Too much alcohol and drinking at WDW parks


The only crime with drinking at WDW is the cost! I think my wife and I droped ten bucks for ONE piture of beer at the resort while watching the Superbowl last year, and I think that was a "special price."


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
The only crime with drinking at WDW is the cost! I think my wife and I droped ten bucks for ONE piture of beer at the resort while watching the Superbowl last year, and I think that was a "special price."

Actually, that's a bargain price for WDW.


I think the probelm with drink in Disney World is that people want to seperate reality with magic.

Disney is a magic world where we can all put real life on hold and get away from the more meaner, nasty side of life or just the plain boring, mundane parts of our existance. Introducing alcohol into this magic lets reality seep in. You will always get people who will over do it with drink and cant say no. They cant have a social drink - they get blitzed. With too much drink comes the noise, swearing, bad behaviour, falling over etc and that upsets peoples 'magic'.

Now I like a drink and will have one (or usually a great deal more!!) but there is a time and a place. If you are going to get smashed go and do it in a bar or night club and leave the magic alone!


Active Member
WE TEENAGERS NEED TO STICK UP FOR OUR SELVES (even though i only am till april) i may not be able to drink in the park, but now being told im LOUD AND ANNOYING! :ROFLOL:

dont worry being british im really not, and i dont have a northern or poor accent, im quite well spoken. but i know what you mean, once instance sat in the land and these american sorta OC KREW esk kids did not shut up. i wanted to slap the girl going on about boys blah blah it was like something we only see in films over here with the annoying popular cheer leader.

ive never seen teenagers walk around in gangs or anything unless its a school trip or at spring break and there DARN ANNOYING. dont act that immature where im from!


Active Member
how does the op know that the son was underage. My wife looked about 16 when she was 24 yrs old. Some people don't always look there age. So unless the op asked the son his aged and to see some id i would not take it as fact that the son was in fact underage to start with. Secondly they may be from a country with a lower drinking age. In England it is 18 to drink so it maybe illegal here for a 18 yrs old to drink but not where their actually from.


Active Member
Secondly they may be from a country with a lower drinking age. In England it is 18 to drink so it maybe illegal here for a 18 yrs old to drink but not where their actually from.

agreed however i respect local law to a good extent and fully in a public area, its not worth people loosing jobs however i do grasp any chance i can get. however it may be 18 in england, but i have been drinking at my local bar since i was 13 and drinking at home way before. a relaxed attitude has made me more mature about how i drink. i do find the law extremely tight when i travel :shrug:


Active Member
hey i agree also about follow the laws of the country you are at which his how i justified it to my parents when i went to england as an 18 yr old and drank because hey it was legal there but no in New Jersey where i am from so no law broken just followed. My only point was that some people claim to know things that they don't. For instance that the son's girlfriend was upset about him drinking. For all we know the girlfriend could have been drinking herself but not at the moment. It just gets me when people claim to have facts but in truth are just slanting/ twisting the story to fit their own beliefs.


WE TEENAGERS NEED TO STICK UP FOR OUR SELVES (even though i only am till april) i may not be able to drink in the park, but now being told im LOUD AND ANNOYING! :ROFLOL:

But british teenagers are loud and annoying:p!!

especially drunk ones! and whats with the attitude with teenagers these days:shrug:

Im kidding... I am from england as well and though I am no teenager I am sure loud and annoying when I have had a drink!


Active Member
lol tell me about it! i live in brighton which means any weekend tends to be hideousy loud getting hammered, we even got a street which has a nick name of fight street because of all the lairy common british guys, i tend to avoid them. its where like walkabouts and that is at.

however i do believe in respect its important.

and i could well be lil chris from lock stock :lol:


lol tell me about it! i live in brighton which means any weekend tends to be hideousy loud getting hammered, we even got a street which has a nick name of fight street because of all the lairy common british guys, i tend to avoid them. its where like walkabouts and that is at.

however i do believe in respect its important.

and i could well be lil chris from lock stock :lol:

one of those lairy common guys is probably me!!:lol:

Mind you with naff places like walkabout you do attract the less desirables!!


Active Member
being a male ive had my fair share of confrontations around those places. thing is you can spot these un desirables and surely in the world you can see them a mile off too, they tend to look like my parents. :ROFLOL:


Well-Known Member
My best friend is a first generation, his family is from England, though I forget what part... go figure.

Anyway, I think drunken fun is still cool, same as sober fun, as long as...

a.) it does not interfere with others
b.) does not injure anyone
c.) does not break anything
d.) don't break any laws

I love drunken romps through campus every once in a while, some of my favorite moments are from that, including running around Purdue drunk. :lol:

Again, I'm of legal age, so are my friends.


Well-Known Member

You mean the same Walt that gave us "Club 33" in Disneyland which infact serves Alcohol?
I completly support Disney World with Alcohol. It ain't just the kid's vacation you know. I'm not a drinker, but my mom certainly enjoys a drink now and then, including at WDW. Now how fair would it be for her to lose her privilege to drink a pint at the U.K pavilion just because a few other people can't control themselves?
and let's not forget one of Homer's best line; "Alcohol is a way of life. Alcohol is MY way of life, and I aim to keep it!"


Active Member
100 percent aggree with you there.

drinking may make you forget things but it does lead to some great memories, at the moment i got a road cone family in my room all with faces and dressed up. even got a mickey and minnie road cone i dressed up.

i also look forward to getting a lift home from the milk man on his milk float at 4 in the morning, and of course hitting all the drum and bass clubs till the first train, its un beatable. massive fan

however most stupid idea is jumping stairs, being like a well established skateboarder the stairs on the sea front which are about 25 sets look amazingly appealing and i remember few weeks back absolouel off my rocker thinking of if i can jump them then maybe i stand a chance on my skateboard, so completely cleared them and just like bounced ended up with my rolex in bedded into my wrist which had me laughing for hours.

im quite unlucky like that the other week i was out and had a spontaneous phenmothorax, which is where your lung decides it will collapse. need to be a bit more careful, oh how i laughed with a tube in my chest. never take anything seriously.


Ok khow many countries in epcot, that = 14 beers I think, thats 6 beers before I go to the bathroom & then 1 beer after that plus all that wlaking I aon't drunk just tired:ROFLOL:


New Member
I'm far from a drunk but *adore* the Year of a Million Dreams Glowtini's. They are tasty and beautiful, and as an adult, I have the right to enjoy them.

Aside from Pleasure Island the drinking isn't totally out of hand- and if you think it is, please, don't come to New York. It's not like there are girls taking their tops off on Dumbo, or kids doing keg stands outside Space Mountain.
Sounds like the OP could actually use a Tequila Sunrise herself.


Active Member
i challenge the op to a all day bender round epcot - ;)

seriously - of ALL the things to get worked up on... you chose this...?

i write this as i sink a nice vodka and diet coke with lemon and lime - and HELLOOOO to the birghton people - im from down that area, closer to hastings mind you ;) i saw one minute silence in brighton before they split up :(

man i cant wait untill i can get back to the us - your country makes hotel bars as cheap as student bars in edinburgh ;)


Active Member
Could't have said it better! If we made a list of all the people/actions that bother us and should be banned, the place would be empty!

I rarely drink, but don't mind of others do. If someone is out of hand, the CMs deal with it. As for the rest, live and let live.

Yea, the next thing you know folks will want to ban...

1. Cheerleaders
2. Brazillian Tour Groups
3. Sober people who use profanity

Not everyone who has a drink or two.....or even three is a threat to Walt's magic!

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