It's simple, it's an adrenaline rush and the thrill quotient is satisfied. In fact, they people like myself don't want it any longer, but, that does not make 7DMT a bad ride nor does it need to get the bad mouthing that it does get because we think it should have been longer and damn the Disney tightwads for taking away from our experience. Those that are complaining are not those that enjoy a simple dark/light ride with no increase in heartbeat. Even before it ever opened it was described as a Kiddie Coaster. Well, DUH, it is located in a place called Fantasyland, along side Dumbo, Mermaid and Beast. Who would have thought that it might be directed toward the same audience as those attractions.
In my mind, nothing was taken away, in fact, a whole damn ride was given that wasn't originally planned. That is a win whether we want to acknowledge it or not. The people that love RnRC are those the can handle inversions and snap your neck accelerations. There are two varieties of those... the outright adrenaline junky that can't get enough "thrills" and those more like myself that enjoy it on a much more subdued level but appreciate how it was handled in a Disney park that usually isn't all into the "thrill" experience and something that the company was never based on, if you follow the history of Disney, which I know you do. In that sense 7DMT was done very well. In a place called "Fantasyland" that by nature is not themed for the "junky" it is well done, creative, detailed and fun. Not long enough for some, but, still a quality attractions that gets nothing but hate from those that feel that Disney just doesn't do enough for them. It just gets tedious is all!
The only past references to thrill that were in the era of Walt are the Matterhorn, which I haven't ridden but it appears to be Space Mountain with holes in it and Space Mountain. Now as good and as popular as SM is, can you tell me how cheap a ride like that is. A roller-coaster built inside a pitch black room. No scenery, nothing to see... all you can do is ride. The theme is limited to the queue and nothing else. Man, those imagineers must have stayed up nights for months trying to design that themed ride.