Too much alcohol and drinking at WDW parks


New Member
My huband and I love having a cocktail or two at Disney....Especially when we are on vacation!!!!!!! That does not mean that we walk around drunk all the time, ruining other people's vacations. I really have no idea what to say to the each his own. The majority of us are not out to ruin other people's vacations. Most, if not all of us, go on vacation for themselves.
I have friends who do not believe in drinking and I love them. Everyone can make their own decisions. I do not, however, believe other people should be able to critisize adult choices that I make, or anyone else makes, when they do not know me or that person.
I understand that the OP was not specifically talking to me, but from their comments I do feel as though it was directed at people like me...those who have a drink or 2 on vacation...(and possibly you).
Here is what I think....As long as noone is hurting anyone, then if someone wants to enjoy their vacation with a cocktail or two then they should be entiltled to. Now, if someone does completely cross the line and cause problems then maybe they should be held accountable. But we do not all do that, so I will be at EPCOT Center in Jan....having a beer or 2 around the world!


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
that sounds awesome, i love jagerbombs possibly my fave drink, try WKD blue and Port tastes just like vimto!

and i got a cocktail involving beer and jager that tastes just like dr pepper? anyone interested.

I love me one of those!:lol::wave:

sorry spelling isnt great tonight
Your spelling is fine, it's just the puncuation that needs improvement...but ...whatever:shrug:

you know being a teenager i just go in from a crawl down in brighton, id love to be in disney right now, it would super hit the spot.

epcot espessially, id love to get loaded and ride like imagination or test track or something, we dont get that luxary, let who ever can enjoy it! :king:

and whats this i hear about them not letting people take cocktails onto GF anymore? isnt that tradition? let up. :slurp:

has anyone died due to over consumption or had to have there stomach pumped etc? or know of?

Are you asking if this has happened at WDW or in general? :veryconfu

If you're asking if this has EVER happened, then I have to ask you: How old are you? :lookaroun


Active Member
im twenty in the new year so im still not legal, however im friendly with three bar people who have known me since i was tiny baby and they have no problem serving me into child cups, its bad i know but one of these is even on property. which is a bit sketchy. but alot of the time in an evening i drink in the hotel room before i go out. but come to think of it i handle my drink alot better than most.

i was just wondering if anyone in the park? like has it ever been listed onto the park injury or medical report.

hopefully puntuation is better, sobered up and gonna hit like a starbucks or something soon. woo :snore:


Active Member
just a thought,considering what i put it might be the irresponsibility of bar workers on property and we youngans taking advantage, i can think of a decade of times where ive done so. any thoughts?


Active Member

I was going to go to Epcot today and have a few beers around the world, but I'm scared now!

People at the parks are on vacation and many enjoy a drink while on vacation. I have been drunk at Epcot, probably too drunk to keep drinking, but we just had fun and minded our own business. We didn't spill our drinks on anyone or curse at the top of our lungs! We did our thing while other non drinking families did theirs. No one was hurt and no one got wet.

I do not support getting alcohol to minors (though when I was in college I did as a 20 year old) but it's going to happen and I've seen WDW security check ID's from young people who are drinking to make sure someone didn't buy it for them. I've also seen CM's not serve people because they're too drunk.

If you want to see uncontrollable drunks, go to HHN at Universal. That is insane, and as a drinker, I get annoyed there with the amount going on.


Well-Known Member
Wow, I can't believe how often this same topic comes up...

The fact of the matter really is, there aren't enough "family" visitors to keep WDW or any park open. To increase (and sometimes just maintain) their attendance and money intake, they have to provide sufficient attractions for adult visitors and those with disposable incomes. Most average families of mom, dad, and 2 kids visit WDW once every 4 or 5 years if you are out of state....but those adults with no kids, or those with disposable income in other ways, might visit once or twice a year and spend far more money than your average family of 4...Who do you think WDW is going to start catering to?

Not having kids myself, and visiting WDW twice a year from Michigan with my partner - usually at times that most kids would be in school -- I can assure you that the resort hotel bars, epcot, and downtown disney and its restaurants do a very heavy adult-centric trade...and yes, that does include alcohol being served in plentiful amounts...

Your kid's 2.95 mountain dew, versus my 8.00 Heineken is a HUGE difference in WDW's monetary intake.

