this is definitely the most important bit of information for me as well and it makes me extremely happy
From the concept art it looks like satellite lands without much in-between them, that would be a poor design decision IMHO. But i also always remind me that this is just a paint over over the 3D View of the current park. I would imagine that there will also be some tweaking in the existing areas (apart from Marvel).
May be i'm a bit to optimistic here but i think the project will more likely see upscaling (like the non-existing hollywood blvd in the concept art) and the like as downscaling. Simply because the french president has been involved and it has been published in each and every media they have. We will have to see what happens after the CEO change in 2021 (if that actually happens) but the future is looking very bright
Only a year to wait until we can watch construction, new concept arts, new details being revealed for the years to come. That is a dream come true big time