Things Walt wouldn't have approved of


Well-Known Member
WDWFREAK53 said:
About the whole "cloning attractions" thing...

Aren't there many attractions at the Magic Kingdom that are cloned from attractions at Disneyland? Small World, Tiki Room, Country Bears, Haunted Mansion, etc.

I don't buy this one at all. The purpose of cloning attractions isn't JUST because it's cheaper because it's already been engineering and tested. Some people don't get to go all the way to the other side of the country so, this way, they get to experience it...but, at the same time, each resort around the world has it's own unique attractions also.

How many people here are clamoring for a Journey to the Center of the Earth attraction??? Indy ride??? Many...why? Because to some, going to Tokyo is out of the cards...and many people only have the funds for one trip a year (sometimes less) and they choose WDW because it's larger and you can spend more than a few days experiencing many different things.

Excellent post.

I've never really been against cloning, especially if it involves Scarlett Johansson :lookaroun (Hopefully all 5 of us that saw The Island will get that one. BTW if you haven't seen it, you should give it a try. It's much better than you think).


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Original Poster
wannab@dis said:
But the speculation will totally be based on ones own opinions, therefore invalidating the discussion in the first place.

My speculation was based on what I have read and heard about Walt. For example, I personally never had the chance to see the live animators. I can't say whether I liked it or disliked it, but I do know that Walt said to never forget it was all started by a mouse - meaning the animation.

Yes it is speculation. What's wrong with hearing other's opinions anyway? I just wondered if anybody ever thought about things from this angle.


New Member
bigcarolina77 said:
I don't see how spening $7.4 bill on something that's worth the investment shows you have a pair. Not really risking much there.

Uh. Do you want to step up and spend 7.4 billion to buy something right now? No? Too much of a risk? Thought so.

I agree with everyone that says we shouldn't try to figure out what Walt thought of this or that. I've never met the guy, so I wouldnt know.

I sure don't want people saying things like, "What would Luke have thought of this?" after I die. I don't want people trying to get into my head.


New Member
Enderikari said:
Wrong sir... freedom is what built this country... Yes, that's right, learn the meaning of the word... and in the interest of not having this turn into a political debate (strictly prohibited on this boards, as well it should), I will simply say that this country is a great one, and what's pulling apart is the larger and larger government by the day. As they say in TRON - end of line.
I still say that’s propaganda propitiated by big business and big government (that wants subversive control instead of being public about it), but you’re entitled to your opinion and as you stated we shouldn’t debate ideology here (unless it pertains to Fantasyland East) so I will refrain. That being said my statement about smoking is a firm one but it is simply an opinion and didn’t require your derogatory comments, however I’ll let it go.

Simply put Walt is dead and the people who were left behind tried to live in his shadow but failed, it wasn’t until new blood came in that the company found it’s new direction and most of us will agree that it wasn’t 100% in-line with what Walt wanted, but it did keep the company going (more what Walt’s brother would have wanted). To judge what was created after Walt’s death is unfair to the people who try to keep his company alive. Perhaps in 20 years people will ask was that what Eisner would have wanted, no probably not but the Disney you know and love today owes a lot to him.


Active Member
No person on this earth knows what Walter E. Disney would have done if presented with situations at hand.

That is all.

Pongo said:
I sure don't want people saying things like, "What would Luke have thought of this?" after I die. I don't want people trying to get into my head.

There's not too much in there to worry about. :lookaroun :p :lookaroun


Active Member
wannab@dis said:
Speculation is all it is and isn't valid at all.

wannab@dis said:
But the speculation will totally be based on ones own opinions, therefore invalidating the discussion in the first place.

For all of your dislike of the speculation evoked by this thread, you certainly seem to be doing a lot of speculating...
wannab@dis said:
Times change... and his views would have changed with them.
wannab@dis said:
I said that his VIEWS would CHANGE based on current business requirements.
wannab@dis said:
If Walt was alive today, I bet MK would be selling beer at the restaurants. ;)
wannab@dis said:
Some people consider "Song of the South" racist (I personally don't)... So, based on your posts... it's ok to sell alleged racist material, but not alcohol? :hammer:
wannab@dis said:
The perfect streak of hits won't last forever.


Not to change the subject or anything but when I was riding on Soarin not too long ago I remember thinking "Walt would have absolutely loved this" Just an overwhelming feeling I had at that particular moment..



