Well-Known Member
Good god on the employee owned thing. It's just so funny having Disney of all companies pretend they are advocates for employee owned businesses.
So the future Tiana CMs making a few bucks over min wage have to roleplay now that they are working for a great employee owned business?
Disney: "Did you know this fictional ride takes place in an employee owned business! Wow!"
Guest: "What about your employees manning the ride, are they partial owners of Disney? What benefits do they have in profit sharing!"
Disney: ...
Isn't that weird?!? It's one of the oddest things I've ever seen Disney do with a backstory for a ride.
And they're leaning heavily into it, which makes it kind of creepy. "Employee Owned". Unless you are the CM's who actually work there.
And because every woman entrepreneur who dreams of owning a business and works hard at it for years would just then turn over her business to the employees as a cooperative? Just so... weird. And now even a tad creepy.