WDW is pumping out info and offerings for Tiana's new ride now. This ride photo package is baffling to me. It's available for the low-low price of $32.95, and includes a bunch of immersive pieces of paper in addition to your photo.
"Celebrating Mardi Gras With Princess Tiana"??? We were doing that? That was never mentioned on the ride. The words Mardi Gras are not found on any of the ride's banners announcing the party.
No one said or sang a word about it being Mardi Gras.
You get a little thank you card from Princess Tiana that starts with
"Thank you for coming to our Mardi Gras celebration!"
Plus a postcard showing the happy Cooperative workers placing the tiara on the Employee Owned water tower. And two recipe cards for Tiana's beignets and gumbo, and a keepsake picture of Mama Odie.
I like the overall folio design; it's classy and themed well. But it just seems to add more to the confusion and plot problems on this ride. Did anyone know this ride was about Mardi Gras? It's not mentioned anywhere in the dialogue or lyrics.