tourist reports Bed bugs in Disney resort

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When it comes to bed bugs cleanliness actually has little to do with it. Unlike roaches and ants which are attracted to garbage because it typically contains food, bed bugs are attracted to warm blooded mammals. You could take 10 showers a day and have a team of maids that routinely clean your house and if your suit case picks up a bed bug from a bush or the grass and you will get bed bugs.

Well said.

As someone who works in the housing industry, I've seen bedbugs become a huge issue, in rental housing over the last year especially, in New England. They require constant high heat for a period of time and simply run away from sprays into neighboring units, rooms, etc...into walls, into spaces in furniture. They're very resilient. I assisted an extremely clean person with moving, as a result of someone else bringing bed bugs into a downstairs apt. He had to get all new furniture and bedding plus put all clothing into a dryer on high for at least 20 minutes. All of this had to be done after leaving one place on the way to the next to prevent transfer of any of the little critters. Bedbugs don't care about who you are, your wealth, or cleanliness. They just wanna chew on anyone available.


Well-Known Member
Not necessarily. You can clean a room to all hell and back and bed bugs can still remain. The are very small and light brown in color which tends to make them blend in with the mattress. The big thing to check for is their droppings which look like fine black sand. If you see that call the manager immediately. They are also quite resistance to pesticides so you simply can't spray for them as a preventative like you can for other insects. The way most exterminators are getting rid of them now is to bring these huge heaters into the room and crank the temperature in the room up to 150 degrees or more for a few hours.

100% correct.

I have my doubts about if what was reported in the article were bed bugs.

Bed bugs are very tiny. Bed bugs also do not "hang around" to be seen when you pull back the covers. As was said, the best way to find them is to look for their droppings. Look especialy along the edge of the mattress when the rolled edge seam is, they like little cracks like that for hiding spaces.

If the person in the article saw the bugs, and was able to squish them and see blood, my guess is the were some other sort of parasitic bug that feeds on blood - fleas or ticks spring to mind

And its not that bed bugs have become resistant to the pesticides, its that the pesticides that used to be used, are now banned because they were so strong in the first place. Bed bugs live in cracks and crevices -bed frames, behind baseboard, in walls, etc. Unless you have a pesticide that fumigates and gets into the cracks, it is not going to get them. Dusting poweders and aerosol sprays are not going to help.

You best bet is to just check the room when you first get in.



New Member
Original Poster
ok, I am kind of sorry I posted this, I was not trying to get a negitive thread going, I was just shocked to read the article ( guess a little pin poke to my ballon).

This situation as come apon our magical place and it just showed me that even at Disney you need to be aware of the surroundings.

If anyone has been offended by anything that was posted I apologize for those that have offended.


Well-Known Member
*taps the poster on shoulder*

Your ignorance is showing. Just FYI.

*whispers in your ear*

I don't care.

It's nice that you stay there and leave other rooms empty for me, but the kind of people who drag their crap anywhere and put it on everything (as already noted with the Christmas decor and laundry) and treat their hotel like a trailer park home are more likely to be found there then somewhere else, especially given the number of rooms and their price range.

I also wouldn't be surprised if someone brought some flea ridden blanket they use for their dog on vacation and had it in that room first.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
Nice to know Disney is still maintaining those high standards they are known for :rolleyes:
Considering such low class places such as the 4 Seasons in San Fransisco and the Palms in South Beach have had cases of bed bugs in the last year it looks like Disney's standards are doing just fine at the resorts. Why don't you pedal your p*&s and vinegar some where else because we aren't buying.


Well-Known Member
That Sucks

At WDW, being exposed to bloodsuccking parasites is really just a tradition. You can find them in the gift shops, at the food kiosks, and even in the attraction queues during the hot summers; "Ice cold water, $5, get you're ice cold water here."

So, you see, it's just part of the magic. :brick:

The Conundrum

New Member
Isn't it ironic that by adding "value "resorts"" to WDW they actually diminished the VALUE of the entire resort :ROFLOL:

It was a mistake from day one.


Well-Known Member
At WDW, being exposed to bloodsuccking parasites is really just a tradition. You can find them in the gift shops, at the food kiosks, and even in the attraction queues during the hot summers; "Ice cold water, $5, get you're ice cold water here."

