Politics Theme Park Reopening Guidelines to be released 10/20/20

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Well-Known Member
I fully expect (and hope) that you report here on what Fox 11 says tonight, with some added commentary, for those of us who don't feel like tuning in.

Well, I probably don't need to. I just watched Tucker Carlson, who led the highest rated TV news show in the country with this exact photo and a 5 minute monologue why it represents everything wrong with America in 2020.


Tucker Carlson was brilliantly damning in his criticism of Gavin Newsom, as he so often is when he is skewering blatantly smug hypocrisy from politicians on either side of the aisle.

And it perfectly summed up why this dinner and the lies that followed it until the photo was released is more than just a little mistake covered over by an apology 10 days later. When it gets posted to YouTube shortly I will post it here, because honestly you can't call out hypocrisy or hack politician's disdain for us serfs better than Tucker Carlson. He's an expert.
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Well-Known Member
View attachment 514101

I don't know, TP... that looks like the cuff of a short sleeve to me.

It's hard to see because of both the reflections in the glass of the giant sliding doors that were closed to the indoor dining room where their outdoor dinner took place, and the hand of the gentleman lobbyist working for the California Medical Association resting on his hip as he schmoozes the First Partner without a mask after dinner. Indoors.

But trust me on this, the First Partner loves to do that reflective-right-hand-resting-on-chin-or-against collar-bone-with-Mona-Lisa-smile pose when she talks to someone influential or poses for something important. It shows she is intuitive and very intelligent, yet approachable and real. It's her signature look!


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Well-Known Member
Disney should add The French Laundry to DCA with an Audio Animatronic Gavin welcoming guests to indoor dining with limited spacing.

That would be great! I've long felt we needed an answer to Florida's Hall of Presidents.

But please don't forget that according to the Guidance and the official statement released November 13th that it's outdoor dining, which just happens to be confined by three wood-paneled walls with butler's pantry, double-paned sliding glass doors, a roof, commercial grade HVAC system, and a 38 lamp chandelier hung from the outdoor ceiling suspended by outdoors. This photo clearly shows an outdoors Gathering taking place, with 6 feet of spacing between households.

This is what outdoors looks like. Please remember that.


“This was a small, intimate, 12-person dinner held outdoors with family and a few close friends to celebrate a 50th birthday,” a spokesman said in a statement to the Chronicle.
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Well-Known Member
I fully expect (and hope) that you report here on what Fox 11 says tonight, with some added commentary, for those of us who don't feel like tuning in.

Here's Tucker Carlson's monologue tonight, from TV's top-rated news commentary show in the country.

Tucker Carlson skewers hypocrisy in our elected official's better than anyone I've ever seen in my life. And he skewers Republicans just as easily as Democrats (and his Republican skewerings are some of his best). But this was how he led his TV show tonight, with that one picture from The French Laundry two weeks ago that has exploded across the nation now.

I can not say it any better than this, and this is why this is more than just "a mistake" and can't be glossed over and forgotten by just a "an apology". And yes, I imagine Disney's execs like Bob Chapek are just as angry about this tonight as your average barber or bartender who is also seeing their lives and livelihoods ruined by Gavin Newsom.


Mac Tonight

Well-Known Member
It's hard to see because of both the reflections in the glass of the giant sliding doors that were closed to the indoor dining room where their outdoor dinner took place, and the hand of the gentleman lobbyist working for the California Medical Association resting on his hip as he schmoozes the First Partner without a mask after dinner. Indoors.

But trust me on this, the First Partner loves to do that reflective-right-hand-resting-on-chin-or-against collar-bone-with-Mona-Lisa-smile pose when she talks to someone influential or poses for something important. It shows she is intuitive and very intelligent, yet approachable and real. It's her signature look!


Looking at it more and more... I think you're right. I was duped by an optical illusion!!


Well-Known Member
Here's Tucker Carlson's monologue tonight, from TV's top-rated news commentary show in the country.

Tucker Carlson skewers hypocrisy in our elected official's better than anyone I've ever seen in my life. And he skewers Republicans just as easily as Democrats (and his Republican skewerings are some of his best). But this was how he led his TV show tonight, with that one picture from The French Laundry two weeks ago that has exploded across the nation now.

I can not say it any better than this, and this is why this is more than just "a mistake" and can't be glossed over and forgotten by just a "an apology". And yes, I imagine Disney's execs like Bob Chapek are just as angry about this tonight as your average barber or bartender who is also seeing their lives and livelihoods ruined by Gavin Newsom.

