Tom Cruise at the Magic Kingdom


oh jeez, she's at it again....anyway, stars should not get any special treatment at all. If they do get mobbed and harrassed, I'm sorry but thats what they signed up for when they decided to persue a life of fame and fortune. They are no better then anyone else!! When they are in Disney they should do what they do in real life when there are lines: say Starbucks for instance, they send their assistant to stand in line for them and then when its their turn they come on the ride. A special VIP area in Disney so they don't have to wait in line and can get whisked in and out is total BS!!! If they go to the grocery store do they get to cut the line or have a special register just for them so they don't have to wait or get mobbed by fans? No! so Disney should be no exception. They can also wear a hat and sunglasses and if someone recognizes them they should say what Disney advised the Santa look alike to say "I am not who you think I am, please leave me alone".

I feel your point is invalid. The whole thing is a liability issue and trying to guarantee their children, who did not choose to have a celebrity lifestyle, have the same kind of Disney experience the rest of us do.

As the pictures show, it's not like he was kept away from everyone, in fact it looks like they had a fairly normal vacation, but waiting in line and taking up a whole Jungle Cruise boat, while I don't know if he waited in any line or not, was done for the safety of him and other guests, and the enjoyment of all. Line waiting aside, you can't tell me that you'd honestly want to go on Jungle Cruise tour or any interactive experience like that, where more than half the time you're going to have fellow passengers gawking at or trying to talk to a celebrity would you? Also you have to worry about the crazies, and having a celebrity in an enclosed space with a ton of people is not a great idea.

Don't you think sending an assistant to wait would just cause more resentment?

Your example of the grocery store is a poor one to me. Grocery stores are places that are visited on a regular basis, and where a celebrity lives is bound to give them a much more relaxed atmosphere. For example, I live in a small town that has its share of major celebrities that either live here all the time or a good chunk of the year, but these celebrities are able to mostly come and go as they please from the places they go. Sure there's sort of star struck feeling by most, but they've just become citizens by and large, and are treated as such.

Theme parks are a foreign space, filled with people who are not as accustomed to seeing these stars in person, this can only lead to trouble.

Cdn Gal

New Member
Perhaps this is why many celebs vacation in Canada, bc we don't mob them, (for the most part) people want them to come back, so we just leave them alone! As for Tom Cruise, YES he is a NUT, but he is a HOT NUT, and I would love to.... Well oh boy...but I just watch from afar :)


Well-Known Member
It wouldn't be a civil rights issue at all. Bad PR? Yes. Civil rights violation? What protected class does Tom Cruise belong to?


Well-Known Member
All crazy loons aside, this is the real problem:

Is suri having a magical time? Heck no. Did she ask to be brought into this environment? Heck no. The blogger wrote:

"I felt pretty guilty about snapping pictures while he was trying to have a special moment with his daughter, but I wasn't the only person doing it, which made me feel better. He probably is used to all the attention anyway. And he didn't seem to mind because he started to wave to some of the people nearby who were trying to say "hello" to him. "

He knew it was wrong but justified it because others were doing it and TC was "probably" used to it :rolleyes:. I was having fun with this thread until I saw this picture and it ate me up inside, still is. People, hate the loons all you want bringing this attention on themselves but remember that the kids of loons are undeserving of the attention.

In fairness, you could easily snap a picture of one of my kids looking droopy in the Magic Kingdom. For all we know, Suri was having a great time and just wanted to rest for a second. I wouldn't put too much into that picture.


Well-Known Member
In fairness, you could easily snap a picture of one of my kids looking droopy in the Magic Kingdom. For all we know, Suri was having a great time and just wanted to rest for a second. I wouldn't put too much into that picture.

Agreed. For all we know he was explaining to her that the 3:00 parade doesn't come around until 3:00, no matter how famous daddy is.


Well-Known Member
I feel your point is invalid. The whole thing is a liability issue and trying to guarantee their children, who did not choose to have a celebrity lifestyle, have the same kind of Disney experience the rest of us do.

