MK Tiana’s Bayou Adventure SPOILER Thread

erasure fan1

Well-Known Member
Specifically, the ride feels like it was not optimally designed for this specific space and ride mechanism. As others have said, it seems like they have tried to downplay and minimize the big drop rather than embrace it and orient the ride toward
I can safely say I stand by my earlier comments when this all was announced. That I would have preferred they bulldoze splash and start from scratch. They'd have accomplished two things ny doing that. It would eliminate the direct comparison as you are going through the ride. There would always be a comparison, but you wouldn't be riding seeing all the old scenes as you are going along.

Secondly, it gives imagineering the freedom to design a concept and then come up with a system to implement it that works best for the project. I firmly believe they handicapped the project by doing it how they did. Especially since they weren't going to do a princess and the frog ride.


Well-Known Member
Good job team! It’s takes a real man (or woman) to admit they were wrong. Here @imagineer97 and I are in April discussing why the banner shouldn’t be there.

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Well-Known Member
I kind of feel like replacing Splash actually did a different disservice to this ride beyond the "this will also get comparisons to Splash" aspect.

Specifically, the ride feels like it was not optimally designed for this specific space and ride mechanism. As others have said, it seems like they have tried to downplay and minimize the big drop rather than embrace it and gear the orient the ride towards that being the climax of the ride.

The ride as designed has some flaws, but I think those flaws are exacerbated by the space used. e.g. the dead areas that are not well filled. I think if WDI were building a brand new ride with a similar premise, they probably would have done something like an IASW set up and around maybe 6-8 minutes of ride time. They could have used the same sort of "finding musicians" concept but with tighter show scenes that wouldn't seem to be superfluous. Potentially they could have ignored the "shrinking" concept as unneeded. I've got to imagine that some of the odd background choices (especially the salt mine) would have never been developed which adds an unnecessary element to the ride and promotion of it.

And while I think the ride as is will be liked enough, it probably would have been received even better by more hardcore and more casual fans alike with that sort of execution. Probably would have been better for the target audience (dress buying young girls) without the drop/height restriction/getting wet aspect.

It just feels like a missed opportunity to both bring in Tiana to the park in a space designed to maximize the concept while also relieving the ride of the burden of replacing Splash. Also, I just picture in my head how awesome it would have been for MK specifically to use this as a first part of "BBTM" where they could have had a New Orleans Square area north of BTMRR - with a new Tiana ride, a Tiana restaurant, a beignet (and coffee?) quick serve and a NOLA gift shop. Maybe even having another attraction like a jazz show. Heck even more ambitious - having Tiana's restaurant have a Blue Bayou like "look in" for the ride. Just think how that could have been....
I’ve been thinking about this the past couple days, and it really is unfair that this property had to try and live up to splash and shoehorn its story into the existing ride system.
Just noticed from a Youtube video that the Banner hanging outside right before the Finale seems to have been removed? The "To All Who Come To This Happy Place . . ." one.

Not sure if this is temporary, but I would be more than fine with it not returning.

EDITED To Add: Looks like someone pointed this out already. Whoops.
they could take all the overhead banners down and it’d be an improvement in my book. It feels like there’s signs everywhere, and they all seem super unnecessary


Well-Known Member
they could take all the overhead banners down and it’d be an improvement in my book. It feels like there’s signs everywhere, and they all seem super unnecessary
This is exactly right. And the same goes for the voice overs telling us "if you're looking for musicians then you don't have far to go" and "calling all musicians!" They've already mentioned that repeatedly. Why do we need more disembodied voices telling us that we're looking for musicians? Just turn off those voiceovers and let the audience enjoy the music and the environment.


Well-Known Member
This is exactly right. And the same goes for the voice overs telling us "if you're looking for musicians then you don't have far to go" and "calling all musicians!" They've already mentioned that repeatedly. Why do we need more disembodied voices telling us that we're looking for musicians? Just turn off those voiceovers and let the audience enjoy the music and the environment.
I think it ties back to the story not being super strong, so we seemingly get beat over the head with it constantly to try and drive it home.

If they can go in and tweak some of the audio and setup, I think it would come across a lot better


Well-Known Member
Just thinking, Radiator Springs Racers also wasn't a book report attraction, but just gave you a fun little taste of that universe. Same with Indiana Jones-- and that had an effective elaborate backstory. This kind of fanfic attraction can be done. I just wish it had been done here. :(

I know I said I wasn’t going to do this but I’m holding onto some hope that they might fix some of the mistakes. This whole thing is unprecedented. The nature and genesis of the retheme. The backslash. Releasing a POV a month before the ride opens. I don’t think we can totally look to the past to predict the future here.


