Politics Theme Park Reopening Guidelines to be released 10/20/20

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Well-Known Member
I fully expected the widespread distribution of the at-home testing kits to other counties. In fact OC Supervisors today stated there was no limit in how many OC residents can request. Indicating they feel that OC residents "should" be getting tested more often.

"Indicating" or "stating" that OC residents without symptoms should get tested?

You keep expecting 3.2 Million residents of Orange County to read between the lines and request a Covid test even though all the official communication from local and state government says to only get tested if you have symptoms or are contacted by a Contact Tracer.

If county and state health authorities want symptom-free and healthy people to get tested for Covid regularly, they are doing a lousy job of communicating that. Because they clearly state otherwise.

I mean, I know Governor Newsom speaks in a weird HR Department form of buzzwords and psychobabble, but someone in Sacramento must be smart enough to come up with a clear and simple slogan like...

Feeling Fine & Healthy? Get Tested Anyway! More Covid Testing Means A Healthier California!

There, I just came up with a slogan for them. For free. :)

Disney Irish

Premium Member
"Indicating" or "stating" that OC residents without symptoms should get tested?

You keep expecting 3.2 Million residents of Orange County to read between the lines and request a Covid test even though all the official communication from local and state government says to only get tested if you have symptoms or are contacted by a Contact Tracer.

If county and state health authorities want symptom-free and healthy people to get tested for Covid regularly, they are doing a lousy job of communicating that. Because they clearly state otherwise.

I mean, I know Governor Newsom speaks in a weird HR department form of buzzwords and psychobabble, but someone in Sacramento must be smart enough to come up with a slogan like...

Feeling Fine & Health? Get Tested Anyway! More Covid Testing Means A Healthier California!

There, I just came up with a slogan for them. For free.
Well when they specifically state you should get tested several days before any holiday gathering to ensure you are negative and not spreading COVID. I think that clearly (in OC politician speak anyways) states that OC residents without symptoms should be tested.


Well-Known Member
Well when they specifically state you should get tested several days before any holiday gathering to ensure you are negative and not spreading COVID. I think that clearly (in politician speak anyways) states that OC residents without symptoms should be tested.

That's not at all what I heard on the 5 o'clock news tonight.

They really should update their website if that's their new push. Here's my county's current language and flowchart on testing questions, which leads me as a symptom-free person who is not an "Essential Worker" to not be recommended for testing.

And here is the State of California's official Covid website, which states the same basic concept as my local county website. I have no symptoms and I am not an Essential Worker (I'm not an essential anything, actually) so no test is needed.

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Well-Known Member
Pass it on to OC Supervisors. I'm sure they'd love a new free slogan. ;)

No, this slogan needs to go to Sacramento. If this is a new statewide push for all symptom-free Californians to get tested and retested and retested again, they are doing a lousy job of saying that to 40 Million people.

Because that's not what they've said at all. Nor is that what they are equipped to handle.

Aren't you an LA County guy? Because the LA County Covid website also is not saying symptom-free Angelenos should be tested and retested. Their first instruction is for those with Covid symptoms to call their doctor. And if they have no doctor or can't get an immediate response, to go through the same checklist steps that Orange County has.

Here is the LA County website instructions on who should get tested, and how...

You should get tested if you:
  • Have symptoms of COVID-19.
  • Were asked by LA County Department of Public Health to get a test because of a contact tracing or outbreak investigation.
  • Were in “close contact” with someone who has COVID-19 in the past 2 weeks.
  • Work or live in places such as skilled nursing facilities, group homes, residential care facilities, correctional facilities or homeless shelters.
  • Are a person experiencing homelessness.
  • Are an essential worker with frequent contacts with the public in the following areas: health care, emergency, food and grocery services, factory workers in food and retail, public transportation, and education.
  • Don't have symptoms but believe you may be infected now because you were exposed to people who were sick, were around many people who were not wearing face coverings, and/or were not keeping safe distance in the past 2 weeks.

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Disney Irish

Premium Member
That's not at all what I heard on the 5 o'clock news tonight.

They really should update their website if that's their new push. Here's my county's current language and flowchart on testing questions, which leads me as a symptom-free person who is not an "Essential Worker" to not be recommended for testing.

And here is the State of California's official Covid website, which states the same basic concept as my local county website. I have no symptoms and am not an Essential Worker, so no test from me is needed.

You can watch the entire press conference here, I've queue it up to the spot where they make the statement about getting tested before holiday gatherings:



Well-Known Member
You can watch the entire press conference here, I've queue it up to the spot where they make the statement about getting tested before holiday gatherings:

Fantastic. I honestly appreciate you linking that video. I'm going to watch it in its semi-entirety a bit later.

And now we only need to get 40 Million Californians to make it to the 7 minute mark in this video to hear that clip.

Like I said, if this is Sacramento's brand new priority; symptom-free Californians should now make appointments to get tested and retested regularly, our betters in Sacramento are doing a lousy job of communicating that.