Thanks for sharing. I stopped the video and will resume after I post this. Tucker reminded of what happened to my aunts father just last week. My aunts 82 year old father (who’s been fighting cancer for the last few years) couldn’t go visit his dying brother in the hospital with a mask on. They wouldn’t let him in as he begged them in tears saying “please he’s the only brother I have.” So when you see a video of Newsom and those medical experts at this dinner shoulder to shoulder indoors without a mask on, think of those people too. The people that couldn’t even go say goodbye to dying loved ones. Absolutely ridiculous.
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Well-Known Member
Thanks for the information and insightful discussion. Did not know Florida was faring worse than CA.

You are absolutely right that there has to be a proper balance to everything. Can't close it all, but can't open everything.

Definitely there needs to be a middle ground but unfortunately that's not feasible right now given the rise of cases in CA. I expect the rollbacks to be in effect until at least Mid-January to February

The vaccine news today is definitely a light in the darkness as Pfizer said today that their vaccine is now 95% effective for all groups and ages and is gonna request an EUA (Emergency Use Authorization) from the FDA within the coming days. While they said it could be until spring until the general public can access it, I suspect in the coming months that countries will be willing to build more facilities for the companies to get more made.

An OCR article suggested that Disney could use its PR ability to convince people to get vaccinated. If Disney were to be approached or decides to advocate for vaccinations themselves they can definitely use DLR as a focal point particularly in PR efforts in California and in the OC.


Well-Known Member
I love when he said “at best it makes them weird” when referring to kids being homeschooled. My son today made a single file stick with those large LEGO’s and called it “his friend.” Lol. Imagine a lightsaber without the handle. Literally just a stick of LEGO’s.

I laugh, but the damage done to children's brain development by not being in school for a year is disastrous. :(

Gavin Newsom's young children are allowed to attend their expensive private school in suburban Sacramento. But public schools for the children of serfs throughout California are still closed.

After perusing the national TV news and the Internet this evening, I am heartened to see how many people are calling out Gavin Newsom for his hypocritical and idiotic decision to pre-plan and purposely attend this party in a small private dining room. His reputation is seriously dented by this, which isn't a good thing for a Governor with an active recall campaign going on. Even the ultra-liberal New York Times is hammering him this evening. Ouch!

Mr. Newsom on Monday described the dinner as taking place outdoors. But the photos show a table indoors with a glass sliding door that opens to a courtyard. On Wednesday a spokesman for Mr. Newsom, Nathan Click, said the governor had no further comment.

Newsom and the first partner eschewed state public health guidelines to dine with friends at a time when the governor has asked families to scale back Thanksgiving plans. If the governor can eat out with friends — and if his children can attend their expensive school — why must everyone else sacrifice? - New York Times, 11/18/2020

And yes, Disneyland is still closed. 🧐
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Well-Known Member

>>We certainly hope Gov. Gavin Newsom and his wife, Jennifer Siebel Newsom, enjoyed their dinner at the Michelin-starred restaurant on Nov. 6. Because it will end up costing a lot more than $700 in terms of damage to Newsom’s credibility in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic. Nothing will launder the stain of stupidity from his reputation after this ill-conceived outing.<<

>>Newsom’s haute cuisine hypocrisy is a disaster for the state’s efforts to get Californians to understand the deadly threat of COVID-19. He just handed more ammunition to Republican leaders who have decried the state’s emergency shutdowns of restaurants, gyms and churches. If the governor can eat out with friends — and if his children can attend their expensive school — why must everyone else sacrifice?

Two years into his first term, and nine months into the COVID-19 pandemic, Newsom still can’t get his act together. If Newsom can’t get his head into the game, perhaps he should make this governor thing a one-term affair and leave the job open for someone with a desire to lead.<<


Well-Known Member
If Newsom can’t get his head into the game, perhaps he should make this governor thing a one-term affair and leave the job open for someone with a desire to lead.<< - Fresno Bee

That's a key issue here. Leadership.

Along with many others, I had a creeping suspicion that Gavin Newsom was not a true leader. A true leader leads by example, not just by press release and free words. And Gavin has proven he knows lots and lots of words, often words that no regular mortal uses in actual sentences.

But he was not leading by example. The size and location of his home, the way his immediate family is schooled and lives their lives, etc. were in direct opposition to policies and laws he implements on everyone else.

This dinner party at The French Laundry, planned in advance and attended on purpose in a different county, is a glaring example of someone who has no idea what true leadership is.

Similarly, Newsom's never been to Disneyland, even as the Californian father of four young children with plenty of disposable income. And yet he is very comfortable with keeping Disneyland closed by entirely arbitrary rules. While he and the First Partner break all those same Covid rules at a schmoozy dinner with lobbyists and the CEO of the California Medical Association. (And don't think that guy isn't also fearing for his career this week too!)

I hope Newsom enjoyed this month's dinner at The French Laundry. It's cost him a great deal. And the tab is still growing.

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