So, you see, it's just part of the magic. :brick:



Well-Known Member
Come on people really? Are we having this discussion? Just check your mattress. If you see something, call the desk. It's not that hard. Yes unfortunately there are people in this world who like to share what they have. I really doubt what they squished on the bed was bed bugs cause like everyone said, they like cracks and crevices. They are not crawling around on the mattress like they are having a party. Well they might be but anyway......You take that risk anywhere you go.


God bless the "Ignore" button.
*whispers in your ear*

I don't care.

It's nice that you stay there and leave other rooms empty for me, but the kind of people who drag their crap anywhere and put it on everything (as already noted with the Christmas decor and laundry) and treat their hotel like a trailer park home are more likely to be found there then somewhere else, especially given the number of rooms and their price range.

I also wouldn't be surprised if someone brought some flea ridden blanket they use for their dog on vacation and had it in that room first.
Honestly? Normally I'M the one telling people not to be overly-sensitive, but that's only regarding jokes. From what I can tell, you honestly seem to believe this. Whenever I go to WDW, I stay at one of the delux resorts, but I don't think less of people who stay at value resorts. I know that stereotypes exist for a reason, but that reason isn't for you to pass judgement on an entire group of people.


Well-Known Member
Honestly? Normally I'M the one telling people not to be overly-sensitive, but that's only regarding jokes. From what I can tell, you honestly seem to believe this. Whenever I go to WDW, I stay at one of the delux resorts, but I don't think less of people who stay at value resorts. I know that stereotypes exist for a reason, but that reason isn't for you to pass judgement on an entire group of people.

I'm glad you read my post about how that crowd is more likely to be found at a Value resort. Did I say everyone there is? No but a 2,000+ room with a lower price is more likely to find 1 or 2 families like that than a 500 room place that's more expensive.

Cheerleaders often stay at the Values and practice their routines sometimes at 6am. Does that mean anybody who stays their fits in that group and does the same? No, but they are still there.


New Member
I went downstairs into my basement just now and found a spider. Since then I have already called my attorney who is, as I type, filing lawsuits against the builder of my home for not preventing a spider from invading and inhabiting my home, and against the county of El Paso, Colorado, for not having done more to eradicate all insect life from the county. :hammer:


Active Member
Bed bugs unfortunately are a part of the hotel matter the hotel. I have encountered them at a few properties I have worked at. Once they are reported we shut down that room and adjacent rooms (they travel, yes, and fast) until the exterminators do their job and deem it ok. It has nothing to do with shoddy housekeeping, though.

I am surprised it doesn't happen more often at Disney with the volume of guests going through!


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
Considering such low class places such as the 4 Seasons in San Fransisco and the Palms in South Beach have had cases of bed bugs in the last year it looks like Disney's standards are doing just fine at the resorts. Why don't you pedal your p*&s and vinegar some where else because we aren't buying.


Thank you.
*whispers in your ear*

I don't care.

It's nice that you stay there and leave other rooms empty for me, but the kind of people who drag their crap anywhere and put it on everything (as already noted with the Christmas decor and laundry) and treat their hotel like a trailer park home are more likely to be found there then somewhere else, especially given the number of rooms and their price range.

I also wouldn't be surprised if someone brought some flea ridden blanket they use for their dog on vacation and had it in that room first.

Wow, so you really don't care about how bigoted or ignorant your post was, huh? Typical.

You're probably one of those people that goes to Guest Relations and complains that Tigger fondled you.


Well-Known Member
Wow, so you really don't care about how bigoted or ignorant your post was, huh? Typical.

You're probably one of those people that goes to Guest Relations and complains that Tigger fondled you.

Nice try, but I respect the characters while meeting them.

You're the first person to accuse me about begin bigoted about anything so I'll give you chocolate medal wrapped in foil for that.

You're post even proves that you believe that not everyone who goes to WDW is perfect and if you had not jumped to conclusions you would have noticed that I said "more likely" to describe a potential for that kind of a family to show up. If you still think I said every Value resort guest is like that, than you're just easily offended and just want to make yourself feel better by putting down me.
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