Tom Cruise at the Magic Kingdom


Well-Known Member
I really hope that he and other stars that go there do not get special treatment!! Hopefully they stand in line and wait like the rest of us!!!!

nope... guest services are contacted and there are special VIP areas to enter attractions. They don't wait in line.

Patricia Melton

Well-Known Member
I'd like to meet the guy. And it's great that he could have fun with his daughter at the MK.

I'm confused as to why people hate on him yet many people here were excited that Gaga was at the MK. She wears meat as clothing, gets carried to the stage in an egg and she's ok. However, if a guy jumps on a couch screaming about love then he's weird.......

This post was sprinkled lightly with humor as to be not so serious. I would think it was Tom's choice to believe in Scientology that would make him crazy.

I don't remember Tom ever having bad PR until the time period of the Oprah couch-jumping. Long before that, it was known he was a Scientologist but I don't remember the public being negative towards him because of that. But I think that people just didn't believe that his relationship with Katie Holmes was real (seemed weird because at the time he had been associated with both Penelope Cruz and Sophia Vergara and it all felt like it was a manufactured thing because he needed to be married again for publicity after his divorce from Nicole Kidman). You can speculate about Tom's real leanings if you like but I'm old enough to remember when Rock Hudson's publicity teams used to do a lot of the things that Tom Cruise's PR teams do to make him seem like the ladies' man about town.

The strange and bizarre behavior on Oprah made people laugh at Tom, which they had never really done before. Public figures lose a lot of star power when they become the butts of jokes. Not long after that, Tom was on The Today Show and went off on Brooke Shields to Matt Lauer, attacking women who had postpartum depression and also saying that psychiatry was wrong. It offended a lot of people. And it was so strange to go after Brooke Shields so personally out of the blue.

Ever since then, it seems like Tom has been fair game for attacks. South Park really goes after him, for both the Scientology and the insinuations they make about him being in the closet. All of this is a direct result of the Oprah couch-jumping that started the meme that "Tom Cruise is a big joke now".

2005, in the spring, is when all this started happening to him. It might have been May of 2005 that the couch jumping happened.

Patricia Melton

Well-Known Member
I really hope that he and other stars that go there do not get special treatment!! Hopefully they stand in line and wait like the rest of us!!!!

Question for you: when you are standing in line, do people mob you for autographs, demand to take pictures with you, and cause a scene because they are excited that you are there and they want to touch you, ask you questions, or speak to you?

Or are you allowed to stand in line peacefully and undisturbed and just enjoy your day without strangers coming up to you demanding things or making a scene that you are in the park?

Like it or not, the public does not treat celebrities "like the rest of us"...and the public does not allow these people to just stand there in line unharassed "like the rest of us".

The choices then become these:
!. Not allowing celebrities in the parks at all because they cause too much ruckus (which is unfair to them because they don't get the chance to enjoy the parks "like the rest of us" do)
2. Having celebrities stand in line "like the rest of us", where they will be harassed nonstop and they'll be a big mob and a scene and a very real risk of the celebrity being injured by people too excited to see them to control themselves
3. Putting the celebrity ahead in line so they can ride and be on to something else quickly with as little disturbance and scene as possible

I think Disney has an obligation to make sure every guest in the park has a good time. If someone is a celebrity and will be constantly bothered by strangers demanding things (even if it's just time and attention for photos) then I think it's totally appropriate for that celebrity to be whisked on and off attractions quickly and quietly so they too can enjoy a day in the park with their family "just like the rest of us", considering the fact that the VIP treatment is the only way to prevent these people being mobbed by throngs of fans who just won't let them have a quiet and peaceful day otherwise.


Well-Known Member
Question for you: when you are standing in line, do people mob you for autographs, demand to take pictures with you, and cause a scene because they are excited that you are there and they want to touch you, ask you questions, or speak to you?

Or are you allowed to stand in line peacefully and undisturbed and just enjoy your day without strangers coming up to you demanding things or making a scene that you are in the park?

Like it or not, the public does not treat celebrities "like the rest of us"...and the public does not allow these people to just stand there in line unharassed "like the rest of us".

