Things We do to Save For Disney


we start after every trip

We have a pickle jar that is kept in my closet for change and $1 and $5 dollar bills we get, plus a second savings account at the bank (free). We started this for our second trip to WDW back in 2004. I also made a map to corrolate the distance from our house to WDW, which is about about 1500 miles. It costs us about $5 K for a week, so you do the math and that is 15.84 ft per penny saved. Everytime money goes into the jar or savings, we extend the line on the map. This way I can show my 3 DD's for every penny saved, it gets us closer to seeing Mickey. Even though they are teenagers now, they still love seeing the map and how close we are getting.

We start saving after every trip and it's everything we don't spend for something else.We have two Disney Popcorn containers, from two different years, and they both get filled. It averages about 500 to 600 dollars. Pays for the rooms for almost a week. Right now we are cash strapped because of fin. problems but we've not touched the Disney money.. the entire family is going in 12, and we want to go over Christmas, so we're supplying the Christmas Tree and trimmings. (most are disney ornaments.) we are stoked, because everyone is going.. from Great Grandmom, who has never been to Disney World, to the grandkids the youngest is 1.. so that money is not viable. We will find work, and continue to add to the savings.


Well-Known Member
we are terrible! We book with no way of knowing if we can pay for it!:zipit::lookaroun then as time get closer, my husband has "side work" he does coupled with a couple huge yard sales seems to get us in Good as Gold :)
We are a 1 income family right now and Disney is an important part of our family bonding time and we just don't want to give it up.... when I go back to work it will get a little less dicey:lol:


Being a (somewhat) local, I don't really save to go to the world. Anytime I get two days off in a row I'll make the 140mile trip to WDW and spend a couple days there. I don't know what I would do if I didn't have the ability to go there as much as I want.


Well-Known Member
Right now I am putting back $20 a week for our trip. My husband was floored when I told him what I planned on doing, but I just reminded him that the more I put back now, the less that will come out of our account later. So, he is ok with it. Right now we are also on one income but that will change in August. Once that does I plan on putting $40 a week back. I know that still seems like a lot, but our next trip will be at least 9 days at a deluxe with a day at SeaWorld and a day at Universal/IOA. I really want to have it all paid beforehand. In addition I put back some money from tax returns and bonuses.


Well-Known Member
Lately I have used my recent purchase of The Spaceship Earth Keepsake from the Millenium Celebration I got on Ebay as my safe deposit for my upcoming trips..And every time I add money to My Spaceship Earth I feel much happier...


New Member
My gf and I have a joint savings account where everytime we use our bank card to make a purchase, 75 cents is automatically transfered from chequings to savings.

We also save our liquor and beer bottles and return them in bulk to get a larger return/refund.


Well-Known Member
I go to the casino & keep my fingers crossed. :)

Nah, then I'd just end up canceling trips. My husband did win $400 once, and that helped out with our 1st anniversary trip. What we do now is make envelopes with titles on them like "tickets", "dining", "tips", etc. We try to estimate how much will need to go in each envelope. Then over the year, whenever I have any extra cash, I pick an envelope. When it reaches it's total, it's sealed & put into the travel bag.

It's always satisfying to complete an envelope, and it helps us from overspending once we get there.


Well-Known Member
I do have a change box. The only problem with it is when my daughter gets invited somewhere I have to pull out the bills so she can go. I don't ever have cash on me. Just tonight I had to pull out 10 bucks for her to go to the movies. Darn it!

Susan Savia

Well-Known Member
Any and all change is saved thru the year. Throw a yard sale in the summer. Several trips to the casino usually increases our savings and cutting back on meals eaten out or carried in.


Well-Known Member
I've got a mickey mouse "piggy bank" which any loose change goes into.

Now with 12 weeks to go I need to start taking some £££ out of my bank every week to change into $$$ before I go.


Well-Known Member
then please pass some this way so I can go:animwink:

I was just teasing.

Seriously, what I do is every day, transfer money from my checking account to my vacation account. Most days it's about $30. But even if it's only $10, it's something. It adds up fast. Plus, I get a commission check once a month. I usually put all of that towards vacation.


Well-Known Member
I was just teasing.

Seriously, what I do is every day, transfer money from my checking account to my vacation account. Most days it's about $30. But even if it's only $10, it's something. It adds up fast. Plus, I get a commission check once a month. I usually put all of that towards vacation.

We do this every paycheck. It's so easy nowadays and most internet banks don't charge for additional accounts. Currently I have extra savings accounts for General Savings, General Vacations, Disney Cruise Honeymoon, and New Car Fund with ING Direct. Every time a paycheck comes in I drop some money immediately into each account. This way I don't use the money for something else, it earns interest, and when it comes time to pay for whatever I'm saving for I've already saved up 90-95% of what I needed anyway.

I'm really REALLY surprised by the amount of people who just keep their money in jars or piggy banks or envelops or have no idea how exactly they're going to be paying for their whole vacation!


Well-Known Member
Devoy, the only downside to savings accounts (and it's not really a downside I suppose), but if you make so many transactions from that account over a period of time, it becomes a non-interest bearing account. What I do is save so much, then call and make large payments. But to do that, I have to transfer it back from my savings to my checking.

I talked to someone at the bank about this and she agrees, in this day and age, it is absolutely ridiculous. But like I said, it's no big deal. Interest is so minimal anyways.

Silver Figment

Active Member
I save up change in my disney fund, collect bottles that people leave around work and my college campus and that adds up, also the little change that people constantly leave behind in the lounge adds up. Limit my spending to as little as i need to.


my sister in law books their trip 1 year in advance. she divides the cost of the package in 12 and sends 1/12 of the cost to disney every month. she budgets for souvenirs. she does this also for their cruises.

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