As the pictures show, it's not like he was kept away from everyone, in fact it looks like they had a fairly normal vacation, but waiting in line and taking up a whole Jungle Cruise boat, while I don't know if he waited in any line or not, was done for the safety of him and other guests, and the enjoyment of all. Line waiting aside, you can't tell me that you'd honestly want to go on Jungle Cruise tour or any interactive experience like that, where more than half the time you're going to have fellow passengers gawking at or trying to talk to a celebrity would you? Also you have to worry about the crazies, and having a celebrity in an enclosed space with a ton of people is not a great idea.

Don't you think sending an assistant to wait would just cause more resentment?

Your example of the grocery store is a poor one to me. Grocery stores are places that are visited on a regular basis, and where a celebrity lives is bound to give them a much more relaxed atmosphere. For example, I live in a small town that has its share of major celebrities that either live here all the time or a good chunk of the year, but these celebrities are able to mostly come and go as they please from the places they go. Sure there's sort of star struck feeling by most, but they've just become citizens by and large, and are treated as such.

Theme parks are a foreign space, filled with people who are not as accustomed to seeing these stars in person, this can only lead to trouble.

sorry I totally disagree!! first of all, like I've said before this was the life he chose when he decided to pursue a life of fame and fortune. He knew long before he made it big that this type of lifestyle comes with being famous. If he wants to walk around Disney or anywhere else without getting bothered then he should stop making films and going on national TV regularly and live a life of obscurity. But he CHOOSES the fame and fortune.

I dont think sending an assistant to wait in line would cause any more resentment than the current resentment felt right now with his preferential treatment.

Also, for most of all Florida residents and many others Disney is a place that is visited on a regualr basis. Theme parks are not a foreign space.


Well-Known Member
Agreed. For all we know he was explaining to her that the 3:00 parade doesn't come around until 3:00, no matter how famous daddy is.

Or that Zurg on Spaceranger Spin was really Xenu. There's really no telling from the picture. He could have been explaining government corn subsidies and the impact they have had on the price of tacos in the Magic
Kingdom. Or maybe he was demonstrating that in 5 years time she would likely be taller than him. It could be anything.


Well-Known Member
Or that Zurg on Spaceranger Spin was really Xenu. There's really no telling from the picture. He could have been explaining government corn subsidies and the impact they have had on the price of tacos in the Magic
Kingdom. Or maybe he was demonstrating that in 5 years time she would likely be taller than him. It could be anything.

You're on a roll today!! :D


Well-Known Member
This is a surprising post from you! You have publicly come out against gays in the past but now you want to meet Tom Cruise. One step at a time...

I'm not against "gays", I'm non-supportive of the lifestyle. But I'm not one to tell someone how to live and I have many gay friends and/or co-workers. That being said, I think it would still be cool to meet Tom.


Well-Known Member
Again, Disney is going to do their very best to prevent a problem before it starts and when it comes to celebrities, as others have given examples of, mobs can and will form quickly as more people notice them. Once a mob forms it can become dangerous and even deadly in an instant.

Sure they could tell everyone over and over again that they aren't the person they think they are but I think in this case, that'd be difficult. A Tom Cruise look-a-like? Sure... but one who also happens to be walking the park hand in hand with a Suri look-a-like? Doubtful.

The key is Disney is protecting their guests by putting things in place to separate someone with a celebrity status (of any kind) from the potential of a mob mentality. It isn't just protecting Tom and Suri, it's protecting everyone else who really doesn't care that they are there from what could ensue if 100 people started fighting to get their photo with them.


Active Member
My husband and I were in the Museum of Natural History in NYC a few summers ago, and Uma Thurman was there with her two children. Now she may not be at the same level of stardom as Tom Cruise but no one was bothering her. She was walking around the museum having a wonderful day with her kids. She didn't seem to be getting any special treatment she was walking around the museum like any other guest. She even stood directly next to my husband a few times looking at some of the displays, and my daughter played briefly with her son in the gift shop. My husband and I didn't take any pictures or didn't address her stardom because her kids were with her and we didn't feel that was right. We treated her like she was anyone else visiting the museum that day.
All I can say is I hate that they get special treatment. I feel I am more of an important person in society being a teacher, than they are being actors, but I completely understand why they do in places like Disney. It could get dangerous in many ways. I don't want to be caught in a mob of people trying to get their autographs.
I am just keeping my fingers crossed that they are gone by Friday when I check in. He is one actor I have absolutely 0 interest in every meeting or seeing.