But have you read the comments in that video? They're, um.... less than supportive. :oops:

Disney Irish

Premium Member
No, this slogan needs to go to Sacramento. If this is a new statewide push for all symptom-free Californians to get tested and retested and retested again, they are doing a lousy job of saying that to 40 Million people.

Because that's not what they've said at all. Nor is that what they are equipped to handle.

Aren't you an LA County guy? Because the LA County Covid website also is not saying symptom-free Angelenos should be tested and retested. Their first instruction is for those with Covid symptoms to call their doctor. And if they have no doctor or can't get an immediate response, to go through the same checklist steps that Orange County has.

Here is the LA County website instructions on who should get tested, and how...

You should get tested if you:
  • Have symptoms of COVID-19.
  • Were asked by LA County Department of Public Health to get a test because of a contact tracing or outbreak investigation.
  • Were in “close contact” with someone who has COVID-19 in the past 2 weeks.
  • Work or live in places such as skilled nursing facilities, group homes, residential care facilities, correctional facilities or homeless shelters.
  • Are a person experiencing homelessness.
  • Are an essential worker with frequent contacts with the public in the following areas: health care, emergency, food and grocery services, factory workers in food and retail, public transportation, and education.
  • Don't have symptoms but believe you may be infected now because you were exposed to people who were sick, were around many people who were not wearing face coverings, and/or were not keeping safe distance in the past 2 weeks.

First no I'm not in LA County, I'm from the Bay Area but thanks.

And second once again you like to limit your understanding of things. So let me break it down simply for you, LA Counties site just like others across the state are saying, "Hey LA County Resident if any of these apply to you then you definitely should go get tested. We're not limiting testing to only these categories, so get tested if you don't have symptoms and that is fine too".


Well-Known Member
First no I'm not in LA County, I'm from the Bay Area but thanks.

And second once again you like to limit your understanding of things. So let me break it down simply for you, LA Counties site just like others across the state are saying, "Hey LA County Resident if any of these apply to you then you definitely should go get tested. We're not limiting testing to only these categories, so if you want to get tested if you don't have symptoms that is fine too".

I love your passion around Sacramento convincing millions of people to read between the lines instead of just stating what they mean. :)

It's like saying when you see a 65 MPH speed limit sign on the freeway it actually means "Hey motorist, the speed limit is 65 here, but if you want to just keep up with traffic or you are late for your kids soccer game, then 75 is okay too. 78 might even work if you promise to use your turn signals for lane changes. But 80? Yeah, that's probably gonna be a ticket."


Well-Known Member

>>This new testing campaign is distinct from the county’s current swab testing programs, which have been largely reserved for people with COVID-19 symptoms – cough, fever, shortness of breath – and essential workers.<<

>>Starting next week, the county, in partnership with Aliso Viejo-based testing lab Ambry Genetics, will make 11,000 spit testing kits available for Orange County residents to do themselves at home, which officials say are just as accurate as the ubiquitous nasal swab tests.<<

Disney Irish

Premium Member
Fantastic. I honestly appreciate you linking that video. I'm going to watch it in its semi-entirety a bit later.

And now we only need to get 40 Million Californians to make it to the 7 minute mark in this video to hear that clip.

Like I said, if this is Sacramento's brand new priority; symptom-free Californians should now make appointments to get tested and retested regularly, our betters in Sacramento are doing a lousy job of communicating that.

And have you read the comments in that video? They're, um.... less than supportive. :oops:

Its actually not a new priority of "Sacramento's". Again its been right in county metrics for several months now. Newsom himself has stated many times in almost every press conference that testing is a priority in this state. So I'm not sure why you have this impression its new.

Also yes I read the handful of negative comments which go along with any Youtube video. I think I even see your comment on there. ;)


Well-Known Member

>>This new testing campaign is distinct from the county’s current swab testing programs, which have been largely reserved for people with COVID-19 symptoms – cough, fever, shortness of breath – and essential workers.<<

>>Starting next week, the county, in partnership with Aliso Viejo-based testing lab Ambry Genetics, will make 11,000 spit testing kits available for Orange County residents to do themselves at home, which officials say are just as accurate as the ubiquitous nasal swab tests.<<

I'm going to be out of state by this weekend, but when I get back in December I'm doing it!

I don't want to do the nasal swab thing again, that was creepy. But I'd do a saliva test, just for fun.

I'll even create a special cocktail for it heavy on fresh-squeezed citrus to get the saliva flowing before testing! :D

Or is it dairy ingredients that gets the saliva flowing? I may have to test a few concepts beforehand. 🍸

Disney Irish

Premium Member
I love your passion around Sacramento convincing millions of people to read between the lines instead of just stating what they mean. :)

It's like saying when you see a 65 MPH speed limit sign on the freeway it actually means "Hey motorist, the speed limit is 65 here, but if you want to just keep up with traffic or you are late for your kids soccer game, then 75 is okay too. 78 might even work if you promise to use your turn signals for lane changes. But 80? Yeah, that's probably gonna be a ticket."
Well as we know states across this country are hardly ever direct in stating what they mean. I mean just look at most of our laws across this nation for example, none are written in plain speak for the common person as they should be. So it should be no surprise that California is no different.


