Timekeeper replacement - Laugh Floor Comedy Club - name confirmed


Well-Known Member
I'm not trying to start something, but it just struck me that Monster's Inc. would actually fit into a space theme (Tomorrowland), than a European Village (Fantasyland). I have a feeling it won't feel out of place though. What if the Imaganeers made the Enterance a Closet Door, and have the waiting room be a kids bedroom? You walk through the Door(s) onto the laugh floor. Would that maybe stop people from saying it's the wrong location? Probally not, but it's at least a start.


Well-Known Member
From what I read, I like the idea of this attraction. I enjoyed Timekeeper, and it sounds like Disney is sticking to the zany spirit of that attraction. They're just using better technology and newer characters.

Thanks for bringing us the news, wdwmagic!

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
Chape19714 said:
I'm not trying to start something, but it just struck me that Monster's Inc. would actually fit into a space theme (Tomorrowland), than a European Village (Fantasyland). I have a feeling it won't feel out of place though. What if the Imaganeers made the Enterance a Closet Door, and have the waiting room be a bedroom You walk through the Door(s) onto the laugh floor. Would that maybe stop people from saying it's the wrong location? Probally not, but it's at least a start.

Well, IMO it would've been slightly better in Fantaseyland since MI has more of a fantasey appeal to it, but the industrial look of the factory would not work with the European theme.

Think of it this way, in Tomorrowland, you have the Tomorrowland transit authority, space mountain, astro orbiter, Cosmic Rays, and then "Laugh Floor Comedy Club." Sounds VERY out of place.


Account Suspended
Actually, you have the old League of Planets monument, a rocket "shipping" facility, a lounge complete with lounge singer, a prison detention center, a museum, and a seedy sppedway. It sounds like the wrong side of the tracks in a seedy part of town, and a comedy club seems to fit that.


Active Member
Multiple characters led by Mike using Turtle Talk tech. and interacting with each other as well as the audience. Chairs are being installed as well I believe.

The key is will they include the song "Put that kid back where it came from".


Well-Known Member
Well, lets see, what they can do? (with that very little space) Anything is better than nothing. IMO, they should have been dealing with the 20,000 LUTS area (E-ticket would be nice), but instead they are simply just throwing together a BS attraction, just to say we have new attractions for the Year of a million dreams celebration


Well-Known Member
mousermerf said:
Actually, you have the old League of Planets monument, a rocket "shipping" facility, a lounge complete with lounge singer, a prison detention center, a museum, and a seedy sppedway. It sounds like the wrong side of the tracks in a seedy part of town, and a comedy club seems to fit that.

Yes, this is starting to sound like a Sci-Fi Pleasure Island. Perhaps PI will continue to live, after all... ;)


tirian said:
^^ Neither I nor my sister ever experienced AE. We both think Stitch is dull.

I wasn't an AE fan (although I *loved* the preshow) and I think Stitch is a dull mess. I was actually pretty excited about the concept, and the Stitch animatronic is amazing, but the show itself is an incoherent mess with way too much time sitting in the dark waiting for something to happen.


Magicot said:
Some people act like SGE has nothing to do with space/aliens/sci-fi but it actually fits perfectly. It is often ridiculed as being the worst Disney attraction screw-up of all time, but I think JIYI('99) might deserve that title. To me, SGE isn't the best it could be, but it isn't a complete failure as far as attractions go. It still has people lining up to get in.

SGE could fit thematically for sure... It *is* sci-fi, even if it's toon sci-fi. It's just... so blah.

I agree with you that JIYI'99 wins the prize for the greatest Disney attraction screw-up ever. In its case not only was the original attraction that much greater, but the replacement was that much worse. I actively hated JIYI. The first time I rode it I actually thought about leaving EPCOT and never coming back. Stitch just makes me sad because we had to lose S.I.R. to get a rather boring show and chili burp.


Account Suspended
imagineer boy said:
Yeah, and despite that, the name sounds really crummy IMO. "Laugh Floor Comedy Club?!" ?!!? Good attraction or not, that's a really cheesy sounding name.

agreed....hope the attraction doesn't turn out to be another SGE.


Account Suspended
i was hoping for an attraction that started completely from scratch. tomorowland is going to be another fantasyland with buzz, stitch, and now MI attractions. I don't think Walt would want tomorowland to be full of animated features.


New Member
tirian said:
If the attraction is presented as TL's night club, this will fit into the sci-fi theme quite well: someone from an alternate universe is our special guest tonight.

I've been wondering how they would be able to get away with MI in Tomorrowland, but you hit it dead on, and it could really be feasible if they work it this way.

That spaceship outside the Timekeeper entrance always did look like a sort of club/theatre marquee to me...


