Trip Report 8/15-8/21(Hot and Bothered)

Ok, so let me re-introduce the cast. There's myself and my beautiful girlfriend(Allison) of 2.5 years...

And there's the other couple Ron and Cass...

Our flight was leaving from Philly International Airport and 7:00 AM so we were up at about 3:30-4 in the AM. This doesn't suit me well at all but for Disney, anything. After a short drive to the airport we were through security no problem and quickly found our gate. With time to kill, we grabbed a quick breakfast from the grand-daddy of fine cuisine...McDonalds. After a filling and nutritious breakfast we were ready to get to Orlando.

Some people can sleep on a plane. I cannot. Luckily my friend Ron can...

No problems with our flight. After 2 of the longest hours anybody can expierence we were landing in Orlando. The Orlando airport itself could be a vacation destination in my opinion. But after going to the wrong end of the airport for Disney Magical Express we found ourselves at the end of a huge line for the DME. I've never actually had to wait for the DME or seen this much of a crowd at this time in the morning so this kind of shocked me but that would be the theme of the week.

Even though I complain it wasn't actually that long a wait for us. Soon enough we were at the Port Orleans FQ to begin our truely magical week. Check-In was smooth which was crucial for four 18 year olds on their first real trip alone. We got to our ice cold room which was as we wanted on ground level. We quickly got out of there and headed for Disney's Hollywood Studios.

The original plan was to go to DHS first in order to ride TSMM and OM'sD during their last day of operation before refurbishment. However, plans would change. By the time we were in the park TSMM had a 2.5 hour wait which none of us would sit in for one ride. TSMM would end up being a no-go for us due to this. I've been on it before so it wasn't a terrible loss for me. In the mean time we did Star Tours (Can't wait for the new one), Lunch at the Backlot Express, The Great Movie Ride, and Muppetvision 3D.



This would conclude our day as DHS. On to dinner at Captain Jack's.

Magenta Panther

Well-Known Member
After a trip back to the resort to get freshened we were on a bus headed for Downtown Disney. We had a 6:10 reservation for Captain Jack's. After making a few stops in stores like The Art of Disney store(This is where I spent most of my $$$), we arrived at our restuarant. We were seated almost immediately and with a table right next to the water. Our waitress was very helpful although I don't remember her name.

My meal: The Shrimp Pasta with Lobster sauce.

Ron's Meal: The crabcake's

The meal was very good and a good start to our vacation. For about 9 months I thought about the crabcakes I would have that first night but once there I opted for the pasta. According to my friend Ron this was a horrible mistake.
After dinner we were heading straight for Magic Kingdom for EMH till 2 I believe (We wouldn't last that long).
That first night we accomplished a good amount due to the lower crowds. We headed straight for Tomorrowland, which is my favorite land. I was ready to ride Space Mountain after not having ridden it since 2006. We did Space Mountain, The Peoplemover, Carousel of Progress(which suprisingly was one of Ron's favorite's and this was his first visit to the world), and Buzz Lightyear's Ranger Spin.


After that we got caught up watching Wishes. The girls loved it and I admit it's one of the best firework's shows I've ever seen. After that we jumped on Winnie the Pooh which had no wait. We made our rounds around fantasyland except for Philhar which we'd do later and Peter Pan cause of a ridiculous wait. We made our way over to my favorite ride of all, The Haunted Mansion. I think if Disney ever did get rid of the mansion I would quickly purchase it so I could use it as my private home. After that we did Pirates of the Carribean before calling it a night around 12:30 (Give us a was the first day.)
Tomorrow morning we'd get a little extra sleep before our 10 AM reservation at Chef Mickey's.

Isn't it amazing that Peter Pan has such long lines???? Every time I've gone to WDW it's always the same. That's why I think it'd be a great thing if the ride were updated and refurbished. I think it's the idea of the ride even more than the execution that so enchants people.


Well-Known Member
What a great TR! I love reading reports of people my age. That being said, my boyfriend would never in a million trillion years write a TR (unless we did a cross country, visit every hockey arena, I'm writing it for the Leafs blog TR) so I'm enjoying the male point of view!

This quote also killed me: "So that ends the hopelessly romantic day 4 of our trip. I promis that Day 5 will be filled with Testosterone as we ride Rockin Roller Coaster and I conquer the Tower of Terror."

Anxiously awaiting A) the completion, and B) the secret thing that you have been hinting at the entire time.

Hope the first few days of college have been good! My classes start tomorrow (ew).


New Member
Got to agree with the Fantasmic issue. We also waited a full hour in advance of the show and could not get in on two occasions. My favorite show has become elusive on our pass two trips.

David Roberts

Original Poster
Isn't it amazing that Peter Pan has such long lines???? Every time I've gone to WDW it's always the same. That's why I think it'd be a great thing if the ride were updated and refurbished. I think it's the idea of the ride even more than the execution that so enchants people.

It really has become ridiculous. For me it's a must FP because although I love the ride waiting an hour for Peter Pan as worth waiting an hour for Space Mountain.

Where did the girls get their tiaras?? They're super cute :)

Actually, I think they brought them with them. They're just so...special:lookaroun

What a great TR! I love reading reports of people my age. That being said, my boyfriend would never in a million trillion years write a TR (unless we did a cross country, visit every hockey arena, I'm writing it for the Leafs blog TR) so I'm enjoying the male point of view!

