I know this thread has come up in different ways in past but what are some ways you save or "put away" for Disney? Probably some if not a lot will be same...maybe we can find some new ideas....Mine:
Big Wooden Bank covered with Disney Pics and Labeled " Our Disney Vacation 2011"
I put ALL change in this ALL!! Can't remember last time I actually paid with change for anything. If something cost $2.01 I.ll give $3 to get change than give the penny
I also put in all single and 5 dollar bills I can...MAN it adds up over the year
I will go out and buy disney gift card for say $50 on credit card ( visa of course) then pay it off slowly as I go along. Whwn paid off I get another
I budget for all bills ( father taught me that lesson years ago) anytime bill comes in undrer budget I take difference and put in envelope.
I have $10 irectly deposited every week from my check to savings account I use for Disney..don't see it don't feel it BUT in end I have about $520 for disney at end of year
Big Wooden Bank covered with Disney Pics and Labeled " Our Disney Vacation 2011"
I put ALL change in this ALL!! Can't remember last time I actually paid with change for anything. If something cost $2.01 I.ll give $3 to get change than give the penny
I also put in all single and 5 dollar bills I can...MAN it adds up over the year
I will go out and buy disney gift card for say $50 on credit card ( visa of course) then pay it off slowly as I go along. Whwn paid off I get another
I budget for all bills ( father taught me that lesson years ago) anytime bill comes in undrer budget I take difference and put in envelope.
I have $10 irectly deposited every week from my check to savings account I use for Disney..don't see it don't feel it BUT in end I have about $520 for disney at end of year