tourist reports Bed bugs in Disney resort

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EPCOT Explorer

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It'd be cool if Disney gave you some of the bug eye glasses from It's Tough to be a Bug so that you could see the little basturds crawling all over your bed.


New Member
ok i have to ask, there are a few of you who talk about the quality of people staying a "value" resorts and how some people arent clean and bring things in, let me ask you this have you gone to the movies and placed your haed onthe back of the chair because your more likely to get head lice then see bed bugs. its nature. and people who have head lice are known for very clean hair cause lice doesnt like dirty hair. So i guess im saying you can catch anything anywhere no matter the conditions. Ignorance is blis but dangerous, and being ignorant is just a dangerous and seems to bejust as contagous.. :brick:


New Member
ok i have to ask, there are a few of you who talk about the quality of people staying a "value" resorts and how some people arent clean and bring things in, let me ask you this have you gone to the movies and placed your haed onthe back of the chair because your more likely to get head lice then see bed bugs. its nature. and people who have head lice are known for very clean hair cause lice doesnt like dirty hair. So i guess im saying you can catch anything anywhere no matter the conditions. Ignorance is blis but dangerous, and being ignorant is just a dangerous and seems to bejust as contagous.. :brick:

I am probably one of the few people who think about that (lice on movie theater seats). We don't go to the movie theater often but the couple of times of year we do we each wear a lightweight hooded jacket. 1. Because it gets quiet chilly in theaters and 2. to cover our heads. Of course the lice could just walk onto our jackets and onto our heads but it makes me feel better. Movie theater seats are really nasty! :hurl:


Active Member
Anamaniacs, i completely understand where you were trying to go with your response, but i don't think anyone is being "over sensitive" Your point was this.. "it's the kinds of tourists who stay at those places). But wouldn't it be more likely to have an outbreak at All Star because of the NUMBER of tourists staying at All Stars, no the KINDS of tourists?? I'm not an exterminator, but that's what i've read. Bedbugs are attracted to warm blooded mammals, that mammal does not have to stay at the Grand Floridian to get a free pass from the bug. I'm a middle class, average income, regular Joe from Jersey. I have a normal house with normal cars and a normal family. I work hard for my $. Instead of ponying up more $ for my room, i'm choosing to spend that money on my 1 year old daughter and her experience at the parks, since that is where we will spend most of our time. Should i be ashamed of staying at a Value? If so, i'm not. I think the response you've been getting from people is due to your choice of words, that's all. We know you didn't mean EVERYONE, but that's not what you posted. Your post just came off a little ignorant that's all.

Sounds like the beginning of a Denis Leary Song.... :ROFLOL:Sorry.. And no I do not think you are the title of that song...

I like the Value Resorts especially Pop Century. Never had an issue...


Is this sarcastic or serious? Because bed bugs don't care if it's the motel on the highway or the Grand Floridian... it's not a class/money issue! Bed bugs travel on all types of clothes, luggage, etc. You can get them in cheap hotels and you can get them in the most expensive hotels!

I second that - it's the luck of the draw (mind you - I'd be VERY unhappy if my room had them). We were on a cruise last year with a very good cruiseline, and some people found them then.


Well-Known Member
ok i have to ask, there are a few of you who talk about the quality of people staying a "value" resorts and how some people arent clean and bring things in, let me ask you this have you gone to the movies and placed your haed onthe back of the chair because your more likely to get head lice then see bed bugs. its nature. and people who have head lice are known for very clean hair cause lice doesnt like dirty hair. So i guess im saying you can catch anything anywhere no matter the conditions. Ignorance is blis but dangerous, and being ignorant is just a dangerous and seems to bejust as contagous.. :brick:

I don't like the term "quality of people", as that's too harsh and judgmental. Let's say that people with certain characteristics may be more likely to spread things like bedbugs and lice.

For example, I said if you frequently stay in multiple hotels you are more likely to catch and spread bedbugs. I stand by this statement. However, this applies also to a business traveler or even a high-end traveler who frequents luxury hotels. If you hop from hotel to hotel, you increase your odds of catching a bug. I don't see how anyone can argue this. As I said, I think the odds increase if you stay in lower-end hotels/motels since they are less likely to deal with the problem effectively than a higher-end resort that cares more about its reputation (which includes Disney - from value to deluxe).

With bedbugs and lice, you need to think about how these things are spread. They are spread because they are not dealt with quickly and effectively enough.

Without being overly judgmental, I believe it is much more difficult for a person with limited finances to deal with a problem like this in a fast, effective way. Treatment will be slower and less effective, and as a result, they are more likely to spread the problem (be it bedbugs or lice) on to other people.

So yeah, a clean, affluent person can catch lice at a movie theater. But they are more likely to deal with the problem quickly and effectively - and are much less likely to spread the infection on to others.

Characteristics which increase risk of spreading bedbugs: Hop from hotel to hotel (especially cheaper hotels), not informed about bedbugs, don't check for bedbugs when arriving in a hotel, put luggage on floor or on bed, don't have financial resources to effectively deal with a bedbug infection in their home (professional pest control, new mattresses, etc).

The Mom

Premium Member
I think this thread has deteriorated to insulting people who stay at value resorts, rather than a discussion of a problem that will increasingly effect ALL segments of society (since, as someone mentioned earlier, DDT was the most effective treatment, and had virtually eradicated the centuries old problem until it was banned almost 50 years ago) so I'm shutting this one down.
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