Totally embarassed in WDW

Wilt Dasney

Well-Known Member
Couldn't the same be true of insisting on doing something that your spouse detests.

I guess the point I was making is this: I love Disney but not enough to make my husband miserable so I could be happy, and before you say no one is suggesting divorce to the OP over his reaction to Disney, I suggest you re-read a few of the posts.

I think you're holding up your end of the deal with that attitude. In an ideal world, a good husband would then be so appreciative of your willingness to give up something you love for him that he'd be motivated to be just as selfless in agreeing to spend a little time at Disney with you. :D

As for the divorce question, I was only offering my own perspective. What other people think is up to them. :shrug:


I think you're holding up your end of the deal with that attitude. In an ideal world, a good husband would then be so appreciate of your willingness to give up something you love for him that he'd be motivated to be just as selfless in agreeing to spend a little time at Disney with you. :D

Attitude :lol: If only you knew. Actually my husband has spoiled me rotten, but there isn't one thing in the world that makes me happier than being with him and our children. Oh and BTW my hubby likes Disney, its our family that doesn't understand.;)


New Member
I don't think the issue should be weather or not you have to give up Disney or not, it weather or not you are willing to give up your LIFE because living the way you NO life.


New Member
Wearing mouse ears is NOT acting like a kid. It's part of disney world. Plus you had a child with you who most likely thought the world of it by you getting in the spirit with her. I know that would have made me happy when I was a child. I'm glad you had fun though despite the drama. I hope you get to go back and take your little girl just the 2 of you :D


New Member
Okay - I'm an idiot! I admit I need therapy. I love POTC so much, I bought a pair of the pirates ears online and wore them to the movies for both the 2nd and 3rd films. I have no doubts people at the theater thought I was nuts - but I had a blast. I figure I only live once and I want to live it experiencing all the fun and magic I can. Luckily my husband wasn't embarrassed and the kids knew it was simply a crazy mom thing. :ROFLOL:

I guess my philosophy is to live life like I'm dying, because I never know what tomorrow will bring.
I'm hoping it was only the stress of the vacation that made him act that way. Does that make it ok? No. But only the OP can decide if divorce is the answer. I wish them well. :)


New Member
What the heck.

My husband was so embarassed that I bought mouse ears and wore them around. I wish I would've known and bought them sooner.
He went on and on about how childish I am that I act like a 5yr old. Um what about the other folks wearing them, well he says they are idiots too.

So what does wearing mouse ears have to do with being childish and so what if it does its all good fun (this is when i start riding his a$$). He just carried on how stupid it looks yadda yadda yadda (me already tuning him out).. So now i wear them in the house.

He has no magical spirit, hated being there (although he cracked a couple smiles when my daughter had breakfast with CRT and CMickeys and her delight meeting certain characters - caught on camera for proof), he cant be fun whatsoever.

Also he kept yelling at me (more like snotty toned) for talking to anyone on the bus rides back to our resort or on the monorail.." Why do you need to keep talking to these people, cant you knock it off"

Seriously I dont know whats wrong with him. We went in '99 for one day and he was so not like this at all. Now everything is a big problem.

Oooo also if you were at AK May 9th around Kali rapid ride sometime around 11am (you probably witnessed this) is when he totally lost it when we just picked up fastpasses for the safari and look down to see my daughter just fell asleep and he wanted to go back to the room since there was no reason to stay there (mind you we just got there).. I said let her sleep we can walk around still. Oh no he starts screaming and trying to rip the stroller out of my hands he is going to take her back to the room and he is yelling thats it were getting a divorce blah blah (can you say drama queen).. Bench full of people sitting next to us. My god i was so embarassed.

What a creep.
Wow I am sorry to hear that happened to you. You really should just go alone with your daughter next time because those that dont feel the magic ruin it for the ones who are new to the magic. I go with my mom every single year just her and I and we've been doing that for many many years. I am now 21 and she is 54 and we still go together every year, its our thing, my dad isnt a big fan either so we leave him home so we can enjoy it :) Good Luck fellow Mousketeer!


New Member
I hope both you and your husband find peace and happiness. I feel very sorry for your situation and how you must be feeling. Follow your heart and do what is best for you and your daughter. (If you happen to need a companion for your next trip, I will be happy to offer up my single brother.) He is looking for someone to go with. He won't come with me, DH and kids because he wants to go with his 'someone'. I wish he would find his someone. I need to match him up with a Disney nut just like me.


Well-Known Member
Maybe Aliceinwhoville needs to look back on what she said..

