Too much Alcohol in the parks!

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Well-Known Member
I wasn't being negative, I was just stating that no one answered any questions, and to give a little insight on to why this topic might have been started.

I don't think the OP wanted a discussion based on the fact they suggested either segregating or eliminating alcohol all together.


Well-Known Member
Will the monorail be expanded to service it?:drevil:

Quite true but that is more of an internet forum thing and not all that exclusive to Disney. Pretty much every forum I have been on will have the "Why all the acronyms?!!!1!!!!:fork::fork::fork::mad::mad:" thread pop up from time to time.

I can hardly understand what people are talking about on car/mechanic forums whenever I try to google search something that went wrong with one of my cars....atleast the stuff we abbreviate here doesn't get technical!

oh, and this whole topic reminds me of that Rosanne Episode when Dan is moaping around MK because there is no Alcohol and he finds out that Epcot serves Alcohol and Rosanne finally gives him permission to go over to that park and you see him running down Main Street towards the exit! :lol:


New Member
I know I'm asking for alot of negativity here but does anyone else out there think that there is definitely too much alcohol floating around the parks? I know MK doesn't allow it but particularly Epcot. If there is one place on this planet you should be able to have fun without being buzzed it is disneyworld. I get so tired of all those people who roam the World Showcase sampling all the beer and wine meanwhile bumping into you with that smelly stuff. I don't believe it should be allowed, (promoted) at all but at the very least they should coral the minority of "drinkers" in certain areas away from the majority who doesnt! ...............................You may now bring the hate...

if you don't like being around alcohol all you need to do is not visit the parks that serve it. Very simple.....


Well-Known Member
Personally I think they should give everyone in the parks free alcohol and then no one can complain that someone is acting drunk because everyone will be drunk. Don't get rid of the alcohol because you can always drink before hand and thus still have drunks in the park.
So there ya go.


Well-Known Member
Personally I think they should give everyone in the parks free alcohol and then no one can complain that someone is acting drunk because everyone will be drunk. Don't get rid of the alcohol because you can always drink before hand and thus still have drunks in the park.
So there ya go.


The Empress Lilly

Well-Known Member
I know I'm asking for alot of negativity here but does anyone else out there think that there is definitely too much alcohol floating around the parks? I know MK doesn't allow it but particularly Epcot. If there is one place on this planet you should be able to have fun without being buzzed it is disneyworld. I get so tired of all those people who roam the World Showcase sampling all the beer and wine meanwhile bumping into you with that smelly stuff. I don't believe it should be allowed, (promoted) at all but at the very least they should coral the minority of "drinkers" in certain areas away from the majority who doesnt! ...............................You may now bring the hate...
I couldn't agree more.

I wish no alcohol was served in any Disney park. It does not belong in a family friendly environment.

Not holding my breath though. There are two things in this world which can not be separated: an alcoholic from his drinks, and TDO from a means to squeeze a few extra dollars out of its guests.


Well-Known Member
Honestly I have never seen anyone drunk at Disney that was noticeable excpet for one lady on a bus...and she was just one of those loud, look at how wonderful and smart and cool I am drunks. And to further be honest I have never been hit or inconvenienced by a stroller either.


Well-Known Member
but does anyone else out there think that there is definitely too much alcohol floating around the parks?

No. There are too many people who don't drink responsibly

Additionally, the onus is on Disney staff to know when somebody has had too much to drink and refuse to sell them any more.

Don't spoil the fun for those of us (me) who can handle their drink, know BEFORE they reach the point of having too much and stop

The Andrews

New Member
Original Poster
Take it from walt.....

What Im saying is despite what opinions or prefrences are out there, Alcohol was in no way part of Walts original vision. He made it very clear that HIS parks were for the kids! Also the shallow argument about money is also against walts dream, and I quote,
"Disneyland is a work of love. We didn't go into Disneyland just with the idea of making money. "
Walt Disney

Come on folks man up and use a little self control for a few days and set a good example for the litte ones! Don't taint their experience, IN THEIR PLACE!


Well-Known Member
They should corral all the kids into a kids only area, enclosed with double pane sound proof glass. If I am enjoying a nice frosty beer, I don't need some reproducer and their youngins disturbing me.

You appear to have missed the idea of WDW - its a place where people come to enjoy themselves on vacation and for the kids to run off some steam (admittedly, adults do need to control their little monsters a liitle better) BUT - if you've come on vacation to have a quiet drink then YOU'RE in the wrong part of the world (and I don't mean Walt Disney WORLD)


Well-Known Member
Or maybe parents should just take responsibility for their own children, and not rely on everyone around them to do that for them. The more a child is sheltered, the more they are intrigued about it, which ultimately leads to doing exactly what they were being sheltered from.


