Things I'll Never Do At Disney Again............


Well-Known Member
1. Ride Mission Space: Orange
2. Wear bad shoes
3. Stay at Polynesian- I know people love it, but it didn't do it for me. For the cost, I don't think I'd stay there again
4. Stay at a value or moderate resort, or stay on level 1 of a deluxe resort-one my absolute favorite things to do in WDW is spend time each morning by myself on the balcony just drinking my coffee before the fam wakes up and it gets crazy. I can't do that at a value or moderate, and there are just too many lizards on level 1 of any hotel ;)
5. Not bring a yeti - I need to keep my drinks cold all day long
6. Use a Minnie Van - they're cute. But, the reason I take uber/lyft is to get some place fast. The Minnie Vans we took never exceeded the speed limit and drove into each drop off zone at an idle speed :banghead:. Props to Disney for their law-abiding drivers, but I'm okay with a bit of speed to get me where I'm going. ;)


Well-Known Member
I am reading so many bad things about BOG on here and am even more apprehensive of it than before! LoL I know the breakfast menu looked sort of underwhelming to me, but is the food that bad? I'll be honest, my GF and I are mainly going there just to experience the inside and enjoy the decor and theming. We have super low expectations for the breakfast food after hearing so many negative things about it. If there is one plus besides the ambiance, I guess it is that we have an 8am reservation so will already be in the park once we are done eating bfast.

We love the atmosphere. We have only dined in the ballroom twice, the first time to experience it, the second time because it was all but empty. The ballroom is a little loud when BOG is busy. The West Wing is the best room, the rose and all and the rose gallery is a close second.

We have never dined there for breakfast, but have been there for lunch and dinner.

For lunch the food is okay, I usually have the tuna salad and its just okay.

For dinner I have been there twice and had the NY strip, the first time it was extremely tender, cooked perfectly for my taste and had wonderful flavor though a little salty for my taste. Of course I think most dishes at WDW are over salted. The second time I was there I ordered the same steak and it was okay at best. So it is a toss up for quality.

My wife cant get enough of the place and is very happy whenever we dine there, so just for that it is more than worth it to me.

I love Primeval Whirl!

The best part of this ride is when the vehicle spins around, I cant get enough of it. I ride it just for that part.

Ninja Mom

Well-Known Member
I love Primeval Whirl!

Your significant other must be a Chiropractor!
I'm waiting for the "Office of Ride Safety" to install air bags on that ride. Airbag.jpg


OG Runner

Well-Known Member
I have to say I like Primeval Whirl also. I just wish they wouldn't squish four people in the vehicles.
The spins are a little tough when you are crowded in.

OG Runner

Well-Known Member
I have been going to WDW since 1986, more often now than the first 20 or so years. My recommendation,
on some of these, "I will never do this again", items would be to do them at least a few times before writing
them off. Some restaurants have an off day. A friend of mine absolutely loves Margaritaville at Universal. I had
such a bad experience, and they knew it, that the took 60% off my bill. Waiting a really long time in line, especially
if it is in the heat, for a ride, is going to affect how you feel about it. (try a fast pass) There are also so many things
I have tried, and then thought that is all I get after paying that much! Make adjustments and plan and you may
even enjoy some of the things you currently cannot see you doing again.


Well-Known Member
1. Recommend California Grill ----- too noisy, not romantic and just okay food (can get better food and sushi elsewhere on property)
2. Ride Mission:SPACE orange


Active Member
It's a Small World, Peter Pan. Thought I should try the classics once. And they both violated my 'I don't wait on really long lines' rule to add insult to injury.
Wait for ages for a hot dog at Casey's ... okay, I'm a TS type but one day it was desperation. What are they doing back there??
Ditto Electric Umbrella.
That's all I have strong feelings against. If I'm at WDW I'm generally pretty happy.


Well-Known Member
5. Rely on Bus Service from a Value

This right here is why my family started renting a car. When we used to go during peak season, the buses seemed so few and far between to and from the Value Resorts. And when they did come, you had to be prepared to be packed in like sardines, standing along with 37 of your closest (new) friends. And woe be to you for being first in line for a fresh bus, but not noticing the line of 5-6 scooters also waiting.

This brings me to my personal thing I'll never do at WDW again:

Go to WDW in June-August.


Well-Known Member
I'm finding that the years between my trips to WDW have gotten longer and longer as I've aged. My last trip was twelve years ago (not for lack of wanting or trying). We're going in November (at least I hope) and I got up early on countdown day 180 to score a lunch reservation for BOG. I know that I've read that the food quality isn't as good as it was right after it opened, but I was mainly wanting to take my wife there as this is her first Disney trip and she loves the film. Is it really so underwhelming that it isn't worth the expense?


Well-Known Member
buy any sort of mixed drink....(they cant water down beer can they)

care about trying to see the fireworks or castle show without feeling like cattle. (just skip it)

go to the really i have had AP for years and i avoid the MK like the plaque is spreading. shame so many of my fav rides are there but im tired of fighting crowds.

buy overpriced apparel.

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