Those dang kids with those Heelez!!!

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
shoppingnut said:
Sometimes totally warranted, just like there are times when it could be justifiable homicide in killing one's family member for standing on your last nevrve ending:lol: .

Scary.... :lookaroun


New Member
I don't think it's realistic for CMs to check the kids' shoes at the entrance, but as soon as a CM sees a kid start skating, they need to reprimand both the child and parents. I know sometimes kids need to learn lessons the hard way, but not at the expense of others. I had a kid slam into me at a basketball game a couple months ago from the side. At 18, it doesn't hurt so bad and I was able to regain my balance before totally falling over. But at Disney, there are so many little kids that it's just plain dangerous. My question is where are the parents? If the parents don't do anything about it, it should be the CMs duty to put a stop to it before someone gets hurt.


Well-Known Member
Senderella said:
:lookaroun Why you got any??? :lookaroun

Meet me in the alley behind Test Track in an hour.

And I'm the same way with the soft pretzels. Your other things though.....I feel bad for your poor pooch.



New Member
When I'm in the parks for the first few days, if I see a kid in those shoes wheeling my way, I'm going to purposely get in their way. Just to see their reaction when they have a hockey-like check. :goodnevil

Well, I won't REALLY slam into them and make them fall on their butt...just let them bump into me...


WhyteAL said:
Ladies and Gentelmen,
Please let the kids have fun...I see no problem with them in any case if a kid runs into you trust me they will get the worst of the hit :brick:. And if they're not your kids and the parents are not paying attetion to the annoying little brat well then accidently clip the back leg they'll flop stright down...LOL J/K

Really though if I were a kid a would want some I know we all wish that it existed when we were that age group. And our parents would have behaved the same way. So take it light they're having those moments we all wish we could have. :rolleyes:

So what your saying is that if a 100 pound 10 year old bowls over my 40 pound 3 year old because he is irresponsible and breaking the rules and his parents are morons, I am just supposed to say..."Oh thats okay, your just a kid having fun, maybe my sons lip will heal and we can probably sew his tongue back on with no ill effects, ride on young man." I saw one kid riding them when we were there in December and if the CMs dont do their job and my family suffers because of it, things arent going to be pretty. They arent allowed, period. Use your head.


WhyteAL said:
After going to sleep last night waking up (sort of) coming to work :veryconfu . I finally had the time to read through all the posts this morning and guess what? All the instances that someone is complaining or telling a story in relation to kids and these heelys things the parents of these children were not being attentive of their children and that is the problem. So why are we punishing all the kids, when the parents are to blame.

On another note I have made post 100 :)

Because human nature is what it is. I dont get into car accidents but I have to wear a seatbelt because its the LAW. I guy can ride a motorcycle in a banana hammock but I have to wear a seat belt in my 2 ton SUV because its the LAW. The rule is no skates or things of that nature. People who allow their children to wear these when they are not allowed are to blame, I agree, but the childs action on them are strictly their own, the parent can scream till they are blue in the face for the child to be careful, but ultimately it is the childs body movements and use of them that determines the outcome. Take away the ability for them to have a potential accident and everyone is safer. There is no punishment here, just responsibility and respect for your fellow human being.


New Member
I think some of you are taking this too seriouslly. Everyone keeps talking about getting bumped into. Well, if you were to look forward, you wouldn't be getting bumped into. I have been around these "heelez"-wearing kids in Disney, and they don't bother me. I think it looks kinda cool; they seem to be floating around the park.


Well-Known Member
inDisney said:
I think some of you are taking this too seriouslly. Everyone keeps talking about getting bumped into. Well, if you were to look forward, you wouldn't be getting bumped into. I have been around these "heelez"-wearing kids in Disney, and they don't bother me. I think it looks kinda cool; they seem to be floating around the park.

So we should have to look out for them? We should have to move out of their way? It's a matter of respect. I look out for people in wheelchairs and people with strollers because I believe they need them and I will move out of respect. I don't believe these kids need to wear those skate/shoes.


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
inDisney said:
I think some of you are taking this too seriouslly. Everyone keeps talking about getting bumped into. Well, if you were to look forward, you wouldn't be getting bumped into. I have been around these "heelez"-wearing kids in Disney, and they don't bother me. I think it looks kinda cool; they seem to be floating around the park.
Look forward? What? So, you're saying that you never look around at all the sights in WDW?

Should we all be forced to only look forward to avoid these things?

Besides, people can bump into you from the front, side or rear because they're not looking where they are going.


New Member
Raven66 said:
So we should have to look out for them? We should have to move out of their way? It's a matter of respect. I look out for people in wheelchairs and people with strollers because I believe they need them and I will move out of respect. I don't believe these kids need to wear those skate/shoes.

I think we should also ban cameras from the parks. Those people who stand in the MIDDLE of Main Street USA, congesting all the traffic, expecting you not to get in the way of their pictures. Man, I hate watching out for them. Why should we have to move out of their way? People don't need to take pictures in the parks. That's what the human memory was made for.


New Member
Pongo said:
I think we should also ban cameras from the parks. Those people who stand in the MIDDLE of Main Street USA, congesting all the traffic, expecting you not to get in the way of their pictures. Man, I hate watching out for them. Why should we have to move out of their way? People don't need to take pictures in the parks. That's what the human memory was made for.

Well said. People always bump into others and they aren't wearing skates. Does that mean that they should ban the person from the park because they bumped into someone. Wearing skates or not, people still bump into each other. It's not like the skates made them bump into someone. The person is stupid with or without the skates on. It has nothing to do with skates, it has to do with their respect toward others.


Well-Known Member
unkadug said:
What is the official CM line on this. Can CM's throw them out? or do they have to just look the other way?
We're supposed to tell them not to skate, but there isn't much we can do because the parents don't bring a change of shoes for their kids. It's either they break the no skating rule or the shirt and shoes required rule. Technically they're not allowed, but there's very little we can do.

Personally I belive the inventor of those shoes should be shot.:mad:

Mr Bill

Well-Known Member
They're an interesting invention, and probably a fun one as well, but there's a time and place for them. Crowded theme parks aren't one of those places.


New Member
If some kid bumped into me with those stupid skates, I'd have no qualms about bumping them back, especially if it's a kid old enough to have sense about what they're doing.

M. Racer

New Member
VillainFan said:
If some kid bumped into me with those stupid skates, I'd have no qualms about bumping them back, especially if it's a kid old enough to have sense about what they're doing.

OK tough guy..what will you do when a stroller gets pushed into your achilles?:hammer:

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