Over-rated, meaning someone rated them highly (This disqualifies such duds as constipation station and el rio de tiempo)
5. Peter Pan. Wait forever to get on a very tame dark ride that makes you feel like you are looking at the pages of a book without being able to read. This attraction is beloved and falls way short of what it could be with modern animatronics and a narrator.
4. Maelstrom. This was supposed to be an E-ticket upgrade t World Showcase? Which came first, Maelstrom or Pirates? So we took the Pirates technology and a generation later all we can add is a ride backwards for a little while?
3. Magic of Animation. "Here is an animator's desk. If the animator hadn't been laid off, you would see him/her busily at work . . . " Here is the ghost of a failed attempt at a working studio in Florida. Hooray for Hollywood.
2. Kali River Rapids. Isn't this the ride that was already at Busch Gardens, Islands of Adventure, Dollywood and God knows where else? What did Disney do to put a unique stamp on it? Nothing, just made it shorter than at the other parks? Thanks for the wet butt and soggy shoes for the rest of the day, really enjoyable in 90 percent humidity!
and, drum roll please . . .
1. The very most over-hyped, over-rated: Test Track. Watch the Disney promotion - all you see is a car zooming around, burning rubber, yee-ha attraction. Test Track! Test Track! But visit in person and you will find all the fast-passes for the day gone by lunchtime, constant breakdowns and delays, and then a series of not at all exciting assembly line progressions of manufacture with a little outside jog to send you home hopefully happy at the end. The long wait is not because this is the most popular ride, my friend. The long wait is because the ride keeps breaking down. If this is the future of EPCOT, the park is headed for trouble.