Well-Known Member
I've always wondered how successful E.P.C.O.T. would have been if Walt had lived to see it completed as he envisioned it...a true city of the future. And I can't help but feel that E.P.C.O.T. would have been for Walt what ABC was for Eisner...a drain on the other money making resources of Disney. After all, technology has taken off so quickly, to be a true "City Of Tomorrow," it would have to constantly find new and innovative concepts ahead of what is currently on the market. No easy task, financially or creatively.

Agree or not, it's just speculation and opinon on my part.:animwink:


New Member
I tend to agree with the fact the we are not Walt, so we really should not be speculating what walt would want. Personally I think the part of WDW what should not exist is Dinorama. Walt may have disagreed. I don't know. Why don't we let Walt have some rest in that cryogenic chanber of his......


Well-Known Member
PintoColvig said:
For all of your dislike of the speculation evoked by this thread, you certainly seem to be doing a lot of speculating...

Talking about taking things out of context!

Most (if not all) of my posts have been in regards of NOT speculating what Walt would do. If you think otherwise, then you didn't fully read my posts. :wave:

Why the nick change? :veryconfu


Talk about getting de-railed...This was a fun, innocent post speculating how the parks might be different and it turned into a knife fight.

I love the passion, though.


mayoki said:
Talk about getting de-railed...This was a fun, innocent post speculating how the parks might be different and it turned into a knife fight.

I love the passion, though.

this wasn't fun neither was it innocent, a disney fan must already be ready to accept that topics like this will be widely fueled by rage brought forth by battling opinions blighted by personal preferences.

it's fun to read though, i'm sort of an Enderikari fan now.


Well-Known Member
S.E.A. said:
this wasn't fun neither was it innocent, a disney fan must already be ready to accept that topics like this will be widely fueled by rage brought forth by battling opinions blighted by personal preferences.

it's fun to read though, i'm sort of an Enderikari fan now.

Umm... thanks.... I think....


Well-Known Member
bigcarolina77 said:
Pixar is worth every penny. Their flicks make hundreds of millions each. They're one of the only thing going in the right direction in Hollywood right know. The other studios can't seem to crank out many winners. Hope they don't foul it up and start cranking out more Treasure Planet type crap.
Pixar is worth every penny?

What do you know of Ratatoulle?

And don't you find it odd that Pixar with Cars seems to be going to way of Dreamworks by capitolizing on the trendy genre of Blue Collar humor and NASCAR?

Incredibles made less than Nemo... I'm expecting Cars to make less than the Incredibles... and I honestly expect Ratatoulle to flop.

Yeah... they're worth it.


Well-Known Member
Cars should make a ton. If it crosses $200 million it is an unbelieveable hit and that would certainly be down from Incredibles.

In all honesty, saying the Incredibles made less than Nemo would be like saying Star Wars Episdoe I made less than the original Star Wars. They both did pretty darn well. I don't see any Pixar or Disney movie coming close to Nemo for quite some time. That was a once in a lifetime situation, IMO.


Well-Known Member
dxwwf3 said:
Cars should make a ton. If it crosses $200 million it is an unbelieveable hit and that would certainly be down from Incredibles.

In all honesty, saying the Incredibles made less than Nemo would be like saying Star Wars Episdoe I made less than the original Star Wars. They both did pretty darn well. I don't see any Pixar or Disney movie coming close to Nemo for quite some time. That was a once in a lifetime situation, IMO.
Oh... I know.

Nemo won't be beaten for a VERY long time.

The truth of the matter is that NO ONE can ever bat a thousand. It will not happen. Even though Walt had a golden touch, it wasn't 100%. Pixar has had an awesome string of movies, but the caliber hasn't been unattainable everytime. Many people consider A Bug's Life to be a lesser Pixar film... not everyone liked Nemo (I personally found it boring). I really do not expect Cars to pull in Incredibles numbers, because it feels like a niche' piece. I honestly have no desire to see it because I really don't feel like listening to Larry the Cable Guy in a Pixar film. It will do well opening weekend on the name of Pixar alone... but after that I expect word of mouth from the people who aren't real fans of the concept to seriously hurt it.

Another major fear is that the trailers don't present any of the story. They just so some jokes, so some racing, mention Finding Nemo and scream PIXAR!

I don't view that as a good sign.


Well-Known Member
No nobody ever bats 1000 that is true. But people have been calling for Pixar's first failure for years now. A Bug's Life is about twice the hit of anything Disney has put out animation wise since The Lion King though.

