Timekeeper replacement - Laugh Floor Comedy Club - name confirmed


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wdwishes2005 said:
I actually never thought about that. I haven't been back to DLR since 95.... I don't think nemo is a good fit either, although I never did see the subs as being futuristic.....
Well back then, I think they were still seen as 'futuristic'. And the ride was called "Adventures through Liquid Space", but it was commonly called The Submarine Voyage.


ISTCrew20 said:
And I was just wondering, how does Nemo fit into Disneyland's Tomorrowland? I don't hear anybody complaining about that.
I can only worry about one coast at a time :)

I figure if I can stay WDW-centric I don't even have to think about DCA, DSP, or HKDL. But then there's Tokyo.... damn you Tokyo!

Besides, like the chap says, after 1998 I think the DL fans would take ANYTHING in Tomorrowland. It had gotten a bit *too* tomorrowland... verging on Mad Max territory. I equate CLUB BUZZ to the Church of the Bomb.



GymLeaderPhil said:
I think at this point any decent addition to Tommorowland at Disneyland, regardless of it's theme, would satisify the fanatics. The 1998 retheming in Anaheim was dead on arrival versus what we had initially.

There is complaining about Nemo moving into Tomorrowland on DL message boards, but it isn't really as loud. The main justification is that (like also mentioned here) subs were/are somewhat futuristic and that it borders Fantasyland.

But you are also right about DL's Tomorrowland needing any help it can get after the '98 redo. Currently, it is going thru a 5 year refurb plan (which started last spring). So they are slowly fixing it up and redoing the land. It is moving away from the brown, rust and green colors towards, silver, white and blue. Right now it is an odd mix as many CM costumes are still themed to the '98 redo while they are in a new white and blue area.

I also think that Monster's would be more accepted if Stitch hadn't been a dissapointment. The new attraction could have been the anti-Alien Encounter and could have shown that not all monsters are bad.
You know what I love. When a name gets posted about something or a basic plotline gets posted...and then people go and on about how they hate this. Is it even possible to hate something you have never fully done yet?

Some bandwagon jumpers say they hate the name or placement. There are tons of rides that at first i'm sure people thought had silly names but the rides or shows are great. The location I think is fine....we still dont know yet if these monsters are real ;) (No I really don't think they are...but who knows.)

End Rant.


Well-Known Member
I like the idea for the attraction but I just dont like the fact that its replacing Timekeeper. I think that this will never replace it. I hope its more like a ride instead of a show. Sincce Monsters Inc. was such a great movie I think they could have done a great ride easily because of the story line. But its here and I hope I like it because the last attraction to enter Tommorrowland was horrible.(Stitch)


Well-Known Member
I think this sounds like a great idea. As long as they add seats to the theater, I'm all for it. I think they can make it fit really well, and it sounds like there's a good chance it will fit based on how secretive the project is.

Does early 2007 sound a bit early to anyone else? Isn't there a lot of work to be done to be finished that fast?


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BeachClubVillas said:
Does early 2007 sound a bit early to anyone else? Isn't there a lot of work to be done to be finished that fast?

Good point. I was thinking the same. They must be much further advanced on this than we thought. It is possible with movie based attractions for production work to begin years before installation into the actual theater. I would suspect this must be the case here.


Well-Known Member
wdwmagic said:
Good point. I was thinking the same. They must be much further advanced on this than we thought. It is possible with movie based attractions for production work to begin years before installation into the actual theater. I would suspect this must be the case here.

No complaints on this end, usually I'm left wondering why they're taking so long...I'm glad this isn't the case with 'laughing'. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Shaman said:
No complaints on this end, usually I'm left wondering why they're taking so long...I'm glad this isn't the case with 'laughing'. :lol:

Time to break in a new acronym. LFCC That will take some getting used to. :lol:

As far as the timeline goes, I agree with Steve that this could have been in R & D for quite a while and now they are basically creating the set.


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wannab@dis said:
Time to break in a new acronym. LFCC That will take some getting used to. :lol:

As far as the timeline goes, I agree with Steve that this could have been in R & D for quite a while and now they are basically creating the set.

I think its been in more than R&D, I think its actually been in production for some time now.

Timekeeper closed on 26 February 2006, so its left with them with less than a year to install the actual show. Granted, with indoor theatre attractions, its much easier than Expedition Everest for example.

As a comparison. Legend of the Lion King closed in Feb 2002, and PhilharMagic opened around September 2003.
wannab@dis said:
As far as the timeline goes, I agree with Steve that this could have been in R & D for quite a while and now they are basically creating the set.

Since it sounds like they are just recycling Turtle Talk and spoon feeding us some more Pixar, there doesn't seem the need for a lot of R&D. The technology is all there.

Screen. [Check]
Projector [Check]
Computer Animation Software [Check]
Lovable Characters [Check]
Lack of fresh creativity [Check]
Fear of failing like we did on Stitch [Check]

The attraction could turnout to be a lot of fun and I'm looking forward to getting to see it it on my next trip to PixarWor...er..um..I mean Disney World. I would just rather see something new than them just regurgitating another attraction.
i think this will be a good thing. i was never a fan of timekeeper and have always been a fan of monsters inc. however, i was hoping it would have been a ride. it sounds like its going to be a show like turtle talk with crush, which is awesome, but we allready have one of those. anyway, i really dont see a problem with it fitting in TL. TL is supposed to be sciencefictiony, so why not with MI? it really is just a matter of how you percieved MI in the first place. where they come from was never explained in the movie. they could be aliens, they could live in another dimension or a parallel universe. the technology they had was definitely beyond us, so id say thats pretty "tomorrow"ish. besides, other than this, what else in TL is out of place? the raceway has always been there, and that really was never futuristic.


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ReallyBigKid said:
Since it sounds like they are just recycling Turtle Talk and spoon feeding us some more Pixar, there doesn't seem the need for a lot of R&D. The technology is all there.

Screen. [Check]
Projector [Check]
Computer Animation Software [Check]
Lovable Characters [Check]
Lack of fresh creativity [Check]
Fear of failing like we did on Stitch [Check]

The attraction could turnout to be a lot of fun and I'm looking forward to getting to see it it on my next trip to PixarWor...er..um..I mean Disney World. I would just rather see something new than them just regurgitating another attraction.

Its certainly going to be a much larger installation than Turtle Talk. I would imagine scaling the system to the size it will need to be, is a big task.

Let's not write of an attraction before we see it. In this case, we know very little about it, so how about giving it a chance?


Well-Known Member
wdwmagic said:
I think its been in more than R&D, I think its actually been in production for some time now.

Sorry... I wasn't very clear with my post. I was considering production as part of 'development'. Since this appears to be a screen technology attraction, they could have been using a warehouse mockup to work on the technology, sets, and multiple edits of the film to get everything ready. Once they reached a certain point in that development, they could start working on the new space at TK with a reasonable timeline of completion.

I'm looking forward to seeing this completed! If the comparisons to Turtle Talk are remotely accurate, it will be a great addition to MK.


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CommandoDisney said:
i besides, other than this, what else in TL is out of place? the raceway has always been there, and that really was never futuristic.

What you have to remember, is that people develop selective criticism. They overlook thinks that they like and dont mention theme problems there, but they speak up about things they dont like, and make out that it's the biggest disaster ever.


Active Member
Well, I have to admit this. People didn't really like SGE before they actually released it, and they really don't like it now. Hopefully, we wont be able to say the same for LFCC. :)

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