Well-Known Member
kiawahman said:
i was hoping for an attraction that started completely from scratch. tomorowland is going to be another fantasyland with buzz, stitch, and now MI attractions. I don't think Walt would want tomorowland to be full of animated features.
Whatever gave you that idea? He was the one that originally used animated features as the basis for attractions....even the centerpiece, the CASTLE. :brick:


Well-Known Member
mitchk said:
Well, lets see, what they can do? (with that very little space) Anything is better than nothing. IMO, they should have been dealing with the 20,000 LUTS area (E-ticket would be nice), but instead they are simply just throwing together a BS attraction, just to say we have new attractions for the Year of a million dreams celebration
BS huh? And you know this how? Why not wait and see?

MK pulls in more guests than any other park in the entire world. Please tell me why you think it needs another massive e-ticket?


Well-Known Member
wannab@dis said:
BS huh? And you know this how? Why not wait and see?

MK pulls in more guests than any other park in the entire world. Please tell me why you think it needs another massive e-ticket?

because he posts like a good number of the posters on this board. Everything is a travesty if it's not an E-ticket. The only rides or attractions that should be made are E-tickets, if not it's a waste of money.

Let's not go spouting facts like the Magic Kingdom drawing more than any other park in America and not needing another E-ticket. Let's not spout the facts that that kind of money would take away from the money the other lesser parks need.

No, it's the disney board way to just say that these imagineers who have brought us such wonderful attractions over the year are all dumbasses and we all know better than them. Yes, they've fallen flat on a couple of things, but overall their batting average and slugging percentages are very very high.

Do the suits crush their dreams from time to time? Yes, but let's wait and see exactly what they have in store for us before decrying it worse than Stitch. The simple fact is, this project is being kept more hush hush for the time being than any other work being done in the parks right now. Even Pirates has given us all the info of what they're going to do, we just can't see it. All we know is that this is a show involving Mike and gang who interacts with the audience. Let's wait to see the rest of the details before we nuke the idea.

Brian Noble

Well-Known Member
Bravo! Excellent post.

Goodness---before we decide the attraction is or isn't any good, or does or does not fit with the theme, let's see what they come up with.

Of course, you shouldn't listen to me. I thought Stitch was okay. Not great, but I don't feel the need to run to guest services and demand my fifteen minutes back either. And, my DD7 liked it enough to want to go on it a second time. Instead of Buzz.

(Of course, that could be because DS5 trounces her in Buzz and she didn't want to lose yet again...)


New Member
i am excited for the MI attraction I just have a good feeling about it. my only question is why MI? I don't have any issues with pixar theming, but was MI even that popular? I think it was the least successful of all of the pixar movies, right? Just curious...

As long as it is only similar to crush and not a replica with a different character talking to us, i think it will be great. The one thing that I do hope is different from crush is that there are real seats, not benches and floor seating...


New Member
phillipsa9 said:
I don't have any issues with pixar theming, but was MI even that popular? I think it was the least successful of all of the pixar movies, right? Just curious...

Monsters, Inc. grossed $255 million in the US in 2001, not counting its brisk DVD sales, which is a very good gross. To put it in perspective:
Toy Story (1995): $191 million
A Bug's Life (1998): $162 million
Toy Story 2 (1999): $245 million
Finding Nemo (2003): $339 million
The Incredibles (2004): $261 million

So Monsters Inc. was a very big money earner, earning about the same, when adjusted for inflation, as every Pixar movie except for the phenomenally successful Finding Nemo. A Bug's Life seems to be the weak link here, yet that has not prevented it from spawning two clone attractions in Florida and California (although It's Tough to Be a Bug opened a bit before the movie did, so it was a gamble).

Plus Monsters Inc. has proven to be popular for reasons beyond what the numbers would say, as those characters and voices, especially Billy Crystal as Mike Wazowski (great name) and especially Roz seemed to resonate more with people than some of Pixar's other characters (a link with a work environment?). Maybe because most of those characters seem more adult-like, I like to think they are more popular than they really are, making my ramblings moot, but it's safe to say they are pretty popular characters. They must be at least more popular than Stitch, whose movie didn't even earn $150 million in 2002.

Plus Disney has made attractions based on films that did not do well at all, such as Alice in Wonderland at DL, and of course Mr. Toad, who didn't even have his own full feature movie. Bottom line, if the attraction is enjoyable, and I see this as at least a solid C or D-Ticket, then no one will complain, no matter who the attraction features.


Well-Known Member
wannab@dis said:
BS huh? And you know this how? Why not wait and see?

MK pulls in more guests than any other park in the entire world. Please tell me why you think it needs another massive e-ticket?

It's not that they need another e-ticket ride, but when was the last time MK got a new huge attraction? ( I love MP, but I don't consider it an e-ticket). I retract my statement about a BS attraction, but come on, if MK has the highest attendance why not reward that with a new e-ticket ride that all of those people can enjoy

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