One of the ones I'm not fond about:
I have an Annual Pass.
I can't get into special events and I accept that. It annoys me a bit at how much time special events take up (try seeing the MK at night between October and December and you'll realize that 4 out of 3 nights are MNSSHP or MVMCP). That makes it kind of suck, but, OK, they're neat events.
It also sort of stinks of the special ticketed events that they're kind of selling the park twice in one day. Want to go to the MK?? That's $100. Oh, you want to be there in the evening, too?? That'll be another $70.
In the last year or two they started charging for special events inside the events. It's like a VIP room at some high dollar club but, it's Disney.
It's stuff like this that, while I adhere steadfastly to "charge whatever the market will bear", makes me think, "Guys, this is really over the top."
It wouldn't surprise me if SWW became a special ticketed event and there was absolutely no change in price for the park-hopper option or a lowering of the price on the APs. Basically something like: All parks, except DHS because of SWW and it's a special ticketed event, equals the normal price + the normal park hopper. If you wanted to get into SWW that day, too, then it's another $125 because it's all day... and a special ticketed event.
It's like when you go to the airport and they say, "Hi.. OH! You wanted to take luggage with you on your trip to far away.. Well.. That'll be another $25!.. OH, you wanted to bring your luggage back with you on your return flight.. That'll be another $25!".. With airlines, I can understand charging for extra bags but it seems like the first one ought to just be included with the price, even if the price is a little higher, than playing idiot games.
What Disney does is a bit more egregious than what the airlines do. It's almost like selling you a drink and then up-charging you for the cup. "Oh, you wanted a cup to go with that drink. We didn't expect that. We do offer collector paper cups for an upcharge of $5 for your convenience. We also offer paper towels, $3/ea., as another option."