Disney Irish
Premium Member
Just a rumor so take this whole thing like a grain of salt.
Supposedly the reason that the DL version doesn’t have a date and seems to be quietly operating and being maintained is because Ken Potrock deep down doesn’t want to do it. When Chapek was in charge, there was supposedly a point where the entire project was almost cancelled, because Ken and half of the board made extremely compelling arguments and Chapek was just about on board. The WDW president, who has been pro-retheme the entire time, apparently even considered cancelling it once Chapek was on board. Supposedly both parks would have still gotten Tiana rides so they could use the props already produced, but WDW would have built a ground up dark ride and DL would have done a Mr Toad retheme. Once Iger came back, who’s the most pro-retheme of them all, he started pushing and forcing the project harder than ever. The WDW president jumped on board immediately, but Ken decided to fight with Iger on it. Ken has half of the board backing him to save the DL version, but Iger is very adamant. Supposedly Iger threatened to fire Ken if he didn’t go through with it, so Ken decided to drag his feet on the Indy refurb so they physically couldn’t take splash down for capacity reasons. Apparently he’s using the extra time bought by extending the Indy refurb for he and the board to duke it out with Iger. Apparently the whole situation’s a mess right now. This story has been going around since about yesterday, and supposedly is from a high-ranking cast member who wishes not to be named to secure their job. A few YouTube channels have started to report it. This person said that under Chapek it got so far that they were in the initial stages of crafting a social media post calling the project off and announcing a different Tiana ride instead.
Again, take this as a grain of salt, no idea if it’s true or not, but it sure is interesting!
Well in all fairness it’s just the DL board, not the board of the entire company.
Next "rumor" I'm sure will be that Potrock was going to get this imaginary "DL Board" to hold Iger's paycheck hostage until he changes his mind....
So believable.....