Hmm. Well the style of the new art is different (less appealing, in my opinion). So some things could just be artist interpretation. But I notice quite a few small other changes, some that can't be the artist. The bridge, for example. How was the other bridge going to work anyway? They would've needed nets on both sides of the bridge, or above the track, to prevent people from throwing objects onto the riders. Also, that small building to the left of the one that had the decorated roof is now gone. And the building extension that I believe is the exit to TSMM appears far smaller. Regardless of the percieved cuts, it makes me think that the project is not as far along as most had hoped or expected.
We also don't get to see the bottom area of the land, with the entrance and those few buildings. I assume they would've been for meet and greets, shops, and maybe a food place. Maybe even a mini show. And it's totally possible that they weren't cut, but interesting that the art convientantly cuts off at that point. Maybe that part is still being decided on.
The track is a bit shorter. It looks like the part after the second launch doesn't go back as far either. Again, maybe artist interpretation. I do believe the trenches are no longer a part of this, but getting rid of the lift hill isn't too bad, in my opinion. I think that, in the future, some nice things could be added in one of both launch areas. A show scene, outdoor or indoor, could probably be added. Just some very wishful and forward thinking. Removal of scenery is in no way a positive thing.
My summary of this is that the destroyer of all things good, our friend Chappie, said "hey guys, we can't have all those meet and greets, street entertainment, decorations, all the stuff that'll make the land well received, because I am trying to help the bottom line (but in the end, will draw less people to the park and therefore make profits drop." I think a lot of what's being cut will be operational, day-to-day stuff such as characters walking around, a mini show, and little stuff like that. I'm sure many of the cuts are not clear from the art alone.
A book should be written on Paul Pressler and DCA. And Chappie should read that book. Or he can ruin his career in the exact same way, if that's what he wants to do.