Thank merciful God, I found coffee. I didn’t have to bite anyone.
Chandler discovered the wisdom in the phrase “everything in moderation” after making himself sick from 3 tall glasses of chocolate milk. Wow. Mom & Dad weren’t being stupid nags when they kept saying, “You’re gonna make yourself sick.”
Just as we were coming back inside to cool down my hubby, in all his comedic glory, giggled and announced “That tickled my (5 letter word that begins with a ‘p’ & refers to a male anatomy part)!” I could’ve died! Thank goodness our single rider guy was cool. He busted out laughing along with Jerry and me. That’s when Tracey turned around and realized we even had a single rider.
Brian had an accident and dumped his entire bowl of hot buttered noodles in his lap. The staff were all very helpful in getting him cleaned up. Naturally management came over to make sure the poor guy hadn’t completely cooked his cahones. Poor kid.
This is where we corrected ourselves! Use the Disney Point!
Once in the que area they all threw their arms into the air and started cheering “First! We are first!” I won’t repeat what I said to them (it was a little less than magical to say the least) but I let them know that they were quite the heros for shoving children and they’d better run when they got off the ride. Mama bear don’t play when it comes to her kids.
Not one to jump on the face painting bandwagon, this was Chandler's face decoration...a piece of 'Pixie Dust' picked up off the ground and strategically placed.
I caught one of the close by mom’s eyes just as I spat out, “I hope they can dance their behinds off or get really good grades because the singing stinks!”
When we got in the limo Chandler used his silly voice and said, “I feel like a million bucks!” Then we were on our way out from our home resort, under the water bridge, out past the car care center, and so on. As we left the property and looked back at the entrance signs the funk really set in. That’s when Chandler using the same silly voice broke the silence with, “I feel like 50 cents.”