The main thing the plot needs is some dialogue changes. If Tiana was more stressed in the queue or in the mill it would give some sense of urgency to find musicians. With Tiana on the stump they could have her say that she likes the two bands but feels like she’s missing something to make it all come together. Louis can then say when he’s stuck in the log that he hears something, but can’t reach or he’s too big. This gives a more clear reason for Mama Odie to shrink us.So I've seen several videos and am ready to make some commentary about my, admittedly, video only experience. There will be inevitable comparisons to Splash but only insofar as to what it did right, not to why or whether it should have been replaced.
Crops Area
- Very well done. Intricate detail.
- Two items of interest in the queue, though. A chalkboard shows that Louis was assigned getting the band. Another area shows Louis assuming that Naveen would do it. If only the ride had leaned more into this. It's not just a general round up. It's Tiana freaking out: "OMG! The party is tomorrow and we still don't have a band! Louis, you need to find a band in the bayou NOW! You should have already done this and you dropped the ball! Hurry!"
- Get rid of "Tiana's Foods" banner
- Reminds me too much of Living with the Land with all the signs in front of crops
- Why the barren tree? Do something, anything with it. If the birdhouses must be removed, add an owl or something.
- So one of the signs is a handwritten sign slapped over another sign saying "Shortcut to Bayou". No explanation as to why the handwritten sign is there.
Lily Pad area (former Laughin' Place)
- Sadly, this is the worst area of the entire ride. Items below in no particular order, many of which already discussed
- Too much blank space, whether foliage or screens
- Spread out the critters instead of three band ("bland"?) scenes in a row. You're rounding them up, remember?
- In Splash, the first turn had birds. Add critters, like maybe the turtle here.
- Add critters around Louis as another poster already pointed out.
- Between the first and second band is more empty space. Could have had more critters.
- Another poster pointed out the empty band stage in Critter Co-Op. Would have made a great set piece after the third band and before Tiana. Slap a sign on it that says, "Went to a gig", indicating they left for Tiana's party.
- Overall I think they did a good job with the theming in this area
- The shrinking and getting larger aspect is confusing. Some posted that their kids thought you become frogs which is not a bad idea. They should have leaned into that.
- The screen with the bobbing Tiana and Louis is out of place as others have mentioned.
- Others have pointed out that the merchandise shirt phrase, "We know a shortcut" is nowhere in the ride. Audio from the fireflies and comparable movement from them on the screens would have been a good place for this.
- The lift hill is just a means to get larger. It's now basically an afterthought and doesn't count as a "mountain" anymore.
- Glad the Walt welcome banner was removed. It doesn't belong and glad the banner inside was unlit. Otherwise, you would have overkill of three banners and/or signs with a variation of "Welcome".
- Thought they did a good job with the party with the combination and screens. (The screens work here as they blend in with the AAs.) Catchy new music too.
- The wall on the right beyond the party is another glaring missed opportunity for AAs.
Such a missed opportunity. Well, I'll probably still enjoy my time riding it because it's a log flume.
- The log activated AAs just don't work. Most are Tiana who looks bored until you approach her. I'm looking at you barn and final bayou Tiana!
- You know it's a bad storyline when every AA has to explain the story to you. By contrast, in Splash, you can tell the storyline even with no audio: Brer Rabbit having fun at home, Brer Rabbit going to his happy place, Brer Fox captures Brer Rabbit (lift hill), Brer Rabbit thrown into the briar batch (final drop), Brer Rabbit celebrates being home (finale). All that can be figured out without any extra plot exposition as opposed to Tiana which explains it from every line Louis, Tiana, and Mama Odie say.
- Depending on your approach to an AA, you may not get anything and not get the aforementioned plot exposition. If you don't here Mama Odie saying to the effect "I am now shrinking you!" then what just really happened?