I'd hope they'd be quite good checksThe monorails will no longer be accessible unless you've been through a bad check on any end..

I'd hope they'd be quite good checksThe monorails will no longer be accessible unless you've been through a bad check on any end..
I'd hope they'd be quite good checks
Anything you can share as far as queuing plans for the 3 monorail resorts? In my mind it seems problematic during high volume periods such as the morning rush and the evening return for fireworks. If the plan is to create rope queues inside, where would these go? At contemporary you would almost have to have it downstairs before the escalator. Are they planning on outside locations for the Grand and Polynesian?
I'm just thinking of the speed of going through security and picturing massive backups of people in lines at the resorts.
This is where magicbands can shine. Make the resort monorail accessible only to guests and those with dinner reservations. Others guests shouldn't be loitering about the grounds anyway. I know that would be controversial but people pay top dollar for those amenities and shouldn't have to deal with the crowds that now wander about.
Based on where the huge, white tents have been erected, it's on the path from the loops to the gates near the seam where the pavers meet concrete. Maybe 100' closer than the old bag check.Where are the security checkpoints then for the busses? Is it before the "merge" area just before walking under the monorail?
I can't see where else they'd put it at the Contemporary other than on the monorail platform, unless they are going to completely reconfigure the area at the base of the escalators. Guessing outside at both Poly and GF.
I'm just thinking of the mess that a backup creates with the escalator if security is after it instead of before it. Maybe I'm off base here though.
Same thing with poly and grand - I can see the lines backed up right through the resort doors and then, well, everywhere.
Disney has actually made some notable improvements as of late with the speed of security screening. Epcot is the most notable but basically what they have done is put a metal detector between two bag check stations so with 3 security people they can zig zag the guests from the left and right bag checks through the detector and keep the line moving. It's much faster than the two step system they have been using. They also seemingly turned down the sensitivity or got better metal detectors as I noticed less people getting wand checked. Guests without bags still go through a separate line so there's no hold up there either.
TTC screening will be one area for both ferry and Monorail. Once screened you'll be able to choose either.Sorry for my lack of knowlege have not visited yet. Is the ferry and TTC security in seperate areas meaning if one goes down you will have to go back through a security check again? Or will it be set for people to go between the two without screening?
I'm just thinking of the mess that a backup creates with the escalator if security is after it instead of before it. Maybe I'm off base here though.
Same thing with poly and grand - I can see the lines backed up right through the resort doors and then, well, everywhere.
Remember though, when guests arrive to take the monorail from a resort, they usually don't show up as a mass group of people. They get to the monorail station as small groups. They will be able to go through security when they arrive at the station, then wait in the "secure" area for the next monorail to arrive. The backup at security really shouldn't be too bad.
You missed personal jet packI think I've addressed every possible mode of transit here:
Arrival at TTC by car: Guests will board trams or walk to the TTC, where screening will take place between ticketing and the ferry/monorail platforms. This area between the transportation and trams is being extended out to the tram loading area in preparation for the massive lines necessary for bag checks and metal detectors. In order to board transport to the Magic Kingdom, all guests must be screened before choosing Bus, Ferry, or Monorail travel depending on availability.
Arrival at TTC by city/tour bus/3rd party hotel shuttle/uber/taxi: screening is shared with those arriving from the parking lot, and will take place between ticketing and the ferry/monorail platforms. In order to board transport to the Magic Kingdom, all guests must be screened before choosing Bus, Ferry, or Monorail travel depending on availability
Walking to TTC via Polynesian Resort: Currently unknown, but logical assumption is that Polynesian walkers will be redirected through the same checkpoint that is shared with parking lot guests that arrive via trams or walking
Resort Monorail Transportation to Magic Kingdom: Guests will be screened before boarding monorails at the resort hotels
Resort Boat Transportation to Magic Kingdom: Guests will ride boats to Magic Kingdom directly and will be screened upon arrival at the Magic Kingdom dock/boat launces before entering the park (NOTE: THIS DOES NOT INCLUDE THE FERRY)
Resort Bus Transportation to Magic Kingdom: Guests will ride buses to Magic Kingdom directly and will be screened upon arrival at the Magic Kingdom at a checkpoint between the bus terminal and the park gates
Walking to Magic Kingdom via Contemporary Resort: Guests will be able to continue to talk to the Magic Kingdom via Contemporary, and will be directed into the screening area shared with resort buses
Transfer to Magic Kingdom via EPCOT monorail: Currently, guests must pass through screening to board EPCOT's monorail, and again must be screened at Magic Kingdom's front gate. This process will improve with the moved checkpoints, as guests will arrive at the TTC from EPCOT pre-screened and will not require additional checks. Guests will transfer to the Magic Kingdom transports at TTC having arrived "pre screened".
Transfers to EPCOT via all modes of transport: (PROBLEM)!!! Guests will be screened before entering monorails at monorail resorts, guests will be screened before entering monorails at the TTC, guests will have already been cleared if they board a monorail from the Magic Kingdom. Since the monorails would become within the "secure zone" of the TTC, there will be no need to re-screen monorail riders when they arrive at EPCOT. Unfortunately, due to the current set up of the monorail unload platform, it will be difficult to separate pre-screened monorail passengers from arriving bus or tram guests at EPCOT. This problem is the reverse of what used to happen when people riding from EPCOT to the Magic Kingdom were screened twice. Thus, people transferring to EPCOT may indeed need to be screened TWICE (once when they board at a resort or the TTC, and again when they enter EPCOT). This could be solved by either re-routing the monorail's exit at EPCOT, or by simply reversing the station flow all together and boarding passengers through the exit. This would have the added benefit of allowing a screening area for the Monorail by using the Monorail's current huge exit platform area that was never used for other monorail connections. Since Disney was okay with making people go through screening twice using the old system, I have my doubts that they'll try to fix that problem here. Unfortunate, I've always hated the double screening and it looks like it's going to continue.
Remember though, when guests arrive to take the monorail from a resort, they usually don't show up as a mass group of people. They get to the monorail station as small groups. They will be able to go through security when they arrive at the station, then wait in the "secure" area for the next monorail to arrive. The backup at security really shouldn't be too bad.
The Hotels are more than just a place to sleep. They are a place to shop, eat, enjoy entertainment, and attend events/conventions. To block out all but hotel guests and those with dinner reservations would cost TDO millions in lost revenue and sour the resort experience of many.
TTC screening will be one area for both ferry and Monorail. Once screened you'll be able to choose either.
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