The choices then become these:
!. Not allowing celebrities in the parks at all because they cause too much ruckus (which is unfair to them because they don't get the chance to enjoy the parks "like the rest of us" do)
2. Having celebrities stand in line "like the rest of us", where they will be harassed nonstop and they'll be a big mob and a scene and a very real risk of the celebrity being injured by people too excited to see them to control themselves
3. Putting the celebrity ahead in line so they can ride and be on to something else quickly with as little disturbance and scene as possible

I think Disney has an obligation to make sure every guest in the park has a good time. If someone is a celebrity and will be constantly bothered by strangers demanding things (even if it's just time and attention for photos) then I think it's totally appropriate for that celebrity to be whisked on and off attractions quickly and quietly so they too can enjoy a day in the park with their family "just like the rest of us", considering the fact that the VIP treatment is the only way to prevent these people being mobbed by throngs of fans who just won't let them have a quiet and peaceful day otherwise.
I would never mob anyone!!! Who cares who they are!!! Fair is fair!!! Stand in line and wait!! I think people vacationing at Disney have enough sense to just look and leave alone!!! Or at least they should!!! The celeb is no better than I am!!


Active Member
He manipulated his way through the lines. I guess he had All the Right Moves.
I figured him more of an EPCOT guy. Keeping in line with the science theme!

Really Science in EPCOT? Not since the mid nineties my friend. You just get a waterdown view of Science in Epcot today I think. I miss the good old days where a ride could be both fun and informative. Now Epcot only scratches the surface and leaves it at that. JMO


Well-Known Member
Really Science in EPCOT? Not since the mid nineties my friend. You just get a waterdown view of Science in Epcot today I think. I miss the good old days where a ride could be both fun and informative. Now Epcot only scratches the surface and leaves it at that. JMO
Dude LOL That was a joke... easy, easy!

Patricia Melton

Well-Known Member
I would never mob anyone!!! Who cares who they are!!! Fair is fair!!! Stand in line and wait!! I think people vacationing at Disney have enough sense to just look and leave alone!!! Or at least they should!!! The celeb is no better than I am!!

Whether you would mob the person or not is not the problem...the problem is that celebrities are mobbed in places like theme parks. It becomes a safety issue for them and for others around them, as people have been crushed by mobs before in the past. I remember in the 80s many people being injured at various Michael Jackson appearances when he was the height of his fame.

You bring a lot of personal emotion into this when you say things like "the celeb is no better than I am". No one has said any celeb is "better than you" -- that's something you are reading into things that's not really there and is an issue only you can address with yourself.

A celebrity does, however, draw more attention than you when in a line. A celebrity will attract more people who want things from him/her than you do and this will cause disruptions in a line that you being in a line does not cause.

There are people who would no doubt complain that Disney was "irresponsible" if a big mob thronged around a celebrity when in a line and people were injured in the crush of bodies that followed as someone stampeded someone like Tom Cruise and would not leave him and his little daughter alone.

Maybe put aside the resentment you feel towards celebrities for a moment and think about the security aspects of Disney doing nothing and allowing people to be mobbed in tight spaces where bystanders could be hurt by a sudden rush of pushing and shoving.

In terms of your "Fair is fair!!!" remark...would it be fair for my family if I had my little niece and nephew with me and they were hurt because a few people behind us Beyonce or Tom Cruise or some other big star was in line and suddenly there was pushing and shoving from people who wanted to talk to that person, get photos, etc.?

Would "fair is fair!!!" apply if it was YOUR daughter or son who was hurt because Disney allowed a mob to form around a famous person in front of or behind you and your family was crushed in the ensuing chaos?


Well-Known Member
oh jeez, she's at it again....anyway, stars should not get any special treatment at all. If they do get mobbed and harrassed, I'm sorry but thats what they signed up for when they decided to persue a life of fame and fortune. They are no better then anyone else!! When they are in Disney they should do what they do in real life when there are lines: say Starbucks for instance, they send their assistant to stand in line for them and then when its their turn they come on the ride. A special VIP area in Disney so they don't have to wait in line and can get whisked in and out is total BS!!! If they go to the grocery store do they get to cut the line or have a special register just for them so they don't have to wait or get mobbed by fans? No! so Disney should be no exception. They can also wear a hat and sunglasses and if someone recognizes them they should say what Disney advised the Santa look alike to say "I am not who you think I am, please leave me alone".

