Timekeeper to become Monsters Inc.


Well-Known Member
lnsemsf said:
There has always been "creative interpretations" of where attractions go and nobody has complained in the past because it's just where they always have been. Frontierland has both The Country Bears and Splash Mountain which is based off of Song of the South. Explain to me how the south and country music attributes to late 1800s western frontier expansion? Just because you find bears out west doesn't mean they should be singing country music. It's not "western" music, it's country music and that's the south. Splash mountain is an excellent ride, but it has nothing to do with the frontier, nothing. They both look like they fit in because people aren't over thinking it. Haunted mansion in Liberty Square? What does it have to do with colonial America? Even the building it's modeled after was built in the 1870s, a hundred years after colonial times. Are the ghosts inside it former colonists from the lost Roanoke colony? Oh and why is Swiss Family Robinson in Adventureland, aren't they dreaded movie characters that everybody is completely against? Isn't that fantasy?

This is different though, This is tomorrowland, and nothing has ever been out of place there right? The gas powered race cars going 3 miles an hour are a perfect fit for "tomorrow." How about "If you had wings" what did that have to do with tomorrow? Didn't airplanes first fly in 1903, or nearly 70 years before WDW? You're going to tell me Buzz Lightyear is not more in tune with the theme of "tomorrow" than any other attraction that had ever been in it's space? Carousel of progress has nothing to do with "tomorrow" at all, never did. It has to do with people in the past thinking their present is fantastic and couldn’t get any better. Even the final scene is always meant to be "our" present, though now even that's 15 years outdated. Mission to the moon, something that happened 2 years before the park opened, and if you're not aware, things that happened before are the past. How about the original movies that were in there? Wasn’t it just scenes of America in the 1970s?

Monsters Inc is sci-fi, and sci-fi is the theme they were going for with the new Tomorrowland. Yes it's not a 100% perfect fit, but only Fantasyland has nothing you can say is out of place because ANYTHING can be fantasy. I'm much more concerned with having a new attraction which I will like, one that's fun then saying it's not "tomorrowish" enough. I love Splash Mountain, Haunted Mansion, Carousel of progress, and hell even The Country Bears (though Swiss family could burn down and I wouldn’t shed a tear.) I don't complain that they are not properly themed, they're fun, and fun is what I am concerned with. No average guest is going to complain it's out of place, they will complain however if what is put there completely sucks. Quality is what needs to be worried about first, then worry about how to theme it loosely enough to fit it in. Don't overthink the theme element, you didn't in years and lands past, just complain if the quality of the attraction is poor.

Very good post... but you won't get anywhere with some posters. See, the problem is not that the theming is necessarily wrong, but that many just think they know more than the imagineers. They consider themselves BETTER than WDI. It's actually funny sometimes to read them try to rationalize the theming being off in early attractions or try to ignore that many of the original attractions and lands were based on movies and tv shows.

I hope they bring the Monsters Inc dark ride in... it will be much better than Timekeeper and a new darkride would be awesome. I can't believe that in one thread people whine about not having a new attraction in MK and in the next thread whine that there's a RUMOR of a new darkride in TL and it "may not fit" with their view of the theme. :veryconfu


Well-Known Member
wannab@dis said:
I hope they bring the Monsters Inc dark ride in... it will be much better than Timekeeper and a new darkride would be awesome.

Well I don't know about that......:lol:

But it would be about 1,000 times better than bumper cars or something along those lines. The biggest problem they might face is they won't have room for much of a queue will they? I haven't seen many good videos of Buzz's queue over at DL, but from the pics I've seen the queue for Monsters Inc at DCA is pretty darn good and somewhat large too. I could be totally off on that though.

If they can make an attraction like Astro Blasters at DLR in the 360 building, I have no doubt they could make a great Monsters Inc ride in that spot. Maybe it's just wishful thinking, but I am pulling for anything that isn't the bumper cars. That type of ride might have been good in the 50's and 60's, but not today. I don't care how much they would "pimp it out" ;), it's still going to be another crappy addition to Tommorowland if it is put into place.

I think the theme of a land can sometimes be stretched a little for the sake of a good attraction. And to be honest, I think that if they wanted to, they could make a Monsters Inc attraction fit into whatever theme Tomorrowland 3 has now.


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure how much room is available, but I agree that it seems tight.

I'm not sold on the idea that any of this is coming true anyway. ;)


Well-Known Member
wannab@dis said:
I'm not sold on the idea that any of this is coming true anyway. ;)

Oh me neither. Not sold one bit. I'm still nowhere near being that optimistic about the state of the Magic Kingdom :lol: :animwink:

But it is fun to speculate about it anyways.


