Ticket Price Increase


Well-Known Member
It would if I kept holding Parades & claiming at the top of my lungs that I WAS Patriotic. I don't. Neither does Exxon. My point is that WDW should fish or cut bait on the "Patriotism" message - live it, or stop clamoring about how "American" they are.
I'm interested in what Disney does to proclaim they are "American".

Other than the Hall of Presidents and a pavilion at Epcot, I'm having a hard time coming up with anything.

I don't really see any Disney cast members like this:



Well-Known Member
Gas is certainly cheaper in Brazil, and they just discovered that massive oil reserve with Billions of barrels ready to be tapped and sold. But you've lost me on the cheap price of gas allowing Brazillians to go to WDW en masse.

Brazil is a country with a lot of people, many of whom living below what Americans would consider the poverty line. They do have a middle class of a few tens of millions, and apparently their parents send their teenagers on cheap charter tours to WDW. The Brazillian tour groups aren't staying in the Grand Floridian, dining at the California Grill, and buying limited edition art in the fancy gift shops. They are staying at the Budgetel in Kissimmee, dining communally at Tomorrowland Terrace, and picking out some t-shirts or a hat as a souvenir.

A quick comparison of Brazil and the United States of America

United States
Population: 308 Million
2010 GDP: 14.6 Trillion Dollars
Average Income: $47,600

Population: 190 Million
2010 GDP: 2.1 Trillion Dollars
Average Income: $10,800

There are certainly some wealthy Brazillians, but overall it's a growing country of modest means that has made great strides to minimize the rampant poverty most of the population lived in during the 19th and 20th centuries. It's impact on WDW consists mainly of cheap charter tours for teenagers and young people; a demographic that can certainly make themselves known in a crowded queue, but that don't spend a lot of money per person in comparison to other demographic groups from North America.

It is a simple exception to the rule. The vast majority of the tour groups will operate on a lowest cost food and accommodation possible scenario.

You're both right. I lived in Brazil, and I can certainly account to the massive amount of poverty there is (more than the US if I remember correctly), and even then the amount of Brazilians that are able to afford trips to Disney aren't too abundant. The thing with Brazil is that there's a scare middle between poverty and wealth, you're either one or the other it seems.

One large group means nothing.

Just from my experiences, feel free to correct me if necessary.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Sure. I said it a couple of days ago.

Okay...he was completely in line with your initial paragraph. Your solution to people upset about declining quality and product was to essentially boycott. He stated that's what people will do if the price outweighs the value they receive at Disney. Soo...


Active Member
Okay...he was completely in line with your initial paragraph. Your solution to people upset about declining quality and product was to essentially boycott. He stated that's what people will do if the price outweighs the value they receive at Disney. Soo...

Right, and he also predicted a day in which WDW becomes known as an "expensive joke."


Well-Known Member
Right, and he also predicted a day in which WDW becomes known as an "expensive joke."

I didn't predict that, people actually said that. That happened. So, if you're someone who's never been to Disney before and you're saving up $5,000 to go and then you overhear people saying this, would it cause you to have second thoughts? Probably. Then, lets say you heard another negative comment from another group of people, death nail. Every time someone says something negative, there's potential that it will hurt Disney in the end.

I, personally find Disney over priced and that's why I didn't renew my pass. Do I think it's an expensive joke? No, but the people who I was arguing with do. Are their opinion's wrong? No. They thought it was an expensive joke. They didn't enjoy their vacations. Could I change their opinions? No, that's what Disney's job was.


Well-Known Member
That happened.

He's right, y'know...I don't think any of us would actually pay for WDW unless we didn't have nostalgia attached to it. Compared to other [reasonable] vacations, it is exactly that. :shrug:

EDIT: Of course, value of a vacation is always in the eye of the beholder.


Well-Known Member
I'm interested in what Disney does to proclaim they are "American".

Other than the Hall of Presidents and a pavilion at Epcot, I'm having a hard time coming up with anything.

I don't really see any Disney cast members like this:


I understand what he's saying. All of WDW is basically pure Americana, not to mention the patriotic parades, American celebrations, etc.

The family that saves up to go to Disney on their vacation is being pushed out. That's Disney's decision.

My argument is that WDW's product doesn't justify the price hikes.


Active Member
I understand what he's saying. All of WDW is basically pure Americana, not to mention the patriotic parades, American celebrations, etc. Anything else it was died with Walt.

Walt was never alive when WDW was open, so I guess WDW was never anything?

The family that saves up to go to Disney on their vacation is being pushed out. That's Disney's decision.

How so?

My argument is that WDW's product doesn't justify the price hikes.

Stop paying.


Well-Known Member
Walt was never alive when WDW was open, so I guess WDW was never anything?

I removed that part before, but okay, I meant Disney as a whole, and that he thought of Disney as something more than just a business. That died with him. Understand now?

Well, gee, when a family is on a budget and save up to go to Disney, only for Disney to keep raising their prices... Hmmm, I don't know... It kind of forces them to make other plans.

Stop paying.

