Well-Known Member
At least we always have Sinatra's rendition.
Zip a Dee Doo Dah's impact on American culture is hard to overstate. I mean who didn't cover the song. Sinatra and Louis Armstrong- two of the greatest musicians ever decided it was worth covering. Few songs that came from a film have that honor. Heck, Disney used it in almost all of the Firework shows. It has been referenced in countless places- Heck even Calvin and Hobbes references it in a strip.
I've always though it's grown beyond it's Song of the South origin- though I would never want to downplay Baskett's version of the song which is a personal favorite. Just a delightfully charming piece of music.
To ubruptly remove it from the parks in its entirety seems like a short sighted decision, as many have a ton of fondness for the song and to remove it will further weaken the public's emotional connection to Disneyland. Sometimes it's the familiarity and the pieces of music that take you back to fond memories that are essential for Disneyland.