Politics Theme Park Reopening Guidelines to be released 10/20/20

This thread contains political discussion related to the original thread topic

Mac Tonight

Well-Known Member
That's just it though, this is not about him. Despite how some keep trying to make it be about him, what California is and has been doing is not actually completely and totally out of line with the recommendations of the medical community. Despite repeatedly saying the guidelines are arbitrary, it seems clear now that those in the amusement park and attractions industry do not believe they have a convincing argument.
What do you mean they don't have a convincing argument? All we've heard from Chapek and other theme park leaders is how they've listened to their health and safety individuals who follow the science and data, have put countless risk-prevention measures in place, and now believe they can re-open safely.

Newsom is the one saying they "can't".
Newsom is the one laying down his Four-Tier Guidelines.
Newsom is also simultaneously the one getting caught flagrantly breaking his own guidelines.

Frankly, I don't see how this isn't about him.

Disney Irish

Premium Member
Aside from the credibility and lying we've discussed, for me this is an issue of the risk analysis that Gavin Newsom and his wife has obviously done. He is a busy professional. He has four children. He has a very large staff he interacts with daily. He does not work from home. She also is a busy professional with a staff. He and she both know all the data and science that we have discussed here, what type of demographics Covid is mostly dangerous to, and what type of demographics Covid is not dangerous to.

And he and the First Partner specifically and purposely chose to attend an event with 10 other people for hours in a small, indoor dining room. Because they have done the same risk analysis in my brain that I have done which made me decide to travel out of state for a similar dinner party with my family for Thanksgiving.

I respect Gavin Newsom for coming to the same conclusions I have about Covid and its risks to me and my family. I do not respect Gavin for then trying to prevent others from exercising that same freedom, and then lying about it when he got caught doing it a week after it happened.
But unlike you Newson gets tested constantly. That is the BIG difference here. And one that you should see at the core of this discussion. Sure he made a error in judgement, but he also made sure to get his family tested BEFORE AND AFTER the event. You don't, you willfully go to events constantly and yet haven't been tested once since your "for funsies" test many months ago.

Deleted member 107043

But I just have to wonder now how Newsom gains back the respect or authority he has amongst So Cal business leaders (particularly those within the theme park community).

He likely won't, which will only worsen the divide between those calling for a sensible science based approach and those who want to put business interests ahead of lives, which is unfortunate. I'm a strong believer in holding political leaders accountable, so Newsom gets zero passes from me for this behavior, especially when the stakes are so high.

Similarly Democrats in Congress scheduled an orientation dinner last week for its new members inside the Capitol, causing a massive outcry on social media. Needless to say the dust up resulted in the sit-down dinner plans being hastily rearranged to grab and go. This all happened in the wake of the Amy Coney Barret super spreader event that infected numerous guests and White House officials, including POTUS, last month. So yeah, we must hold them accountable. All of them.


Well-Known Member
Well, this is blowing up huge.

A few days ago I thought "If only those Saarinen chairs could talk". And I was right. Because...

California Medical Association executives were some of the folks seated at that cozy indoor Gathering for 12. :oops:

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Well-Known Member
Why wouldn't I believe that he and his family got tested, who the hell would lie about that. You're starting to sound like a conspiracy theorist now.

He lied about the dinner being "outdoors". He didn't even admit to attending this dinner for a full week, until he got caught by the media.

I have no doubt that he's getting tested regularly, as any state governor probably is. He probably has no choice in that matter.

But his wife and kids and the live-in help getting tested regularly? I'm suspicious of that now.

Deleted member 107043

All we've heard from Chapek and other theme park leaders is how they've listened to their health and safety individuals who follow the science and data, have put countless risk-prevention measures in place, and now believe they can re-open safely.

Without a national strategy for testing and contact tracing what proof can Chapek present to anyone that shows he's confident Covid hasn't spread in a community as a result of someone spending a few days vacationing at WDW?