Well-Known Member
Sometimes these boards drive me crazy. People complain when Disney doesn't do anything and then when they do do something people still complain. Disney has been in this business a lot longer than any of us. Who are we to say what Disney can and cannot do. I think Disney knows what they are doing. You shouldn't judge something before it is built let alone before it is even confirmed. I don't know how some of you can call yourselves true Disney fans when you are always complaining. I don't want to be to harsh but I think that sometimes people tend to take advantage of Disney. They are trying to improve the parks by adding new rides. You should be grateful rather than complain.


Well-Known Member
imagineer boy said:
Um, the whole theme song is that there's a great big beautiful TOMORROW. Technically, I'd consider that its focus is on the future. Actually, the final scene is supposed to be in the not too distant future. Its a little dated now, sure, but when it was made, it was meant to represent the future acurately. The whole soul and essence of CoP is seeing how our lives have changed over the years, and how we are hopeful for a brighter future. Technically, that makes the ride deal with the future.

Monsters Inc is sci-fi?!:confused: :veryconfu I consider it more fantasy than sci fi. It doesn't have space ships, no aliens, no time travel, the story technically takes place in the present rather than the future, nothing that even fits in the sci fi catagory. Sure, they have high tech stuff, but its still not sci fi. Personally, I think that any average guest is atleast gonna give a little thought that Mosnters Inc is a little out of place. And IMO, Splash Mountain, Haunted Mansion, CoP, and Country Bears are all properly themed enough with a good spirit that makes them fit in their lands perfectly. But if they adapted the alien futuristic sci-fi with the characters with mosnters inc, then the result would be a mess because they just don't fit together. Period.

First off...
"Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow" wasn't ALWAYS the song (don't forget "NOW IS THE TIME") But yes, I see your debate about CoP...it just needs to be updated in order for it to focus more on "tomorrow."

Now...secondly. (Taken from the dictionary)

Sci-fi: A literary or cinematic genre in which fantasy, typically based on speculative scientific discoveries or developments, environmental changes, space travel, or life on other planets, forms part of the plot or background.

Fantasy...Scientific discoveries or developments (they discover how to get more energy out of laughter). Environmental changes...going from the Human world to the Monster World. Not so much other planets...but there is life in a different "World."

How is Monsters, Inc. not "Sci-Fi" again? Fits perfect in my book.
Do I think it could be placed in a better spot in MGM...sure...but I would never say that it didn't fit the "theme" of the sci-fi tomorrowland we have today.


Well-Known Member
I have no problems with the ride being located in Fantasyland. Granted I rather have a family dark ride that isn't 30 minutes long located in MGM, so there more things that the whole family can do with little ones with little attention spans, but I digress.

If we get a good/quality attraction in Fantasyland then go for it. Heck, get rid of the Galaxy Theater and use that space for a longer ride as well.


New Member
I see that this thread has been running for a while so I figured I'd throw my two cents worth in to the debate...

Being a big fan of the Monsters, Inc movie, I would love to see Disney introduce a linked ride in to it's parks. The talk seems to be of a possib;e inclusion in to Tomorrow Land which, if I really try to, could see it fitting perfectly. However, I have to agree with some of the posts I've read pushing for it's inclusion over at the Studios. That park is clearly crying out for some fresh attractions so why not go all out with a Monsters, Inc. ride. Maybe something along the lines of the Spiderman ride at IOA...perhaps rescuing Boo and swinging from door to door, visiting strange lands? I think it's clear that I'm not an Imagineer but you get the idea...

As I said, Monsters Inc. could loosely fit in to Tomorrow Land as it's a very difficult sibject matter to specify. Of course it relies heavily on fantasy but you can't deny it also has large amounts of science-fiction too.

Personally, given the choice, I think an Incredibles ride would be better suited to Tomorrow Land with Monsters Inc slotting in over at MGM. Both films have successfully been and gone and it's about time they were represented within Disney parks in Florida.

As a Disney fan, however, I can appreicate the level of concern for Tomorrow Land's future. It really is in need of some fresh ideas...

P.S. Would anyone have access to a ride-through of DCA's Monsters Inc. ride? Apparenty, I hear it's a pretty good one and I'd love to see it!


Well-Known Member
I remember reading a post of how Monsters Inc could work in Tomorrowland.

"Creatures from a new dimension would like to welcome you to their open house, where they showcase a incredibly different energy source, the likes of which humankind has never considered... screams."

Now, if XS-Tech can claim a rightful spot with the idea of a technology display... than I'm sure Monsters Inc can display some technology of their own...


New Member
ms7479a said:
Sometimes these boards drive me crazy. People complain when Disney doesn't do anything and then when they do do something people still complain. Disney has been in this business a lot longer than any of us. Who are we to say what Disney can and cannot do. I think Disney knows what they are doing. You shouldn't judge something before it is built let alone before it is even confirmed. I don't know how some of you can call yourselves true Disney fans when you are always complaining. I don't want to be to harsh but I think that sometimes people tend to take advantage of Disney. They are trying to improve the parks by adding new rides. You should be grateful rather than complain.