Patricia Melton

Well-Known Member
oh jeez, she's at it again....anyway, stars should not get any special treatment at all. If they do get mobbed and harrassed, I'm sorry but thats what they signed up for when they decided to persue a life of fame and fortune.

So, you're saying that what a person does for a living determines the quality of experience they are allowed to have inside a Disney park?

If someone chose to be an actor or a singer, then they shouldn't be allowed to have a quiet day at Disney with their daughter too?

Would YOU like it if you were on a rare day in the parks and people kept coming up to you demanding you talk about what you do at work and wanting things from you so that you could not enjoy the day with your child?

Somehow, I don't think you'd like that and you'd be searching frantically for a CM to keep the people away from you so you could just have a nice time and be off the clock. Celebrities do not give up all their rights just because they entertained you on a screen or on the radio.


Well-Known Member
He is an actor, big deal this is nothing to admire.

He should be treated like everybody else, a guy who does a job ..... and gets paid millions for the trouble ???

Really though if I meet an actor I would not care.


Well-Known Member
So, you're saying that what a person does for a living determines the quality of experience they are allowed to have inside a Disney park?

If someone chose to be an actor or a singer, then they shouldn't be allowed to have a quiet day at Disney with their daughter too?

Would YOU like it if you were on a rare day in the parks and people kept coming up to you demanding you talk about what you do at work and wanting things from you so that you could not enjoy the day with your child?

Somehow, I don't think you'd like that and you'd be searching frantically for a CM to keep the people away from you so you could just have a nice time and be off the clock. Celebrities do not give up all their rights just because they entertained you on a screen or on the radio.

Actually, yes, that is what I'm saying! They chose that life, and I'm sorry I don't talk to plants, please leave me alone.


Well-Known Member
I'm kind of shocked with all the media attention his family is getting right now because of the divorce that I haven't seen at least one photo of this visit to the parks.


Well-Known Member
Here's my 2Cents on the subject of Celebrities in the Parks! When I worked at Epcot and MK, I, too, thought that the celebs should be treated as the rest of us and have to wait in line and experience that too! But SAFETY is the first issue, not just at Disney, but all venues. I wonder if they ever had the clebs stand in line and wait with a Guest Services Rep that could kindly tell those who approach to kindly go on your way and let them enjoy their day as well!? I have met my share of celebs, but I was not all goo-goo eyed and star struck. they were there to enjoy time with family...we as fans SHOULD respect that!


Well-Known Member
I'd like to meet the guy. And it's great that he could have fun with his daughter at the MK.

I'm confused as to why people hate on him yet many people here were excited that Gaga was at the MK. She wears meat as clothing, gets carried to the stage in an egg and she's ok. However, if a guy jumps on a couch screaming about love then he's weird.......

This post was sprinkled lightly with humor as to be not so serious. I would think it was Tom's choice to believe in Scientology that would make him crazy.

This is a surprising post from you! You have publicly come out against gays in the past but now you want to meet Tom Cruise. One step at a time...

Patricia Melton

Well-Known Member
Actually, yes, that is what I'm saying! They chose that life.

They "chose that life" so now they are second-class citizens or something who deserve to be badgered and mobbed when they are not working?

It's pretty scary when people start saying things like "they chose that life" and thus implicitly "deserve what they get".

If you really feel this way, then you should hope that no one ever directs that kind of thing at you because of some "choice that you made" in life.


Well-Known Member
Oh my! While I am not a real Tom Cruise fan, it just reminds me of how Elvis or Michael Jackson, or even Whitney Houston would have to "buy out" the park for the day! I would simply say "Nice to meet you" if I saw a "celebrity". They're only human after all. It must be difficult growing up a celebrity's child! I can't imagine! I'm wondering if eventually it'll get to TMZ or Entertainment Tonight?:eek:

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