I agree that drunken slovenliness is sometimes out of hand and that is never appropriate anywhere -- but serving alcohol at WDW is here to stay, like it or not.

For those who think that the Disney pixiedust is what keeps people returning to WDW year after year, you are just not looking at the reality of the money involved, and who they are targeting to keep money flowing in. It's business, and Disney is good at it.


Active Member
Actually, loud and obnoxious groups of sober teeagers (no offense to teenagers....I know they are not ALL like that) bother me more than the few drunks I've seen at Disney! And the sober people that push their way in front of my kids right before a parade starts after we have been sitting there an hour! I could go on and on about the sober people that have bothered me at WDW! I think the alcohol policy at WDW is pretty fair, actually. I think that it is more than fair to have an entire park (MK) that is alcohol free, and I am amazed that they continue to keep it this way (I hope they always keep this policy). If people are bothered by the drinking at EPCOT, a good alternative would be to do EPCOT during the day and head over to the MK for the evening, since the drinking becomes a bit heavier at EPCOT later in the day. I don't know though....I've been to EPCOT at night alot with my kids, and while I have seen drunk people, it has never been bad enough that I thought anything of it.....I think the OP may have exaggerated a bit.


New Member
I believe in Walt's dream of having a family friendly park and enviornment for children and adults alike to have fun and relive their feelings fo childhood

I do not believe in serving and over-serving alochol at the World.

We just came back from 4 days at the parks and I have noticed more and more drinking spots and drunks stumbling around. At the firworks at Epcot, the lights are dimmed way down and i kept seeing drunken folks tripping over wheelchairs and strollers, spilling drinks all over other people's kids and wheelchair bound guests. I stopped counting at 20. It went on all night.

At Disney Studios I was most offended at the new alcohol station set up outside the meet and greet with the characters from Monsters Inc. Right outside to the right there is a new booth serving hard liquor mixed drinks. At around 1045 I saw a mother and father walking around drinking beer, they also bought one for their underage son to carry around and drink, the only one not drinking was his girlfriend. I even had a silent conversation with her while we were walking around behind her. She had the worst expression on her face, I gave her the nod that it was going to be okay. Hopefully she will break up with not only him but his family's bad habits after vacation.


I agree with you 100% and I am glad that Magic Kingdom refrained. There are many strollers, young & old ones and mixing those ones that don't know when to stop can be an issue.
Think of you want to be sitting behind the drunk guy on Tower of Terror when he decides to loose the contents of his stomach? Or on EE? NOT ME!!!
I just find it to be very disappointing when you are in the "most magical place on earth" and have to move your family to another spot on the parade route because the drunk guy behind you can't stop using the "F" word in your childrens ears!!!
Alcohol sells and is a BIG money maker.............but it also gives selfish ones a reason to spoil the magic for others!!!


Active Member
I think that MK being dry is perfect! I mean that park has a particular focus and that is children, for the most part. But the thing is that I think we are over stepping our bounds, and this is directed at the OP, we sit here and talk about rides, trip planning, events taking place at the world (conventions, etc.), rumors & news we DO NOT sit here and comment on other peoples actions! If we did that can you imagine how this would be, it'd be did u hear that sally sue and tom went to such and such and did such and such, r u serious OMG! I mean lets keep our opinions about others actions to ourselves!:brick:


Active Member
I just find it to be very disappointing when you are in the "most magical place on earth" and have to move your family to another spot on the parade route because the drunk guy behind you can't stop using the "F" word in your childrens ears!!!

I do agree with you on this.....when the people who are drinking start to act out of control, it does become a problem. But I've never had a bad encounter with a drunk at Disney (not saying it does not happen....I'm sure it happens everyday, but I have just never experiecned it), but I can honestly say that every single day I have ever been at WDW with my kids, there have been sober people saying the "f" word and other cuss words in front of my kids while waiting in lines, and in every negative encounter I've had at WDW (rude, loud people, etc), they have all been sober. There is alot of rude, inappropriate behavior that goes on at WDW, and alcohol has very little to do with it.

LeeLee D

New Member
Actually, loud and obnoxious groups of sober teeagers (no offense to teenagers....I know they are not ALL like that) bother me more than the few drunks I've seen at Disney! ...I could go on and on about the sober people that have bothered me at WDW!

Could't have said it better! If we made a list of all the people/actions that bother us and should be banned, the place would be empty!