Well-Known Member
My husband and I were in the Museum of Natural History in NYC a few summers ago, and Uma Thurman was there with her two children. Now she may not be at the same level of stardom as Tom Cruise but no one was bothering her. She was walking around the museum having a wonderful day with her kids. She didn't seem to be getting any special treatment she was walking around the museum like any other guest. She even stood directly next to my husband a few times looking at some of the displays, and my daughter played briefly with her son in the gift shop. My husband and I didn't take any pictures or didn't address her stardom because her kids were with her and we didn't feel that was right. We treated her like she was anyone else visiting the museum that day.
All I can say is I hate that they get special treatment. I feel I am more of an important person in society being a teacher, than they are being actors, but I completely understand why they do in places like Disney. It could get dangerous in many ways. I don't want to be caught in a mob of people trying to get their autographs.
I am just keeping my fingers crossed that they are gone by Friday when I check in. He is one actor I have absolutely 0 interest in every meeting or seeing.

On any given day you can see a celebrity every 10 feet in NYC. It's not a rare occurance so people tend not to take notice.

Dads 2 Boys

Well-Known Member
sorry I totally disagree!! first of all, like I've said before this was the life he chose when he decided to pursue a life of fame and fortune. He knew long before he made it big that this type of lifestyle comes with being famous. If he wants to walk around Disney or anywhere else without getting bothered then he should stop making films and going on national TV regularly and live a life of obscurity. But he CHOOSES the fame and fortune.

I dont think sending an assistant to wait in line would cause any more resentment than the current resentment felt right now with his preferential treatment.

Also, for most of all Florida residents and many others Disney is a place that is visited on a regualr basis. Theme parks are not a foreign space.

You are being short-sighted imo. "Choosing" to be famous is subjective. Just because someone is famous doesn't give the public the right to be "crazy psychos" around them and cause the issues in public that it does. If some people weren't nuts, would Pricess Diana still be alive? The majority of society treat celebrities with the same respect that the "general public" deserve but the other "crazy minority" it was causes these issues. Celebrities are, for the most part, regular people regardless of their beliefs and should be treated as such.

In regards to WDW.........they should continue to do what they do so as to not disrupt the rest of the guests' enjoyment.

To quote a famous drummer and lyricist (NP):

Living on a lighted stage approaches the unreal​
For those who think and feel​
In touch with some reality beyond the gilded cage​
Cast in this unlikely role, ill-equipped to act​
With insufficient tact​
One must put up barriers to keep oneself intact​
Living in the limelight, the universal dream​
For those who wish to see​
Those who wish to be​
Must put aside the alienation​
Get on with the fascination​
The real relation, the underlying theme​
Living in a fish eye lens, caught in the camera eye​
I have no heart to lie​
I can't pretend a stranger is a long-awaited friend​
All the world's indeed a stage and we are merely players​
Performers and portrayers​
Each anothers audience outside the gilded cage​
Living in the limelight, the universal dream​
For those who wish to see​
Those who wish to be​
Must put aside the alienation​
Get on with the fascination​
The real relation, the underlying theme​


Well-Known Member
You are being short-sighted imo. "Choosing" to be famous is subjective. Just because someone is famous doesn't give the public the right to be "crazy psychos" around them and cause the issues in public that it does. If some people weren't nuts, would Pricess Diana still be alive? The majority of society treat celebrities with the same respect that the "general public" deserve but the other "crazy minority" it was causes these issues. Celebrities are, for the most part, regular people regardless of their beliefs and should be treated as such.

Those "crazy psychos" should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, and be kicked out of WDW.


sorry I totally disagree!! first of all, like I've said before this was the life he chose when he decided to pursue a life of fame and fortune. He knew long before he made it big that this type of lifestyle comes with being famous. If he wants to walk around Disney or anywhere else without getting bothered then he should stop making films and going on national TV regularly and live a life of obscurity. But he CHOOSES the fame and fortune.

I dont think sending an assistant to wait in line would cause any more resentment than the current resentment felt right now with his preferential treatment.

