i really enjoyed the trip, of course, except for the part where i had to pay instead of my parents taking me :lol: enjoying your commentary. i like the line about calling next game in chess but the guys were taking forever in the potc queue. :lol: very funny. looking forward to reading the rest of your report!


Well-Known Member
Great trip report! Looks like you had an awesome time.

I'm actually a Widener grad. Back when we were the Pioneers.

David Roberts

Original Poster
Great trip report! Looks like you had an awesome time.

I'm actually a Widener grad. Back when we were the Pioneers.

Awesome, I literally just started today.

Good stuff man...Def gonna have to pop into Kona...

Yeah it suprised me to say the least.

i am really enjoying reading your trip report! my boyfriend and i went last year and it was our first official trip as an adult. its exciting to go on your first trip without the parentals. i really enjoyed the trip, of course, except for the part where i had to pay instead of my parents taking me :lol: enjoying your commentary. i like the line about calling next game in chess but the guys were taking forever in the potc queue. :lol: very funny. looking forward to reading the rest of your report!

Yeah it was definitely a different feeling being on our own, but it was great.

David Roberts

Original Poster
Day 5: Really Fantasmic???:shrug:

Day 5 was to be a Hollywood Studios day. We had a reservation at Sci Fi, one of my favorite, and planned to see Fantasmic that night. Also to keep in mind... I consider myself maybe not a Disney expert, but at least a well seasoned veteran. Anyway, in all my trips I had never done Tower of Terror what is argueably considered one of the best rides in WDW. This is due mostly to the fact that I don't like vertical drops. I love roller coasters but not so much a fan of big drops. No one was forcing me on but I felt a need to do it because I love The Twighlight Zone and the themeing always intrigued me. Would I conquer my fears though or would Rod Serling and the Tower of Terror paralyze me in fear?

As we made our way into the studios we went directly over to Rockin Roller Coaster. We grabbed fastpasses and hopped in line. I love RnRC.
I feel like I've somehow made Ron the center of this TR but he just has the darndest in-line pictures.

So after waiting a good 40 minutes we were ready to make our way to the Aerosmith concert via SUPER stretch limo. Once we got to the front of the line the four of us found ourselves in the front two cars again. Ron and I weasled our way in the very front yet again(first time was expedition). Our girlfriends are just too nice.


Playtime was over. It was time to put up or shut up. We made our way over to the Hollywood Hotel. Is it me or does everyone wish they could actually stay in a themed motel like the ToT. I would probably opt for a better elevator system or take the stairs but still I imagine people would pay big bucks to stay inside the Tower. We had a bit of a wait but clearly this queue had alot to look at along the way. And by that I mean the girls had us to look at.

As we made our way inside the Hotel the fear was obviously getting to me.

Soon enough their was no turning back. The outcome? I went on. I said I would and I'm a man of my word. Did I hold the steel handle infront of me till it was on the verge of breaking? Yeah, but I made it and thats what counts. In all seriousness though I loved it and it wasn't as bad as other rides I had been on that were similar. Why did I wait so long to do it? As far as theme it became an instant favorite of mine.

The quality here isnt very good but you can make me out in the first row.

We stopped for a photo-op with Walt because I had my picture there the previous year... Let's compare.
No hair.


David Roberts

Original Poster
After that it was time for lunch at Pizza Planet. Unlike the theme of this trip Pizza Planet was dead. This was probably because it was only 11:45 or so but I was still suprised. We gassed up and than Ron and I put the pedal to the floor as we raced for pink slips.

Dave wins 3 out of 4:ROFLOL:

After food it was on to one of my personal favorite. The Indiana Jones Epic Stunt show. I think the show is wildly underrated but that's because I LOVE Indiana Jones. I was the kid with the hat on running around with a purse and a belt I pretended was a whip:lookaroun. Anyway, I agree it could use some rethemeing. Last Crusade anybody??? It's absolutely great to go to the show with someone who hasn't been there before and see them react when the stuntman gets "crushed" by the ball. Ron was very concerned. After the show, we made our way to RnRC to use up those fastpasses. After that quick ride we decided to make our way back to FQ before our 7:00 reservation at Sci Fi.

Skip ahead a couple hours and we're at Sci Fi awaiting to be seated so I can get my Reuben.





David Roberts

Original Poster
Sorry it's alot of photos but I felt like so many of the Sci Fi ones were good. Sci Fi is awesome. If you haven't gone... Than what's your deal? No, it's not gourmet food but it's all american food and it's cooked great. Our waiter was awesome. He was prompt, in character, and very helpful. Without a doubt my favorite CM of the trip. After devouring my Reuben and Chocolate Peanut Butter Cake it was time for Fantasmic. Allison has never seen Fantasmic and obviously Ron had not. It is without a doubt my favorite show and the best on property. I was excited to share the expierence with Allison. We got outside the "arena" a full hour ahead of time to bet met by a CM proclaiming that the show was full. NOT EVEN STANDING ROOM? Meanwhile a line formed all the way down the Boulevard for the show at 10. A full 2 hours away. I was livid and Al was so dissapointed I thought she may cry. Time had run out for Fantasmic on this trip. It would not be accomplished.



So dejected not only because of Fantasmic but because of the realization that tomorrow was our last full day in Disney World I found a little comfort by making another big pin purchase. Ron did as well. I created a monster. After this we pretty much made our way back to the resort. We'd check out the arcade and hot tub at the resort but that darn Fantasmic haunted us for the rest of the night...

Day 6 to come: Epcot, Le cellier, and MK till 3...


New Member
RNRC and TOT are 2 of the best rides.

I am going to try the Reuben this trip coming up there, heard many things about it.

Sorry you missed Fantasmic, the crowds must have been crazy.

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