What motive would Newsom and his advisors have for ranking DLR theme parks in the yellow tier, which effectively keeps them closed? Are you suggesting they are doing it just because they can?

Disney Irish

Premium Member
He lied about the dinner being "outdoors". He didn't even admit to attending this dinner for a full week, until he got caught by the media.

I have no doubt that he's getting tested regularly, as any state governor probably is. He probably has no choice in that matter.

But his wife and kids and the live-in help getting tested regularly? I'm suspicious of that now.
I would expect that his family is tested regularly for the same reason you gave, he is the governor. They likely have no choice in the matter either.


Well-Known Member
I would expect that his family is tested regularly for the same reason you gave, he is the governor. They likely have no choice in the matter either.

You're probably right. Especially about the First Partner. But kids are harder to convince to do weekly swab tests.

I guess the issue here is that Gavin's credibility is shot to heck. And it's getting worse today with the photos now out there and everyone beginning to identify the 10 other people seated at that table...

Movers and shakers from the California Medical Association and lobbyists for the medical industry in this state. A state with the 5th largest economy on the planet and the very finest medical care available anywhere.

I have to believe this is infuriating Chapek and Universal and others. The news is now interviewing average Californians about this; barbers and bartenders, and those working schleps are FURIOUS over this.

Disney and Universal are likely reconsidering who their Sacramento lobbyists are, and are now demanding to know why they've never been invited to dine with Gavin at The French Laundry like their fellow lobbyists working for the California Medical Association are.

Disney Irish

Premium Member
And you re starting to sound like you re up Newsoms hypocritical @$$
No I've called him out on this site already for being stupid now many times. Same with Nancy when she got "caught", it was stupid for her as well. But see I've been around enough politicians in my life to know they aren't perfect (very far from it in fact), and I don't expect them to be. So when they do something stupid I'll call them out on it, but I don't sit there and say "Hey because they can doing it so that means I can too" like some are doing on here. So I'm calling that out too.

Mac Tonight

Well-Known Member
Without a national strategy for testing and contact tracing what proof can Chapek present to anyone that shows he's confident Covid hasn't spread in a community as a result of someone spending a few days vacationing at WDW?

What motive would Newsom and his advisors have for ranking DLR theme parks in the yellow tier, which effectively keeps them closed? Are you suggesting they are doing it just because they can?
No, I have no reason to suspect Newsom is inherently anti-theme parks, other than the fact that there doesn't appear to be any documented proof of Newsom having ever visited Disneyland (lol).

But don't forget, it's not just Chapek and the other park leaders blindly saying they're "safe". To be DL specific, back in October, OC Health Care Agency officials toured Disneyland to ensure they were doing what was necessary to re-open safely. They even made new recommendations for Disney to adopt, which they did.

Disney Irish

Premium Member
You're probably right. Especially about the First Partner. But kids are harder to convince to do weekly swab tests.

I guess the issue here is that Gavin's credibility is shot to heck. And it's getting worse today with the photos now out there and everyone beginning to identify the 10 other people seated at that table. Movers and shakers from the California Medical Association and lobbyists for the medical industry in this state. A state with the 5th largest economy on the planet and the very finest medical care available anywhere.
Name one politician who's credibility isn't shot. Because all of them are "do as I say and not as I do". Politicians are imperfect humans, just like the rest of us.


Well-Known Member
What do you mean they don't have a convincing argument? All we've heard from Chapek and other theme park leaders is how they've listened to their health and safety individuals who follow the science and data, have put countless risk-prevention measures in place, and now believe they can re-open safely.

Newsom is the one saying they "can't".
Newsom is the one laying down his Four-Tier Guidelines.
Newsom is also simultaneously the one getting caught flagrantly breaking his own guidelines.

Frankly, I don't see how this isn't about him.
If the parks thought they had a convincing argument they would have filed suit in the past four weeks. That is the venue for challenging arbitrary regulations. No business would have any qualms about it. That they have not is a big indicator that their own assessment of success is quite low.