Well-Known Member
It's worth remembering that the ride is in previews, not officially open. It's reasonable to expect they may still be fiddling with things, and already we've seen that they are.

Now, that isn't to say we should expect everything people take issue with to be addressed, but they do still have room to tinker.

Which makes it all the more weird that they released video when they did.

Dear Prudence

Well-Known Member
Truthfully, I wonder if the initial whispers about the change only being at Disneyland being true, because Disneyland has less space, meaning less dead space. It's like the sort of designed this only for Disneyland, which has a different layout and space. I feel like instead of modifying it or making a slightly different attraction for the two different parks, they're just going copy+paste.

I will put a pin in this, because I wonder if some of this not worked at WDW will work at Disneyland.


Well-Known Member
Truthfully, I wonder if the initial whispers about the change only being at Disneyland being true, because Disneyland has less space, meaning less dead space. It's like the sort of designed this only for Disneyland, which has a different layout and space. I feel like instead of modifying it or making a slightly different attraction for the two different parks, they're just going copy+paste.

I will put a pin in this, because I wonder if some of this not worked at WDW will work at Disneyland.

I definitely feel like that is a possibility as well, much like Galaxy's Edge was designed for DLR and kind of cut/pasted to WDW. Wouldn't surprise me if some aspects end up better at DL not so much due to any reaction to feedback but simply because it was designed better for that space.

That being said, it wouldn't help the "plot" of the ride and how engaging it is.


Well-Known Member
This is a fascinating take. I had a strong initial impulse to belittle this video, but that's neither respectful or productive. He's taken an unpopular opinion, and I can tell he's not saying this to be provocative or to be a shill. He believes what he's saying. There's a raw sincerity and even vulnerability that is deeply likable. So, I'm going to force myself to take this video seriously.

Here's some of the points that might actually prove to be right...
1) "Disney shot themselves in the foot releasing the PoV." This isn't an unreasonable argument. This goes back to the motive of why Disney released it in the first place. Was it a marketing stunt gone awry? Was it damage control? I think Occam's razor probably leans towards the marketing stunt. He's not wrong in implying that those who see the PoV will be more likely to be negative going into the ride. I know that describes me. The counter argument is that a ride PoV would have surfaced within a few days of opening anyway. Is it any worse to simply preempt that from happening by releasing a Disney-edited copy where potential distractions and snafus are eliminated? If it's inevitable that TBA will be on the web, why not control the copy that gets out? Still, I think his point is defensible.

2) "The ride feels natural." To summarize, I believe he's lauding the pacing of the attraction. He connects this to the environments encountered in the course of the attraction. For him, the "dead space" is not "dead space" at all. In fact, it's a core part of the storytelling. It's those experiential moments that really don't translate to camera well. It might be that the "vibe" works in those scenes. This is similar to the caverns of Pirates of the Caribbean. In fact, Disneyland's version is beloved precisely because their cavern scenes are extended. No one would would describe that as "dead space," (expect for all the dead pirates) because it serves an important storytelling function. But watching that on video... Yeah, the caverns aren't nearly as fun on a YouTube PoV. So I'm sympathetic to the argument that pacing could be much better in person.

But he doesn't wrestle with the key issue. Story. He doesn't mention the glaring story problems. The story is awful. It has no stakes and no purpose. Nobody cares about this random party the attraction wants us to care deeply about. The celebration at the end of Splash Mountain had been earned. Why? Not because Brer Rabbit told us over and over he needed help planning the celebration. It was because it represented the lesson of the attraction. There was a strong message that your home and community should not be casually tossed aside for a "Laughing Place" that doesn't really exist. Safety comes from relying on those who care about you. Brer Rabbit had to face the possibility of death in order to learn that lesson. The "grass is always greener" can be deadly. While the animals and scenes were lighthearted, it's actually pretty heavy stuff. "Special Spice" doesn't actually connect to the rest of the attraction. Apparently our inclusion in the party is important to making the party fun? Or something? But nothing in the attraction demonstrated that. It's a song filled with platitudes. It sounds okay (not as good as her "Dreams Do Come True in New Orleans" reprise at the end of the film), but it's not earned or meaningful.

This attraction replaced one of the great storytelling rides. And in that way it falls terribly terribly flat.

