I know this is several pages back now, but I finally remembered the book I was thinking of that did a cross comparison between
multiple versions of the Brer Rabbit-centered oral literature.
I am not one of those fools trying to save any theme park attraction, but rarely has any theme park attraction been so deeply connected to something so incredibly important for multiple groups of people, particularly those who have traumatic shared history and whose identities are so intrinsically related.
But, yiu know, what are facts and reality when you can grandstand demonstrably false fallacies or use BIPOC for clickbait revenue.
Winner • NAACP Image Award for Outstanding Literary Work (Fiction)<br /> Winner • Anne Izard Storytellers’ Choice Award<br /> Holiday Gift Guide Selection • <em>Indiewire</em>, <em>San Francisco Chronicle</em>, and <em>Minneapolis Star-Tribune</em><p> These nearly 150 African American folktales...