This quote also killed me: "So that ends the hopelessly romantic day 4 of our trip. I promis that Day 5 will be filled with Testosterone as we ride Rockin Roller Coaster and I conquer the Tower of Terror."

Anxiously awaiting A) the completion, and B) the secret thing that you have been hinting at the entire time.

Hope the first few days of college have been good! My classes start tomorrow (ew).

Yeah, I hope to get the chance to read more TR's of people around our age. I love all the TR's but I think it's a very special expierence going to Disney by yourself for the first time as an adult.

Well I guess it helps if your boyfriend has a borderline weird obsession with Disney World like I do? Just ask Allison.:lol:

Good luck with classes. Just finished my first week and I'm already tapped out.

Got to agree with the Fantasmic issue. We also waited a full hour in advance of the show and could not get in on two occasions. My favorite show has become elusive on our pass two trips.

It's ridiculous, really. I love the show but having seen it before I was more accepting of the issue than the rest of our party. Really I felt bad for Al cause she was visibly upset.:(

Sorry I've been putting off finishing the TR guys. I PROMISE I'll be writing the rest tomorrow.

P.S. I've found that writing the last days of the trip report is almost as saddening as leaving WDW all over again.

David Roberts

Original Poster
Day 6: Say it ain't so

So the last day of any trip to Disney World for me is not neccessarily the last. Most of the time it's the day before. The last day you know that you'll wake up and fall asleep in Disney is the hardest. For us it seemed as though this entire trip was mapped out around this day. We'd be going to Epcot in the morning and staying until dinner at Le Cellier (My favorite). Then, we'd be exiting and heading to Magic Kingdom (My favorite) for EMH until 3 AM. It seemed like the perfect day.


So upon arriving at Epcot we soaked in gazing at the "Giant golf ball" ,as many people I know would refer to it, for the last time. We made our way over to our favorite attractions. We did Test Track again and even waited again for Soarin (About an hour). After getting off Soarin we needed some food. This was a priority because our dinner at Le Cellier was an early one. We headed for the World Showcase. The girls decided they needed more princess photos so Ron and I walked around and did some shopping.

We grabbed a quick bite at American Pavillion. After that it was more shopping and walking around the WS. Clearly I'd saved my gift shopping for last. Al and I caught a showing of the British Invasion over in England. I think these guys ,and the other performers as well, are underrated. Besides having great talent and sounding very authentic (I've listen to more Beatles music than the average 19 year old) they're up there in heavy clothes wearing wigs when I could barely stand to be outside. After the 5 or 6 song set Al and I got closer to take some pictures of the guys from Liverpool. When we got closer to the gazebo the guys asked if we wanted a picture. It turned out to be one of my favorites of the trip...

Before ya we knew it it was time to head over to Canada. Normally I make it a point to avoid Canada or Canadians unless they play nfor the Flyers (sorry) but for a good steak I make exceptions. Of course I changed into my Flyers shirt before entering Le Cellier. At least two of the servers hassled me for it:lol:. Anyway when we got to Le Cellier something was different this time. I have been there a total of 3 previos times and I just wasn't getting the same good vibes from the place. When we got the bread sticks ,which top any breadsticks at Olive Garden, they didn't seem very fresh. I felt like they could have been sitting for awhile. It didn't matter cause our food was out in a flash... Good sign or not? I wonder. Cass started off with the Cheddar Soup...

Everyone got the Filet except for Cassandra...

She got the gnocchi dish.



So the verdict that the food lovers have been waiting for... The Filet Mignon at Le Cellier has been the best steak I've ever had, each time I've had it. As chewed the tender juicey steak though I couldn't really enjoy it. It was the taste of a former lover. The NY strip from Kona still lingered on my lips. I knew it, Kona knew it, and worst of all Le Cellier knew it. It would never be the same. For those of you who couldn't follow that weird narration... In this battle of foods the Kona NY teriyaki strip steak wins out because of the explosion of taste.

After Le Cellier it was time to get ready for MK. We retreated back to POFQ for some R&R before our 3 AM night. We said goodbye to Epcot the city of tomorrow(I hope) for the last time on this trip.

End Part I
Tomorrow Part II Day 6(Magic Kingdom EMH)
Sorry guys I gotta make this a two parter..


Well-Known Member
Hockey grudges mostly. Although a couple of French-Canadians were pretty rude while we were in Animal Kingdom, in particular to me, because I was wearing a Flyers shirt.

Mon chere, you were wearing a Flyers shirt, what'd you expect? ;)

Seriously though, taking those.. what, four people the example of an ENTIRE NATION is a pretty large oversight (esp. when you're talking about les francais).


PS: When are you getting to the cute romantic part of this, I've been waiting.


Well-Known Member
This is great trip report and wonderful pictures. I was so into it greatly anticipating reading the second part of the last day when I get to the end of the page and it's not there!:lol: I need to read the end! I'm jonesing for a fix:eek:

David Roberts

Original Poster
For the record...
Sorry I didn't finish this trip report, but I will be within the next week or so because I can't bear to start my Pre-Trip Report which is long over due without finishing this one:)

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