His reverence for WDI might be making him miss key flaws in the attraction. That's something I can relate to. I used to see them incapable of doing wrong. But for every Expedition Everest there is a Superstar Limo. WDI can misfire. And I fear that's exactly what happened here. I will also take issue with his description of the finale scene as being one of the most amazing things you can see. Tell me this is the most amazing thing you've ever seen! 😉

Drew has been posting almost daily updates in the main TBA thread. He is a well-known member here.


Well-Known Member
Truthfully, I wonder if the initial whispers about the change only being at Disneyland being true, because Disneyland has less space, meaning less dead space. It's like the sort of designed this only for Disneyland, which has a different layout and space. I feel like instead of modifying it or making a slightly different attraction for the two different parks, they're just going copy+paste.

I will put a pin in this, because I wonder if some of this not worked at WDW will work at Disneyland.
I wouldn't be suprised if it was originally a DCA Tower of Terror situation where DCA gets a retheme and World would have kept the original theme. Even before Worlds Splash went down everything was about how Disneyland connected to New Orleans.


Well-Known Member
Watching one of the other POV videos just to get another "look" at this ride, it's frustrating.

This would probably be one amazing C-ticket boat ride-based attraction. It's got nice sets (at least where there's something to look at), pretty good AAs (death to all screen-based AAs!), the PatF soundtrack puts a smile on your face, and honestly, so does everything else. And the script sounds better with some of the alternate lines compared to Disney's POV video.

But grafted onto the bones of an E-Ticket attraction that was just simply built to be something else, it just feels that little bit off.

  • A lot of the beginning of the ride where you're floating by crops on rocks (?) makes zero sense for a Bayou Adventure.
  • There's no real reason or need for any of the drops in the story they are telling (and I do wonder if the now out-of-nowhere feeling of the big drop might cause a few more upset kiddos).
  • The "Get Tiny" thing just feels like it came out of nowhere, like there's not enough buildup of a, say, a great sound they can't quite place until Louis sticks his head in the log (which is what I think is supposed to set it up?)

Also, a smaller footprint would probably help make the ride feel less barren than it does at points as you drift over to the next "spotlight on an AA" scene. (I think this will be less of an issue with DL's smaller SM footprint.)

The non-Disney POV video actually makes The Laughing Place look better in my opinion but now that it's been mentioned, the CGI reallllly stands out, especially on Louis.

I hate to make the joke that's probably going to be beaten into the ground, but the whole idea is Almost There, but it's not enough for a E-Ticket ride.
How bad were you expecting it to be, that this is an improvement from your expectations?

Honestly my biggest thing is that I’m glad they went with the AA’s they did versus the video projected face AA’s because I did worry that they were going to use the video projected junk. Like honestly when Honk Kong and Japan came out with their AA’s for Frozen I was really upset that we get this video projected version of the characters that looks like they have a bad cold and are about to sneeze. Like honestly I just feel like it could’ve been a whole lot worse, we could’ve had no critters period, very few AA’s (yes the number they have here is low compared to splash but we could’ve lived in a world where we had even less) and I don’t know just make it a sing-along ride like they did with Frozen. Like at least they tried to do something different and new. But honestly, a book report version may have been better, if they didn’t do it like frozen with just highlighting the songs and have no story whatsoever.


Well-Known Member
I just don’t understand why they didn’t use some of the Splash Mountain AA’s to fill the huge empty areas?

are singing geese and banjo playing alligators considered racist and problematic now too?
If I had to guess, the critters were probably maintenance nightmares. As far as I know, and someone correct me if I’m wrong, but those figures were as old as the ride, so probably pretty temperamental on a good day.

I do wish they.l could’ve reused some though


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In the Parks
The "Don't judge this solely on Disney's initial video" excuse only flies so far with me. I've watched a half-dozen other videos since that one, including the GooToYou! video which is really good quality and he looks in all directions, not just fixed. I've also watched the 360 video in my VR headset which allows me to look anywhere I want at any time 360 degrees.

While I think these additional videos improve the look of the attraction, it still doesn't take away the fundamental flaws of this attraction when it comes to story, pacing, dialogue, etc.

Of course riding it in person will make it look better as you are seeing it with your eyes as intended and not through a lens and you'll hear the sound much better as well, but again, it still doesn't take away the fundamental flaws of this attraction when it comes to story, pacing, dialogue, etc.

This is a comment I made on Fresh Baked's video that sums up at least one of my opinions:


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