Newsom did not write the guidelines by himself. He too has a staff of health and safety individuals, including the entirety of the California Department of Public Health. It’s really no different than the process at a company like Disney. But again, California is not alone in keeping amusement parks closed in the US or the world, so this is not a decision unique to Newsom.

Mac Tonight

Well-Known Member
If the parks thought they had a convincing argument they would have filed suit in the past four weeks. That is the venue for challenging arbitrary regulations.

Newsom did not write the guidelines by himself. He too has a staff of health and safety individuals, including the entirety of the California Department of Public Health. It’s really no different than the process at a company like Disney. But again, California is not alone in keeping amusement parks closed in the US or the world, so this is not a decision unique to Newsom.
I just think it's interesting then that OC Health officials who physically toured Disneyland said it could re-open safely while their counterparts in Sacramento say otherwise.

But who knows... maybe this whole event of Gavin getting "caught" will inspire some lawsuits into existence. It surely won't go un-discussed amongst business leaders, that's for sure.
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Well-Known Member
People's lives were ruined by this leader's orders. The argument the whole time is that these are drastic measures to save lives.

When that same person breaks the rules he's been imposing on millions of citizens for more than 6 months, they have every right to feel like they may as well also break the rules.

If the guy at the top making the orders is disobeying his own orders, doesn't that convey that:

1) He is above the law
2) The safety orders are not very important

I'd absolutely understand someone now throwing his rules out the door. I'm not like that, but to see the rule maker be the rule breaker instills doubt upon the actual rules.

No one disagrees that Newsom is guilty of hypocrisy. Even Newsom has spoken out about his own hypocritical behavior.

That doesn't mean you should stop wearing a mask or go to an indoor bar with dozens of your closest friends.

Disney Irish

Premium Member
People's lives were ruined by this leader's orders. The argument the whole time is that these are drastic measures to save lives.

When that same person breaks the rules he's been imposing on millions of citizens for more than 6 months, they have every right to feel like they may as well also break the rules.

If the guy at the top making the orders is disobeying his own orders, doesn't that convey that:

1) He is above the law
2) The safety orders are not very important

I'd absolutely understand someone now throwing his rules out the door. I'm not like that, but to see the rule maker be the rule breaker instills doubt upon the actual rules.
Lets make sure we get a couple things clear here, and stop making this political. COVID is ruining people's lives, period. Not the responses from either side of the aisle. We have had no nationwide plan at all, its every state fending for themselves right now. Other leaders in other states that have been more lax aren't doing better with the virus or with their own economies for that matter. In fact Texas for example where things were very lax is worse than California. So the "open everything up and not wear masks" crowd has been proven wrong.

So lets not kid ourselves here, no one in this country has had the perfect response. We really just need to hunker down and limp along until the vaccine is ready for mass distribution. The time for blame is over, other than to blame the virus.

Disney Irish

Premium Member
Not making it about politics or blaming him for the virus. Just approaching this from the perspective of someone else.
I get that, the post wasn't directed at you specifically. It was a general statement for the thread, it just happen to be in response to what you wrote.

Most people I know, regardless of political standing, are angry with the governor (even before this recent incident).
But imagine how angry they'd be if Newsom just threw everything open and those people started getting sick? I'm sure they'd feel the exact same way but for different reasons. Its a balance, as Governor you have to balance the health of the citizens of the state vs the economy. And well the health of the citizens won out in this state. Its a tough decision but one that I personally think was right in this case. Earlier this year I was on the opposite side, but the longer this has gone on the more my opinion changed.

How is Florida doing vs California?
Tracking almost the same as California in terms of the number of cases, and Florida is half as populated. So really Florida is getting battered worse than California.

No matter what, I'm thankful that with the vaccine maybe things can get back to normal somewhat.
Yes I'm thankful for a vaccine as well.

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