I am not going to say much, except for I disagree with not only just about everything that Carolina has said, and I also disagree with the whole topic in general being an impossible one to judge..
But I will take this oppurtunity to throw another "Walt was against Alcohol" quip out there...
The Disney animation studios in Burbank was built with a cocktail bar, and Disney was famous amongst his crew for letting his animators take long breaks and grab a cocktail during work... Walt himself had a scotch and soda served to him by his secretary as he received medical massages needed for chronic back pain stemming from a polo injury...
and one more thing
Wow..... how high and mighty must you be to go ahead and make decisions for a large number of people. I am not a smoker myself, but I disagree with every attempt to legislate morality. This country is one where people have the oppurtunity to pursue life, liberty, and happiness, as long as my pursuit does not negatively affect yours.
One quick question: is it hard to climb all the way up to that pedastal? It looks hard.. I mean... with it that high and all. I mean, it must have a great view of everything, as long as you don't mind looking over your nose and such... Just, that pedestal seems like you would need some sort of climbing instrument... A ladder perhaps... Do you have a ladder? A stool seems like it would be too short...