Well-Known Member
I bring plenty of good news (just look at my MK thread). You just want to see whatever is convient for you and you have already been called out on this by a number of users.
For the record, WDW1974 was the first person to break the news confirming that M:S was greenlit, wand removal, a toy story ride was coming to MGM, and ST 2. He has proven to be a very reliable source and MANY people (although not many on this site) listen to and trust his information.
Maybe ill start telling you tales of lavish Mystery islands, redone fantasylands, a clutter free Epcot, and a Prince of Persia e-ticket for DHS so that you will like me more.
He's only been here since March of 2008? :shrug:
Wasn't he banned from that other site?
My complaint is that you both critisize people by name who are not public figures. 74 has named some rather behind the scenes people while remaining anonymous. It only seems right that if you are going to name names you should open up about who you are and what you do and subject yourselves to the same scrutiny.
Then there was the gloating you (and many others) engaged in after it was announced WDW would be laying off managers. That in and of itself speaks volumes. And I have a long memory. You can keep changing your screen name but you can't change your character it seems.