See that, that is exactly what happened and decide what she needs to do for herself and her daughter.

Thanks for finding that post, Dana - I remember reading that when it was originally posted and thinking, "WOW - lots going on in THAT relationship - Disney's the LEAST of their problems!" :eek:

My polite "compromise" post notwithstanding, I stand by my original (unexpressed) reaction.


Active Member
Don't let him change your love of life. Even if you stay with him for whatever reason, continue to enjoy all the small things in life. I always like to think what a sad existence for them that they can't enjoy life like I can. I have a little personal experience in this area.

In the words of Red - either get busy livin' or get busy dyin'. Do the best you can in the situation and make sure your daughter has a lot of time together with you so she sees what it's like to enjoy life. ((hugs))


New Member
Oh gosh, he would have a hayday with me!! I actually have been known to skip down MainStreet b/c I'm so excited! I get teary at the opening of MK on our very first day! I wear mouse ears, goofy hats, whatever! Yeah, I would break him! Ya know, my dh isn't anywhere NEAR the Disney fan that I am, but he wouldn't be embaressed of me having fun, either. Then again, I do goofball things all the time. That, along with being small and looking young, is prob why people think I'm my boys' sister instead of their mother!! I think it's time you start taking your own trips to DW. Sometimes it's just easier that way. I learned that a long time ago. DH is ADHD and had a real phobia of losing the boys in large crowds, so our last trip to DW (with him) in 2002 was stressful, to put it mildly. So, the next two trips I went without him. I took my mil and we had a wonderful time. This time it's just the boys and I and we'll have a great time! We're all dorks, so we get along well! That works for us! DH is going with us in Dec of 2009, but the boys will be 14 and 9, so he won't have the fear of losing little ones anymore! Hopefully it's better!



New Member
We too hear it from family if We at one time or other don't have some type of Mickey or Disney hat or shirt on when We go over to visit. Sheesh, what would life be with out the Mouse?:eek::eek::eek:


What the heck.

My husband was so embarassed that I bought mouse ears and wore them around. I wish I would've known and bought them sooner.
He went on and on about how childish I am that I act like a 5yr old. Um what about the other folks wearing them, well he says they are idiots too.

So what does wearing mouse ears have to do with being childish and so what if it does its all good fun (this is when i start riding his a$$). He just carried on how stupid it looks yadda yadda yadda (me already tuning him out).. So now i wear them in the house.

He has no magical spirit, hated being there (although he cracked a couple smiles when my daughter had breakfast with CRT and CMickeys and her delight meeting certain characters - caught on camera for proof), he cant be fun whatsoever.

Also he kept yelling at me (more like snotty toned) for talking to anyone on the bus rides back to our resort or on the monorail.." Why do you need to keep talking to these people, cant you knock it off"

Seriously I dont know whats wrong with him. We went in '99 for one day and he was so not like this at all. Now everything is a big problem.

Oooo also if you were at AK May 9th around Kali rapid ride sometime around 11am (you probably witnessed this) is when he totally lost it when we just picked up fastpasses for the safari and look down to see my daughter just fell asleep and he wanted to go back to the room since there was no reason to stay there (mind you we just got there).. I said let her sleep we can walk around still. Oh no he starts screaming and trying to rip the stroller out of my hands he is going to take her back to the room and he is yelling thats it were getting a divorce blah blah (can you say drama queen).. Bench full of people sitting next to us. My god i was so embarassed.

What a creep.

I am so so so sorry that you had to experience that kind of grief at such a happy place, at the hands of your own husband nonetheless. Your story upset me terribly, and I wanted to express my sympathies.

I am not a marrige counselor, nor do I pretend to be, but I firmly beleive that no man should speak in such a disrespectful and aggressive way to their wife...reguardless of where they are. If he is this aggressive on a vacation, I fear what he is like during the day to day grind where things are truly stressful.

Please take care of yourself, and do not allow yourself to be spoken to or treated that way. Remeber your worth.. You don't need some "thing" like that.

Stay strong! :eek:


Active Member
Sounds bad, but I don't want to judge too much. The bottom line is, you sound like you still had a good time. Hopefully, your daughter did as well whenever she wasn't resting. I'm lucky, my wife and I both share a love of many similar interests, of which one of them is disney.


Well-Known Member

When my wife and I first went, she was so happy she went running down Main St. pointing at the castle and saying "There it is!" and I wanted to capture her joy forever and had both the video camera out and snapping pictures with the other hand...which is how I spent most of the trip!:) I can't imagine what I would do with kids too!

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