Yep, this…
If ya’ hafta’ continually tell people how brilliant you are, chances are, you’re not.
I don’t remember the older Imagineers doing anything like this.
I’ve seen interviews with many of them over the years. They all seemed very modest, and also talked about how many failures they had before achieving success regarding story, designs, engineering, etc. I remember an interview with Bob Gurr regarding opening day at Disneyland (we all know how much of a near disaster that was), and he was talking about how the Autopia cars kept breaking down, etc.
Walt didn’t heap praise on his employees…he hired them to do a job, and expected it done.
I remember a story about a young Imagineer proudly approaching Walt and an associate (John Hench, IIRC) to show him his design option for a new project. Walt inspected it for a few moments and then replied something like… “Hmmm. That’s OK, but, it’s hard to choose between just one option.”…!!!!!

There were no participation trophies and “You are special…!!!” praise in that world.
You did the job you were paid to do, and went home at the end of the day with that satisfaction.