Well-Known Member
Disneys shareholders may have a slighty different opinion on this one :)

exactly why he mentioned on numerous occasions having to go public.

But at the same time, Disney World is supposed to have something for everyone. And for some people, a fun outlet includes alcohol. If anyone is acting too unruly, CMs are usually great at keeping tabs on them and removing them when necessary. I've never personally had any issues with people being too drunk and I've been to EPCOT on NYE when the park is at it's fullest and Alcohol sales are CRAZY!

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
What Im saying is despite what opinions or prefrences are out there, Alcohol was in no way part of Walts original vision. He made it very clear that HIS parks were for the kids! Also the shallow argument about money is also against walts dream, and I quote,
"Disneyland is a work of love. We didn't go into Disneyland just with the idea of making money. "
Walt Disney

Come on folks man up and use a little self control for a few days and set a good example for the litte ones! Don't taint their experience, IN THEIR PLACE!
Walt said quite a few things.....

"I'd say it's been my biggest problem all my life... it's money. It takes a lot of money to make these dreams come true."

"You're dead if you aim only for kids. Adults are only kids grown up, anyway."

Also the last quote you used negates your argument. "Disneyland is a work of love. We didn't go into Disneyland just with the idea of making money. "
Making money was always the goal, just not the only one.


Well-Known Member
Come on folks man up and use a little self control for a few days and set a good example for the litte ones! Don't taint their experience, IN THEIR PLACE!

It is not just their place, my husband and I adore Disney. We love to sample a drink in some of the EPCOT countries but never get out of control. I also disagree that a child witnessing a person drinking an alcoholic beverage will "taint" their experience. I respect your right to express an opinion but in my opinion telling me to have self control and not drink at Disney, especially when I am not there with children, is a little extreme.

It has nothing to do with self control.....I am on vacation and if I want to relax by the water with a german beer that is exactly what I am gonna do.

The Andrews

New Member
Original Poster
Oprah lied to you.....

Or maybe parents should just take responsibility for their own children, and not rely on everyone around them to do that for them. The more a child is sheltered, the more they are intrigued about it, which ultimately leads to doing exactly what they were being sheltered from.

Dr spock and Dr. Phil might agree beacause it sounds "smartish" but from my personal 16 years of operating a summer camp as well as traveling the world working with teenagers thats a joke my friend! Sorry but oprah lied to you and real life totally disagrees. Of course theres some sap out there who has spent the past 30 years of his life trying to start a garage band who has nothing to show for himself and is using that excuse to console himself but I assure you he is the exception, not the rule........


Well-Known Member
What Im saying is despite what opinions or prefrences are out there, Alcohol was in no way part of Walts original vision. He made it very clear that HIS parks were for the kids! Also the shallow argument about money is also against walts dream, and I quote,
"Disneyland is a work of love. We didn't go into Disneyland just with the idea of making money. "
Walt Disney

Come on folks man up and use a little self control for a few days and set a good example for the litte ones! Don't taint their experience, IN THEIR PLACE!

Didn't Walt have the initial idea for Club 33 at Disneyland, and doesn't Club 33 serve alcohol? Magic Kingdom being the kids park yes, Epcot? Not sure if I agree with that, Epcot was always more of the adults park.


Well-Known Member
So your saying parents should rely on everyone else around them to parent their child, instead of teaching them what is right and wrong themselves?


Well-Known Member
What Im saying is despite what opinions or prefrences are out there, Alcohol was in no way part of Walts original vision. He made it very clear that HIS parks were for the kids! Also the shallow argument about money is also against walts dream, and I quote,
"Disneyland is a work of love. We didn't go into Disneyland just with the idea of making money. "
Walt Disney

Come on folks man up and use a little self control for a few days and set a good example for the litte ones! Don't taint their experience, IN THEIR PLACE!

Except that EPCOT was in no way designed for children. In fact, it is really only just recently that "kid features" have been added in to try and attract more families to the park. In addition, I have some friends who work at EPCOT, and though you may not notice, the employees are very good at taking note of someone who is severly intoxicated and inviting them to a "quick break" somewhere. But also, from what I understand, this is rarely an issue. Most adults are just there enjoying themselves, and yes, that may include an adult beverage or two. I enjoy being a kid in the Magic Kingdom, but I also appreciate that there is a place at WDW where I can be an adult too.
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