Totally embarassed in WDW


Well-Known Member
What the heck.

My husband was so embarassed that I bought mouse ears and wore them around. I wish I would've known and bought them sooner.
He went on and on about how childish I am that I act like a 5yr old. Um what about the other folks wearing them, well he says they are idiots too.

So what does wearing mouse ears have to do with being childish and so what if it does its all good fun (this is when i start riding his a$$). He just carried on how stupid it looks yadda yadda yadda (me already tuning him out).. So now i wear them in the house.

He has no magical spirit, hated being there (although he cracked a couple smiles when my daughter had breakfast with CRT and CMickeys and her delight meeting certain characters - caught on camera for proof), he cant be fun whatsoever.

Also he kept yelling at me (more like snotty toned) for talking to anyone on the bus rides back to our resort or on the monorail.." Why do you need to keep talking to these people, cant you knock it off"

Seriously I dont know whats wrong with him. We went in '99 for one day and he was so not like this at all. Now everything is a big problem.

Oooo also if you were at AK May 9th around Kali rapid ride sometime around 11am (you probably witnessed this) is when he totally lost it when we just picked up fastpasses for the safari and look down to see my daughter just fell asleep and he wanted to go back to the room since there was no reason to stay there (mind you we just got there).. I said let her sleep we can walk around still. Oh no he starts screaming and trying to rip the stroller out of my hands he is going to take her back to the room and he is yelling thats it were getting a divorce blah blah (can you say drama queen).. Bench full of people sitting next to us. My god i was so embarassed.

What a creep.
thats horrible....\
i feel bad he embarassed you like that.


New Member
.......and if you want to wear ears - well, you probably will never see these people again so who cares.
I'll buy that.
There are many people in the parks wearing odd hats & such & I personally don't give it a second thought. I've even been asked quite a few times while shopping in MouseGear to take a few couple's photos wearing some of the big crazy ones.
Sounds like this guy is a complete tool.


Active Member
That sounds like a less than magical experience. I hope everything is OK. I wear everything Disney. At home, work or vacation. People comment when I don't wear something with a Disney character on it. I must admit that I don't have any Mickey ears at present but that may need to change. Perhaps if more men would wear the ears the horrible misconception that it is only for kids finally proven false.


New Member
I got my picture taken with Pooh Bear

So what if you are acting like a kid!!!!!!!!!!!! That's what WDW is all about being a kid again. Sounds like it's time to have a talk with your hubby about having some fun!!!!!!!!!!!


IMaybe this is how it all is but this is not the place to air out problems! If it is this bad, she needs to get advice from someone other then the Mickey Mouse Club!:veryconfu

Why not? There seems to be a few people who have been in her situation and can give her good, legit advice- besides, anyone in this situation needs someone to turn to, and I'm glad she found somewhere she felt comfortable to come to!


I find it funny that we can give marital advise on here as if we all have a doctorate in it, but we can not talk about politics of any form or what is politically correct or Religion!:brick: We also have only heard from the wife which is the one side we all feel for. Maybe this is how it all is but this is not the place to air out problems! If it is this bad, she needs to get advice from someone other then the Mickey Mouse Club!:veryconfu

"Only from the wife" - sounds like you may be his twin!!! From your spouting - I'm guessing you would be just as condescending to the people in your life. If a person feels the need to express the kind of feelings that the OP did, they obviously need someone to understand and offer some POSITIVE choices for them to look at. Not a put down like yours. i've walked in her shoes, maybe you should try it!


Well-Known Member
I find it funny that we can give marital advise on here as if we all have a doctorate in it, but we can not talk about politics of any form or what is politically correct or Religion!:brick: We also have only heard from the wife which is the one side we all feel for. Maybe this is how it all is but this is not the place to air out problems! If it is this bad, she needs to get advice from someone other then the Mickey Mouse Club!:veryconfu

I refrain from giving marital advice because as a divorced father of two, I figure mine is not the best to follow (however I was married 10 years, and my ex-wife and I are friendly and talk almost every day - mostly about the kids)

But in reality this situation is not about marriage, its about decent behavior. From "her" side of the story she did nothing that deserved the response she got from her husband. In fact I would be hard pressed to think of ANY situation that warranted such a response. My ex used to do things that i had no interest in (scrapbooking springs to mind) however I cannot tell you the dozens of scrapbooking shops i have been in, the scrapbookining conventions I have been to, or the number of times I watched the kids while she went to "crops". Likewise she went with me to various things that I liked to do that she did not particulary find too interesting. Thats what you do when you are in a healthy relationship with someone, you make concessions for them and they do the same for you. You don't yell, scream, and become verbaly and physical abusive.

As for wearing ears, I wouldn't wear them either. Don't ask me why, I don't know. I would have no problem wearing Mickey shoes and gloves and parading around on Main Street, but Mickey Ears just rub me the wrong way. However if somebody else wants to wear them, I will be more than happy to stand next to them as they show them off.



Active Member
I would have no problem wearing Mickey shoes and gloves and parading around on Main Street, but Mickey Ears just rub me the wrong way. However if somebody else wants to wear them, I will be more than happy to stand next to them as they show them off.


Well said! :animwink:


Active Member
I find it funny that we can give marital advise on here as if we all have a doctorate in it, but we can not talk about politics of any form or what is politically correct or Religion!:brick: We also have only heard from the wife which is the one side we all feel for. Maybe this is how it all is but this is not the place to air out problems! If it is this bad, she needs to get advice from someone other then the Mickey Mouse Club!:veryconfu

Please, she wasn't asking for marital advice. Can you be more snotty? It sounds like you're no picnic at home yourself. If you don't like the thread, then don't post. Simple as that.

