And FP is equally available to them.
Without FP, then avoiding lines goes to those who show up super early and the paying customers who show up at 11 AM are screwed. No FP, then, encourages the whole attendance for the day to all show up at once an hour or two before opening. People with FPs for later in the day don't have to play that game.
But, what you just pointed out is a different argument from whether FP artificially inflate all the lines. They don't unless they is the expectation that some people won't even get to three rides in one day.
Equal only if Disney has thousands of phone lines and personnel manning them, There never has been a time when everyone had an equal opportunity to have one. Even when they had the machines, if every person were at the parks at the same time and went to the machines at the same time they were only available for the number of people that they had pre-determined would be issued.
That pile of crap about "everybody has equal opportunity" is one of the biggest Disney PR spins that for some reason no one questions. It is a flat out lie and always has been especially now with the need to set up 60 days ahead of time. People who attempt even a couple of minutes after their open time are not able to get many because everyone seems to forget that the days before they were taken by someone else that were getting there earlier. Some don't even have a chance. It is a stupid system, it always has been and there is no amount of evidence that there wasn't more negative then positive from the day of it's inception, it's just that people accept things without thinking about them. Now no matter how much it is disliked, generally, we have to use it or not get to see much.
I don't know how many years you have been going as an adult. I don't even begin to measure stuff like this based on a child's memory, but, I have stood, as an adult, in all those scenarios. I know the difference in feeling, I stood among people that after FP was instituted were angry and frustrated. I will repeat, people did b itch about it before, but, they were never angry, the goal was predictably in sight. I was so alarmed by the difference in crowd attitudes that I was moved to call Disney about it. Something I never did before or since. I am not going by what someone told me, I am going by real life experience. I can't make you believe it, but, I was there, I know the difference in feel. I also know that if that had been in existence there is a good chance that there would not have been enough enjoyment to counter the frustration. In other words, my first trip would have been one and done.
I'm just repeating myself here, so go ahead and do what ever you want, you don't have to pay any attention to me. I do know what I think is good and what I think is bad and I know why I think that way. So, since they are not going to change anything anytime soon, except, hopefully start charging for FP's, I will end my part of this discussion.