Also, for most of all Florida residents and many others Disney is a place that is visited on a regualr basis. Theme parks are not a foreign space.

I believe you missed my final point. I'm not saying Disney or theme parks in general are a foreign space to everyone, but they are to celebrities in the context of my post. There's a big difference between him going to a neighborhood market, where most, if not everyone, already knows him, and Disney where almost no one knows the person, just the image.

Thus my point about my town and celebrities. Here they definitely get a little extra treatment to preserve privacy, but most residents are respectful of it.

I'll again point out that just because it's his lifestyle, his children should not be punished for it, because they didn't choose it.

I also have to take issue with your whole assumption that just because someone chooses a life of "fame and fortune" they should be punished for it. Personally, it's the reason I hope to one day be rich without fame, but no one starts out thinking they'll be either. Actors, while they want to hit it big, are not guaranteed to do so, and neither are Authors, Musicians, or any other professions. Just because someone like J.K. Rowling writes a massively popular novel should not mean she shouldn't be allowed to enjoy a life outside of her creation, and the same goes for someone like Tom Cruise.

I also think that you're forgetting that not all celebrities are rich and famous or even sought out such a lifestyle. Take Sully Sullenberger after the miracle on the Hudson, he became one of the best known people in America, simply for saving his life and the rest of those on his plane. Should someone like him be punished for simply making such a choice?


Well-Known Member
I believe you missed my final point. I'm not saying Disney or theme parks in general are a foreign space to everyone, but they are to celebrities in the context of my post. There's a big difference between him going to a neighborhood market, where most, if not everyone, already knows him, and Disney where almost no one knows the person, just the image.

Thus my point about my town and celebrities. Here they definitely get a little extra treatment to preserve privacy, but most residents are respectful of it.

I'll again point out that just because it's his lifestyle, his children should not be punished for it, because they didn't choose it.

I also have to take issue with your whole assumption that just because someone chooses a life of "fame and fortune" they should be punished for it. Personally, it's the reason I hope to one day be rich without fame, but no one starts out thinking they'll be either. Actors, while they want to hit it big, are not guaranteed to do so, and neither are Authors, Musicians, or any other professions. Just because someone like J.K. Rowling writes a massively popular novel should not mean she shouldn't be allowed to enjoy a life outside of her creation, and the same goes for someone like Tom Cruise.

I also think that you're forgetting that not all celebrities are rich and famous or even sought out such a lifestyle. Take Sully Sullenberger after the miracle on the Hudson, he became one of the best known people in America, simply for saving his life and the rest of those on his plane. Should someone like him be punished for simply making such a choice?

I get your point. If Tom Cruise doesn't want this for his daughter then he should do what I said above, no longer make movies and appear on national TV and live a life of obscurity. You really can't compare Sully to Tom as far as fame goes...Lets just agree to disagree because I'm getting tired of this thread.


I get your point. If Tom Cruise doesn't want this for his daughter then he should do what I said above, no longer make movies and appear on national TV and live a life of obscurity. You really can't compare Sully to Tom as far as fame goes...Lets just agree to disagree because I'm getting tired of this thread.

You can't really put the genie back in the bottle after you've reached a certain level, though, and Tom Cruise has reached that level.

Sully was just my demonstration that not all famous people seek it.

I know you said you're out, but I just can't really get over the fact that someone would say squander your talent by hiding it because displaying it will bring you great wealth and attention, that's the kind of thing we should fight against, because we need all the talent of all kinds we can get.


New Member
I think that anyone of some notoriety should be able handle themselves and mingle in a public place, especially one as safe and well tended as Disney.

If they feel they cannot get the same enjoyment from a place that we save for years and pay large sums to have the privilege to enjoy then theirs is a surreal world that line jumping will not fix.

As far as mob scenes go the parades and shows create more than any single celebrity could.

If he artificially streaked his hair gray nobody would take any pictures.

Have celebrities wear character costumes !?!?


Well-Known Member
Now you know why Michael Jackson disguised his kids when he was in public with them ... so that they could go out and about with OTHER people who would have no idea they were MJ's kids ... I thought it was weird when I used to see them covered up, now I think that was pretty ingenious.

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