I rarely drink, but don't mind of others do. If someone is out of hand, the CMs deal with it. As for the rest, live and let live.


Well-Known Member
While I'm not opposed to drinking in the parks, there's a differance between sampling drinks from the countries in EPCOT's World Showcase and going drinking in EPCOT.
I feel that if you want to Just "go drinking" then you should go to Pleasure Island. That's what's it was opened for...a place for adults to relax, unwind, and consume cocktails with other adults.
The differant countries in World Showcase are inviting you to sample some of the differant drinks from around the world, not get drunk on them. The exception seems to be The Rose and Crown which is basically a Pub with a restuarant attached. I am constantly running into inebriated people in this area. Once I was in the gents bathroom across from the Rose and Crown and a drunk woman came in while I was doing my business and vomited in the sink and on my shoes as well. I thought it was pretty funny, but my wife didn't like the idea of another woman viewing my tallywhacker. lol
I'm a drinker myself, but with the prices Disney charges, I'll stick to drinking in my local pubs here at home. I've also been a little uncomfortable a couple of times when my kids would ask me why "That man is acting so stupid." I'm also tired of stepping around puddles of vomit in World Showcase during the food and wine festivals.

I'm all for drinking, if you can do it responsibly. If not, then stay home and do it where you make a fool of yourselves in front of your own children, not mine.
And do me a favor, if you feel queasy, find some bushes to hurl in please, it's hard to clean vomit off of New Balance walking shoes. :brick:


Well-Known Member
I do agree with you on this.....when the people who are drinking start to act out of control, it does become a problem. But I've never had a bad encounter with a drunk at Disney (not saying it does not happen....I'm sure it happens everyday, but I have just never experiecned it), but I can honestly say that every single day I have ever been at WDW with my kids, there have been sober people saying the "f" word and other cuss words in front of my kids while waiting in lines, and in every negative encounter I've had at WDW (rude, loud people, etc), they have all been sober. There is alot of rude, inappropriate behavior that goes on at WDW, and alcohol has very little to do with it.
...speaking of tour groups.....


Well-Known Member
I enjoy my margaritas, wine, occasional beer and ale and other libations at the parks that Disney allows them in. I find dealing with people in wheelchairs, ecv's, strollers, small children, and my own family to be much easier after a nice drink.

What i find reprehensible is finding strollers in Pleasure Island while I was enjoying a beverage and trying to meet pleasurable company. Because there's nothing worse then doing a shot of tequila at a bar in PI, and turning around to find a baby in a stroller right there.


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
I just find it to be very disappointing when you are in the "most magical place on earth" and have to move your family to another spot on the parade route because the drunk guy behind you can't stop using the "F" word in your childrens ears!!!
A man that keeps using the "F" word in front of children would do so whether he is drunk or not!


Well-Known Member
I think this thread really boils down to one problem. Many people in life believe they should be able to do what they want whenever and wherever they want with no consideration to other people. What people do to personally have fun or relax is their business unless they ask me what I think or unless they start to violate my rights in some manner. There are lots of activities in this world with which I disagree. Downgrading the participants of said activities does not change that it still occurs. The way I choose to deal with it is to say a prayer for them and continue doing what I think is a right or proper behavior. I think we should all consider how our actions affect people around us. Don't stop doing what you think is okay, but don't act in a way that ruins someone else's day. I'm not going to say drinking is fine because I don't think it is. However, if someone else wants to drink, that is their business unless they ask me what I think or act in an inappropriate manner that personally offends or endangers my family or me.


I don't know what you mean. I thoroughly enjoyed my time at "Goofy's Funneling Funhouse". Seriously, though, I agree with the OVERserving part, otherwise, to each his/her own.


Well-Known Member
I don't know what you mean. I thoroughly enjoyed my time at "Goofy's Funneling Funhouse". Seriously, though, I agree with the OVERserving part, otherwise, to each his/her own.

Oh please. I've never been overpoured a drink by a bartender at a Disney park or PI. (unless i knew the bartender and then still it cost me)


Well-Known Member
You mean they sell "drinks" in the parks??? I can finally quite sneaking my burbon in a apple juice bottle.:p

I agree with Photo Dave, I have never had an overpoured drink in WDW, they were very weak. I would think the "drunks" would have to spend a ton of money to fall over.
To the OP, if you were so offended why didn't you infrom a CM of thoose guests who were so drunk?

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