I do have to agree with most posters that it surely sounds like your hubby is having some "issues" and feels the need to take them out on you and your daughter. Do you have family that will help you out if you decide to leave him?
What the heck.

My husband was so embarassed that I bought mouse ears and wore them around. I wish I would've known and bought them sooner.
He went on and on about how childish I am that I act like a 5yr old. Um what about the other folks wearing them, well he says they are idiots too.

So what does wearing mouse ears have to do with being childish and so what if it does its all good fun (this is when i start riding his a$$). He just carried on how stupid it looks yadda yadda yadda (me already tuning him out).. So now i wear them in the house.

He has no magical spirit, hated being there (although he cracked a couple smiles when my daughter had breakfast with CRT and CMickeys and her delight meeting certain characters - caught on camera for proof), he cant be fun whatsoever.

Also he kept yelling at me (more like snotty toned) for talking to anyone on the bus rides back to our resort or on the monorail.." Why do you need to keep talking to these people, cant you knock it off"

Seriously I dont know whats wrong with him. We went in '99 for one day and he was so not like this at all. Now everything is a big problem.

What a creep.
Just a obvious thing that stuck out in her story was she's done plenty to start the situation also. Even if he is a jerk, which is horrible... YOU MARRIED THE GUY. The reason that I feel pessimistic is I worked with a person who's spouse tried to make his life a living hell and make him look like the BAD guy when in fact we knew him well and he would give the shirt off his back to help anyone. I also grew up in a household where my father sounds just like this man... so hearing about his behavior sickens me and shows there could be a problem, but not necessarily ALL his... as for instance of my co worker.

As for me, I'm a happily married christian man who cares for all people... but don't like the fact that anyone, male or female, comes to the boards bashing their spouse... she says it all when she ends by saying "what a creep".

If she really is this unhappy and there really are this many problems in the marriage then coming to the board where most likely no one knows her personally, I would hope that she has a family member or friend she can consult with rather than air out the laundry.


New Member
I'll stick up for you Mr. Craftsman. Even if you dissent, you are allowed your opinion. Of course there are two sides sides to this story and we only read one.

Then again I tried to have my ex-wife put to sleep, but the vet wouldn't do it.


Well-Known Member
MY guess is:

That maybe he has a problem with being married. Most couples are not in close contact because of work, but a vacation sticks you together around the clock.

What I Know is:

That there are certain things that can be said by either spouse that hammers at the brick foundation of marriage. Saying things like " I really don't like you" is a small hammer blow to the bricks. Over years of taking small chips out of the foundation, the whole thing will collapse. Saying things like "divorce" is a S.ledge hammer hit and takes out a brick with each blow.

Saying things like "wow that hair cut make you look bad" is ok cause it doesnt hit the foundation. Happily married people avoid swinging hammers at all costs.


New Member
Aliceinwhoville started a thread in early June of last year about how her husband didn't want to go to Disney.

What do the kids call this nowadays?.. Oh yeah, a self fulfilling prophesy.

Ena 52299

New Member
I agree with you Mr. Craftsman... She is the one who married the guy and if she has problems she needs to address these with a professional and not air out her laundry and whine here on the boards. Even very happy marriages can sometimes get a little irritable while on vacation, but you should work it out with your spouse and not come running to the boards to tell everyone what a jerk you think he is. :wave:


Well-Known Member
I agree with you Mr. Craftsman... She is the one who married the guy and if she has problems she needs to address these with a professional and not air out her laundry and whine here on the boards. Even very happy marriages can sometimes get a little irritable while on vacation, but you should work it out with your spouse and not come running to the boards to tell everyone what a jerk you think he is. :wave:



Well-Known Member
Aliceinwhoville started a thread in early June of last year about how her husband didn't want to go to Disney.

What do the kids call this nowadays?.. Oh yeah, a self fulfilling prophesy.

Well, this may be the problem then. Maybe he really didn't want to go to Disney. Still, he should never have treated her that way. There is no excuse for being like that. It sounds like there are other issues here, that have been around for a while.

Aliceinwhoville, if you are being abused, get out of the marriage now. You can't change people, especially if they don't realize that they have a problem. You sure don't want your daughter growing up to think that what she has lived with is "normal behavior", because it's not. No one has the right to hurt you, or your daughter.


I have tons of opinions about the OP and all the comments however I am going to practice Thumber:zipit: I wonder though how many of us would dump our spouse if we had to chose between them and WDW.

Wilt Dasney

Well-Known Member
I have tons of opinions about the OP and all the comments however I am going to practice Thumber:zipit: I wonder though how many of us would dump our spouse if we had to chose between them and WDW.

Why should anyone have to make that kind of choice? If you're married to someone who tries to force you to give up something you love (that doesn't harm your relationship or family), isn't that spouse abusing his or her sacred relationship to you?

So I wouldn't advise anyone to walk out on a marriage so they could go to WDW in peace, but I would advise them to look real close at the underpinnings of a marriage if WDW has become an "issue," because something besides Disney is really wrong there.


Why should anyone have to make that kind of choice? If you're married to someone who tries to force you to give up something you love (that doesn't harm your relationship or family), isn't that spouse abusing his or her sacred relationship to you?

Couldn't the same be true of insisting on doing something that your spouse detests.

I guess the point I was making is this: I love Disney but not enough to make my husband miserable so I could be happy, and before you say no one is suggesting divorce to the OP over his reaction to Disney, I suggest you re-read a few of the posts.

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