...yes i agree completely, plus how does monsters not fit at all , but the speedway does? i say let them build it , then judge.
me personally, i never cared for timekeeper, nor did my family, children or friends


Well-Known Member
ms7479a said:
Sometimes these boards drive me crazy. People complain when Disney doesn't do anything and then when they do do something people still complain. Disney has been in this business a lot longer than any of us. Who are we to say what Disney can and cannot do. I think Disney knows what they are doing. You shouldn't judge something before it is built let alone before it is even confirmed. I don't know how some of you can call yourselves true Disney fans when you are always complaining. I don't want to be to harsh but I think that sometimes people tend to take advantage of Disney. They are trying to improve the parks by adding new rides. You should be grateful rather than complain.
Exactly! :wave:


Well-Known Member
while i was a huge fan of timekeeper i can definatley see that it's time is up. i would absolutely love a monster's inc ride. however, as previously stated i would much prefer an incredibles ride in tomorrow land and a monster's ride in mgm. what ever happend i have full confidence in WDI.



Well-Known Member
tracyandalex said:
while i was a huge fan of timekeeper i can definatley see that it's time is up. i would absolutely love a monster's inc ride. however, as previously stated i would much prefer an incredibles ride in tomorrow land and a monster's ride in mgm. what ever happend i have full confidence in WDI.


First off...
Tracy, this has nothing to do with your or your thoughts, just quoted you because you were the last person to mention the Incredibles :wave:

People are complaining because Monsters, Inc. doesn't fit into Tomorrowland...but...how do The Incredibles fit more? The Incredibles took place in the present...they were "humans" albeit "super" and they didn't really have anything "futuristic." The only thing I can see them doing with the Incredibles to make it "work" with Tomorrowland is Q's place where the suits were designed.

In my opinion...if you had to put the Incredibles somewhere in the Magic Kingdom...I'd put them in Adventureland (Even the island they went to had lush scenery like Adventureland). I still say bring both of these concepts to MGM and make a mini land devoted to Pixar films. (Either that...or put Monster's into the Universe of Energy (only because it's inevitable that the characters will show up in some form).


New Member
instead on getting rid of cop why not do another ride somehow conected to it from now till the future? a figure of eight ride or second carousel ?or two levels? like a corksrew effect so your going up somehow over the past into the future shame to get rid of it its one of walts!


Well-Known Member
Legacy said:
I remember reading a post of how Monsters Inc could work in Tomorrowland.

"Creatures from a new dimension would like to welcome you to their open house, where they showcase a incredibly different energy source, the likes of which humankind has never considered... screams."

That would be an excellent idea, but I'm not sure how it could work for a ride in the Timekeeper building. However this does sound like a wonderful concept for a building right across the street :lookaroun

Imagine: Creating an attraction where screams were an important part of the story and the binural sound technology and effects over there would be a perfect way to generate these screams. You could honestly scare children for a short period, as long as they know what's going on, and then turn the lights back on and they could be thanked by the characters on screen or in the tube. And they could have a couple of these "experiments" throughout the show. And hopefully if the children were urged to scream, it would reduce true terror. And how nice would it be to have a Sully animatronic in the middle of that tube?

Well that's enough "armchair imagineering that will never even come close to happening" for today :lol:

Legacy said:
Now, if XS-Tech can claim a rightful spot with the idea of a technology display... than I'm sure Monsters Inc can display some technology of their own...

Maybe the Monsters could even use some XS-Tech equipment ;)


Liker of Things
Premium Member
I like this idea. You could make it more family friendly and not lose its appeal (I think) by using the more powerful laugh. Or maybe you could use scream and laugh during the show.


Active Member
JCrane said:
P.S. Would anyone have access to a ride-through of DCA's Monsters Inc. ride? Apparenty, I hear it's a pretty good one and I'd love to see it!

I believe I saw the ride through video on Laughing Place.com. It is pretty good, but my disappointment is it tells the story of the movie.

I'm just hoping that the Imagineers decide to embellish the story, or perhaps go with the flying door thought and elevate the ride through ala Peter Pan's pirate ship or Universal's ET ride. They could even borrow a page from Mr Toad and crash through doors into other "world's".


Chickens are being counted here...a bit prematurely.
I'm still not convinced. Good people are telling me it's not Monsters. Same company...wrong movie.:rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
At this point, anything in that space is good as long as it is NOT a meet and greet OR Timekeeper (those two waste space). I just hope it isn't too Fantasylandish...just my opinion though.



Permanent Resident of EPCOT
objr said:
At this point, anything in that space is good as long as it is NOT a meet and greet OR Timekeeper (those two waste space). I just hope it isn't too Fantasylandish...just my opinion though.

bingo.... totally agree. with that said, i also like the idea of Galaxy Theater are being used for something for the new attraction. i would like to see that argument to keep the theater since AK theater is getting demolished.....

im not a huge Monster inc fan, but it beats a stagnant TK that is past its prime.

*2 cents*

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