Thank you, friend, I did have a nice Thanksgiving. I spent it with several generations of family from a collection of West Coast states, and ate
waaaaay too much. And then on Friday we went up to Portland to a couple of malls in the western suburbs of Portlandia where life is still normal.
I would have normally gone into downtown Portland to shop at the fabulous Powell's and a few favorite furnishing stores downtown, but that entire central city is a boarded up wasteland now.
It's so sad what downtown Portland has become in just 5 short months, entirely destroyed and smashed and abandoned.
At least the suburbs are still normal up here, as they are in OC as well.
I hope your holiday weekend was fun! I have half a mind to take a detour to Santa Clara County on my way home this week, if only to roll down the window blasting The Supremes and yelling
"QUARANTINE!" at random freeway drivers.