:rolleyes: WHAT HAVE I BEEN SAYING IN THIS THREAD??????????????????????? :lol:

DLR will be getting my business.


Well-Known Member
Walt was never alive when WDW was open, so I guess WDW was never anything?

How so?

Stop paying.

With increasing prices, there's no doubt that people are being excluded. If you could take a second to think about people who can't afford to go to WDW so often, maybe you'd feel the same. :shrug:


Active Member
I removed that part before, but okay, I meant Disney as a whole, and that he thought of Disney as something more than just a business. That died with him. Understand now?

Well, gee, when a family is on a budget and save up to go to Disney, only for Disney to keep raising their prices... Hmmm, I don't know... It kind of forces them to make other plans.

:rolleyes: WHAT HAVE I BEEN SAYING IN THIS THREAD??????????????????????? :lol:

DLR will be getting my business.

How's that for a contradiction?

Disney as a whole, and the thought that [Walt] thought of Disney as something more than just a business. That died with him.

Followed by:

DLR will be getting my business.

So Disney as a whole started s__________g when Walt Disney died, so you're going to give your money to Disneyland, which is a part of what company, exactly?


Well-Known Member
How's that for a contradiction?

Followed by:

So Disney as a whole started s__________g when Walt Disney died, so you're going to give your money to Disneyland, which is a part of what company, exactly?

Okay, it's obvious you're just looking to argue.

There's no contradiction. I've said many times that my problem is with WDW (TDO) and I've been saying, many times, that DLR is expanding and updating and is worth the price for repeat visits. It isn't the same for WDW. And if you took time to read, I was speaking about someone elses post about WDW being patriotic. Reading helps.

The 2 parks operate very differently, and I think DLR is worth the price, imo, considering everything.

erasure fan1

Well-Known Member
I don't think any of us would actually pay for WDW unless we didn't have nostalgia attached to it. Compared to other [reasonable] vacations, it is exactly that. :shrug:

I think that has a lot of truth to it. I know it does for me, my parents took me when I was a kid and I want to give that same experience to my kids. Disney knows this and feeds off of that nostalgia knowing we will pay whatever price. Again, the only thing that will change anything is people not going. As much as it pains me, after our trip this year, the next year will be shorter and after that maybe every few years a full stay.


Brilliant...and Canadian
In the Parks
Comparing the Disney percentage price increase to the national inflation rate increase is hardly a fair comparison.

Disney spends considerably more than the national average per capita on fuel and fuel prices are the largest contributor to the national inflation rate increases over the past few years. It follows that Disney's overall costs would increase by a larger amount over the same period.

Equating that to Disney becoming "unpatriotic" is by far the most ludicrous assertion [well, since '74 left :lol:] I've read in these forums since I started here. :rolleyes:

I'm satisfied that Disney has done their own due diligence and reached a price increase decision that meets their needs while respecting their consumers' ability to pay. I will certainly not change anything about my plans at WDW as a result of these quite reasonable price increases.


Well-Known Member
Comparing the Disney percentage price increase to the national inflation rate increase is hardly a fair comparison.

Disney spends considerably more than the national average per capita on fuel and fuel prices are the largest contributor to the national inflation rate increases over the past few years. It follows that Disney's overall costs would increase by a larger amount over the same period.

Equating that to Disney becoming "unpatriotic" is by far the most ludicrous assertion [well, since '74 left :lol:] I've read in these forums since I started here. :rolleyes:

I'm satisfied that Disney has done their own due diligence and reached a price increase decision that meets their needs while respecting their consumers' ability to pay. I will certainly not change anything about my plans at WDW as a result of these quite reasonable price increases.

Let's be honest. It has nothing to do with fuel prices. If that's the case, then why do the ticket prices remain the same when the fuel prices go down? Also, aren't the buses mostly for resort guests? So, why not raise room rates to make up for increasing fuel rates? Wait, they raise those too...

They're not raising them to make up for increasing costs, they're raising them to make more money. I'm willing to bet that the amount they raise ticket prices by will do more than offset increasing fuel costs and employee raises. It will increase the bottom line as well and that's what it's really all about. That's really all they care about.


Brilliant...and Canadian
In the Parks
Let's be honest. It has nothing to do with fuel prices. If that's the case, then why do the ticket prices remain the same when the fuel prices go down? Also, aren't the buses mostly for resort guests? So, why not raise room rates to make up for increasing fuel rates? Wait, they raise those too...

They're not raising them to make up for increasing costs, they're raising them to make more money. I'm willing to bet that the amount they raise ticket prices by will do more than offset increasing fuel costs and employee raises. It will increase the bottom line as well and that's what it's really all about. That's really all they care about.

Not big on economics are you? They raise prices based on what their forecast of overall costs are for the coming cycle. My post didn't say that they raised their prices solely because of fuel costs, I was pointing out that fuel costs contribute more to Disney's costs than to the general public's cost and that therefore the comparison between the National mean inflation rate and Disney's percentage increase in ticket prices was not a valid one.

Surprisingly for most posters, the world is not black and white. :rolleyes:

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