News Tomorrowland love


Well-Known Member
I've defended that idea for ages.

The time gap between scenes doesn't make any sense anymore if they were to keep it in the present.
1900's - 1920's - 1940's - 2020's

Unless they were to change the gaps to 40 years.
But that would cause a crazy backlash (and it wouldn't be a long term fix)
1900's - 1940's - 1980's - 2020's

I think the correct fix would be to leave it all roughly within the 1900's. Similar to how it is currently, maybe space the scenes out a bit more so there is equal spacing bewteen them, year wise. for me it makes sense to have it a Progression of Tech through the 1900's. I think that once you start to try and make the last scene present day or slightly in the future, you are just asking for trouble. Next thing you know there's gonna be an 80 year gap between scene three and four. Give COP a nice refresh in all scenes while your at it.

i think that the biggest problem with COP is that people think that the last scene is supposed to represent today. At one time yes, but if you frame it in the context of the whole show living within the 20th century it can still be a great show.

Maybe leave the future looking stuff for another ride.
If only we had a show that could pickup where COP left off. Like a COP 2.0.....

wait a minute..... We DID have a ride like that, but the Underminer took it from us.


Park nostalgist
Premium Member
I thought it was supposed to showcase "progress". Leaving the ending in the 1990's would do just that, in my book. If someone isn't capable of seeing CoP and noticing the "progress" between the scenes and then extrapolating how much "progress" has been made between the final scene and today... then there's no hope for those people.


Well-Known Member
I thought it was supposed to showcase "progress". Leaving the ending in the 1990's would do just that, in my book. If someone isn't capable of seeing CoP and noticing the "progress" between the scenes and then extrapolating how much "progress" has been made between the final scene and today... then there's no hope for those people.

The real purpose of the attraction is the showcase and sell General Electric home appliances and explain how they improve quality of life. Getting too far afield of that in the ending is part of why the current show feels somewhat disjointed.


Well-Known Member
I’d hope by the 50th

I think GE should sponsor it again, and even restore it to the original version. Showing how GE was the leader in innovation. Then it wouldn't need "newer" updates. You could never add something like Alexa to it, or folks would be saying it during the presentation thinking they could make it do an action.


Well-Known Member
I thought it was supposed to showcase "progress". Leaving the ending in the 1990's would do just that, in my book. If someone isn't capable of seeing CoP and noticing the "progress" between the scenes and then extrapolating how much "progress" has been made between the final scene and today... then there's no hope for those people.
If someone isn't capable of seeing how desperately in need of an update and refresh CoP has been for the last 20 years... then there's no hope for those people. There's a reason it used to be updated every decade, before we got stuck with this version


Park nostalgist
Premium Member
If someone isn't capable of seeing how desperately in need of an update and refresh CoP has been for the last 20 years... then there's no hope for those people. There's a reason it used to be updated every decade, before we got stuck with this version

No argument there. But, this is TDO we're talking about, where "good enough" is, well, good enough.


I'm Just A Tourist!
Premium Member
I think GE should sponsor it again, and even restore it to the original version. Showing how GE was the leader in innovation. Then it wouldn't need "newer" updates. You could never add something like Alexa to it, or folks would be saying it during the presentation thinking they could make it do an action.
But you could still have some fun with IoT interactions...


Well-Known Member
No argument there. But, this is TDO we're talking about, where "good enough" is, well, good enough.

Let's not forget when, briefly, COP went seasonal (though to be fair I believe it was around 9/11 and when the tourism took a hit) and there had been rumblings about it going away. Thankfully that faded away it seems. I'm looking forward to an update but I'll believe it when I see it. Projects like this often get their funding cut or moved. I give them the benefit of the doubt sometimes but their history speaks for itself. lol

I know people cringe when this is suggested but it would have been much better putting COP in Epcot or moving it back to Disneyland. (As Future World and Tomorrowland are really nods to the world's fair that introduced COP, Small World, etc. It's why I think they're so fitting in Epcot but I digress and I don't want to be stoned by those who hate the idea -- no folks it will NEVER HAPPEN, I'm aware, but nothing wrong with dreaming ...)