I think Cars looks great. Larry The Cable Guy can be flat out hillarious in small doses. And the lugnut joke in the trailer might be the funniest line in any animated trailer I've ever seen. I think business will be really good for Cars because not only will it pull in the family crowd for nothing else, but for lack of competition (It's really the only movie I see coming out in early to mid June that looks worthwhile to me) and it will pull in fans of car racing as well. Sure it won't be the best movie to be released on the sport I hate the most this year (I've already got the Talladaga Nights wallpaper on my computer), but you can't deny the popularity of car racing right now. And that June release date with very little competition will also = $$$, IMO.
I don't see any Pixar or Disney movie coming close to Nemo for quite some time. That was a once in a lifetime situation, IMO.
Believe it or not, we've already seen this....twice within the past 15 years. The first being Lion King - it made oodles of cash and no one ever thought its box office record would be beat....then came Shrek 2 (I believe, I don't remember which one) and it beat it. Now granted that was a Dreamworks film, but it happens...and Disney has some very good looking stuff riding in it's pipeline for release over the next couple years. It could happen, and it probably will...Pixar could even beat itself....who knows.

As for what Walt would disapprove of....I can tell you that I've heard stories of older animation crew that said that in the Disney archive survives a piece of paper with scribblings of what fairy tales should not be touched.....a couple of those films: Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast and Pocahontas. All of these films actually went under story development while Walt was alive and after a while, he just decided that a story couldn't be made for those films that would be appealing. A lot of the concept art for those films exist, some of it transferred into shorter cartoons that Disney developed.

Also, about the animators working in the far as I know, this never really occurred. There were artists who (and still are) placed in the parks that draw pictures, but they are not really Disney animators. I talked to a couple guys about 10 or so years ago who were doing the artist thing in the parks and they claimed to be Disney "Animators". These people were just merely don't employ someone for a starting rate of $19.88 an hour to have him waste his talent in a theme park....instead, you train someone to draw specific poses of characters and pay them minimum wage (or maybe a little more) and have them call themselves "animators". All animators since the strike have been protected by the MPSC839 - it's an animation union that Disney and all other major companies fall under. If Disney hires an animator, they are bound by law to pay him the starting salary ($19.88). The people who now draw in the parks are nothing but regular employees that were given some training in drawing these characters and a light table to "trace" images that are already drawn. Tracing is a much more efficient way to make drawings that sell for $20 a picture than to have to actually draw a new picture every time, plus it's great practice on learning how to draw/trace new characters.

I don't know any animators that would be willing to sit and play "retail" when they have the ability to do something much more special with that pencil in their hands....(same goes for that guy that used to do the animation tour at Disney studios - animator my butt)...the guys behind the fish bowl...yeah, they were authentic, but of course, they were being paid authentic salaries too.


Well-Known Member
clarksfan95 said:
Believe it or not, we've already seen this....twice within the past 15 years. The first being Lion King - it made oodles of cash and no one ever thought its box office record would be beat....then came Shrek 2 (I believe, I don't remember which one) and it beat it. Now granted that was a Dreamworks film, but it happens...and Disney has some very good looking stuff riding in it's pipeline for release over the next couple years. It could happen, and it probably will...Pixar could even beat itself....who knows.

Each was a TOTALLY different situation. The Lion King still would have the box office crown if you factor in inflation. TLK is still easily the biggest animated hit ever. You've got the soundtrack which helped things out a lot too.

Shrek 2 was a sequal to a hugely successful film and it features star power as well. Fans of Myers, Murphy, and Diaz will see the Shrek movies even if they care nothing about animation. That makes a difference somewhat.

Nemo was a once in a lifetime deal for Pixar in that there was very little hype about it until it was time for the release (Little hype in the grand scheme of the Disney marketing machine) and it was an story with original characters and no music either. This day in age, it's extremely rare to see films gain momentum during the summer season and Disney got two of them that year (POTC and Nemo). You're lucky to get two a decade like that.


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Original Poster
S.E.A. said:
this wasn't fun neither was it innocent

Congratulations on your apparent telepathic abilities. You figured out my intent of this malicious, fire-fueling post. :rolleyes:

Honestly! I thought it was an interesting, fun topic, and I really expected a civil, mature discussion. I respect your right to dislike my topic just as you should respect my right to post it! But if you don't like it, guess what? I'm not making you join in the discussion!

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