I wasnt going to post to thread, but a few things I have seen were also stated here. I'm also a fellow CM, I have a bit of a problem with what I've seen on the video. I 'd like to think I take in the whole picture on things before making any kind of assessment( it's my other job!). Anyway, the one thing I noticed is Tigger is indeed all calm and ready/posed for picture. Then the third son is told to get into the picture. this 14 year old(as stated) reaches in with one hand and almost immediatly I see that Tiggers head is moved up and the CM reacts grabing his head(tigger head), clearly indicating a problem with the head gear or head in some form or another. The young man ( term used loosely) has most likely grabed the back of the head or zipper and pulled in a downward motion, this is why in the video you can clearly see the head of Tigger go upward as if by "Magic". Now if this is done it is also my understanding I will tend to cut off the air to the CM. The quick response of the CM to right the situation,keeping in mind little or no air at the moment, is first to clutch/ imobilize the arm causing the trouble, then to turn away from what ever is causing the trouble , in this case toward the guest to free the guest's arm from his back. In doing so, Tigger accidentally brushed the childs face while going for his shoulder of the threatening arm/hand. Agreeing with some others here, I don't think Tigger/ CM ever even saw the child.
Here's a thought. To show how limeted vision could be in this costume try this experiment, granted it's just an idea..but will totally get the point accross. Assuming you have one to your availablity, grab a decent sized box and cut a "oval" hole in it the size of a potato or thereabouts. Now but it over you head and look through it making sure or imagining everything is pitch black except for this vision hole. you can see pretty good right?.....great! now move the box forward which will move the front of the box/vision hole away from you and the back of the box torward the back of your head . So, how much can you see now? This is how I imagine Tigger see's. This whole thing has totally gone nuts...ohh sorry if this was posted before...just my meeger thoughts on the issue
Will....aka BABS