Well-Known Member
Is there a way to not require park entry for FP+ to work? I know this is how FP+ worked up until a year or so ago, it didn't require park entry be validated for your FP+ to work.Ticketing data isn’t stored in the MagicBand management system database..... It actually is some amount of MagicBand/NGE data (mostly a reference ID) that’s stored in ATS.
MagicBand or not, tickets can’t be validated if ATS is down.
When you scan a MagicBand at a tapstile, an API call is made to the MagicBand system to receive the NGE reference ID for your MDX account. ATS is then checked for tickets associated with your account and if you have a valid one, you are granted admission to the park. FastPass+ and most other NGE systems work in a similar way.
The reason why MagicBands were “working” during this incident is because the tapstiles were in “Auto-Green” mode.
So would it be possible in situations like this for management to flip a switch that essentially sets a setting to Entry=Not Required for FP+? This way, people who were just let in and entry wasn't validated, their FP+ would still work?