Park nostalgist
Premium Member
Let's not forget when, briefly, COP went seasonal (though to be fair I believe it was around 9/11 and when the tourism took a hit) and there had been rumblings about it going away. Thankfully that faded away it seems. I'm looking forward to an update but I'll believe it when I see it. Projects like this often get their funding cut or moved. I give them the benefit of the doubt sometimes but their history speaks for itself. lol

Back then, I used to take a picture of the CoP sign and the year displayed on every trip. :)


Well-Known Member
I've defended that idea for ages.

The time gap between scenes doesn't make any sense anymore if they were to keep it in the present.
1900's - 1920's - 1940's - 2020's

Unless they were to change the gaps to 40 years.
But that would cause a crazy backlash (and it wouldn't be a long term fix)
1900's - 1940's - 1980's - 2020's
I did a short lived podcast debating this very thing. We more or less combined 1900s and 1920s, kept 1940s the same and did a 1980s scene (with a full audio track). I’ve got ideas for a future scene that I have yet to record.


New Member
For me, the way to fix the CoP is:

The load theater becomes both load and load. Audience boards to the left and exits out the right.

Everything is branded from the Tomorrowland Metro Retro Historical Society. Curtain rises to reveal a movie screen that tells a brief history of how walt was involved with the world’s fair and the attraction. The narrator also mentions that the attraction goes from the 1900s to the 1960s during Walt’s life but a bonus ending will be shown revealing a glimpse of the future.

Acts 1-4 play out as close as possible to the world’s fair version with a replicated act 4 from 1964.

What was the unload theater stage becomes the new future ending. The current act 4/entire family set will move here and be updated on a need-be basis.

Whenever the new bonus ending gets updated, the cast hired will read off the set in stone script for acts 1-4 so that their voices are consistent by the time the audience reaches act 5.

I LOVE this idea!


Active Member
Ideally what I'd like to see happen is have the Speedway given the Tron treatment with the neon electric cars and also have it go inside the Power Run building and travel underneath the light cycle coaster for a bit. Combine that with the PeopleMover going inside too and you've got something that matches the ambition and thoughtfulness of old Disney.
Now THAT would be awesome!


Well-Known Member
For me, the way to fix the CoP is:

The load theater becomes both load and load. Audience boards to the left and exits out the right.

Everything is branded from the Tomorrowland Metro Retro Historical Society. Curtain rises to reveal a movie screen that tells a brief history of how walt was involved with the world’s fair and the attraction. The narrator also mentions that the attraction goes from the 1900s to the 1960s during Walt’s life but a bonus ending will be shown revealing a glimpse of the future.

Acts 1-4 play out as close as possible to the world’s fair version with a replicated act 4 from 1964.

What was the unload theater stage becomes the new future ending. The current act 4/entire family set will move here and be updated on a need-be basis.

Whenever the new bonus ending gets updated, the cast hired will read off the set in stone script for acts 1-4 so that their voices are consistent by the time the audience reaches act 5.
I really love this idea


Well-Known Member
I've defended that idea for ages.

The time gap between scenes doesn't make any sense anymore if they were to keep it in the present.
1900's - 1920's - 1940's - 2020's

Unless they were to change the gaps to 40 years.
But that would cause a crazy backlash (and it wouldn't be a long term fix)
1900's - 1940's - 1980's - 2020's
Given the stage constraints and all the other thoughts on "what makes sense", I think a better way to play this is to make a story of all the advancements that happened in the 20th Century.

Load - screens to show hardships of life in the 19th Century that link to what we will see (no running water, electricity, refrigeration...

then the time of rapid change:

1900's - 1920's - 1940's - 1960's

Wrap it up at unload with a screen show on where we are today:
Electricity enabled computing
Sustainability of water resources

A coherent and inspiring story.

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