Well-Known Member
The only explanation the Shut It Downers have for Cases is Masks. The same masks we were told not to wear in March, while I was still fashioning my own, and are now apparently the greatest defense against the virus. Why is it in so many places where people are masked, the virus still gets around? Could it be that masks just aren't that effective?

Talk radio was trying to tell me over the weekend that China Virus particles can actually get in through your mask and give you mild symptoms. Huh? I thought the masks were to prevent the spread in the event the person wearing the mask had the virus. It keeps it out now and also lets the virus in?
In March the outbreak was so new that there was a lot of confusion as to what to do about it. Tons of data have come in since then and the leading epidemiologists recommend wearing masks. But masks are only a part of minimizing the spread. The number one source of spread, per scientific data, appears to be prolonged indoor contact in poorly ventilated spaces with lots of other people. In those situations masks reduce risk but those situations tend to be dining in a restaurant, hanging out in a bar, going to church, or social gatherings--all places where people take off their masks.

If you are going out in public, say to Target, you are in a place with lots of people but there is decent ventilation and minimal time spent in the presence of another person. In those situations your risk is reduced but masks drop that risk to almost nothing because they work best in places where exhaled aerosols from an individual can't build up. Those aerosols are what penetrate the mask while large droplets from coughing, sneezing, singing, or talking loudly are blocked if one is wearing a mask.

I do believe that almost all businesses can be open, including theme parks, if people understand how the virus is spread and took the necessary precautions to minimize that spread. If everyone had been doing their part Disneyland would be open today. We can take precautions and keep things open or we can fight doing what's necessary so things have to close down.


Well-Known Member
Such as?....

I'm hoping you say New Zealand, that remote island nation of 5 million people and 26 million sheep that has now cut itself off from the world with no known ability to reopen itself to the world.

It's now illegal to travel to New Zealand, and it's illegal for New Zealanders to leave their home island. Everyone is stuck there, they may not leave. A la' East Germany circa 1962-1989.

Look at Laos, Thailand, Vietnam, Japan, South Korea, and Sri Lanka.


Well-Known Member
No, this slogan needs to go to Sacramento. If this is a new statewide push for all symptom-free Californians to get tested and retested and retested again, they are doing a lousy job of saying that to 40 Million people.

Because that's not what they've said at all. Nor is that what they are equipped to handle.

Aren't you an LA County guy? Because the LA County Covid website also is not saying symptom-free Angelenos should be tested and retested. Their first instruction is for those with Covid symptoms to call their doctor. And if they have no doctor or can't get an immediate response, to go through the same checklist steps that Orange County has.

Here is the LA County website instructions on who should get tested, and how...

You should get tested if you:
  • Have symptoms of COVID-19.
  • Were asked by LA County Department of Public Health to get a test because of a contact tracing or outbreak investigation.
  • Were in “close contact” with someone who has COVID-19 in the past 2 weeks.
  • Work or live in places such as skilled nursing facilities, group homes, residential care facilities, correctional facilities or homeless shelters.
  • Are a person experiencing homelessness.
  • Are an essential worker with frequent contacts with the public in the following areas: health care, emergency, food and grocery services, factory workers in food and retail, public transportation, and education.
  • Don't have symptoms but believe you may be infected now because you were exposed to people who were sick, were around many people who were not wearing face coverings, and/or were not keeping safe distance in the past 2 weeks.

Didn't you get tested just for the fun of it?


Well-Known Member

>>At a time when other Californians are coming to grip with the fact that, if we play by the governor’s rules, we won’t have Thanksgiving with our extended families this year, for the first time ever.

For a governor who wants us in lockdown, the optics are atrocious. Jerry Brown would have moved into a single-room cell in a monastery by now, to set an example. Newsom instead paints the town red.

At least the governor acknowledges the blunder. He now says that after seeing the size of the dinner party, “Instead of sitting down, I should have stood up and walked back, got in my car and drove back to my house.” That house in which his four privately schooled children are no longer stuck, because they can afford “classroom learning.”

During this crisis, Californians deserve a governor who actually steps away from such tables rather than talking about doing so later.<<

Disney Irish

Premium Member

>>At a time when other Californians are coming to grip with the fact that, if we play by the governor’s rules, we won’t have Thanksgiving with our extended families this year, for the first time ever.

For a governor who wants us in lockdown, the optics are atrocious. Jerry Brown would have moved into a single-room cell in a monastery by now, to set an example. Newsom instead paints the town red.

At least the governor acknowledges the blunder. He now says that after seeing the size of the dinner party, “Instead of sitting down, I should have stood up and walked back, got in my car and drove back to my house.” That house in which his four privately schooled children are no longer stuck, because they can afford “classroom learning.”

During this crisis, Californians deserve a governor who actually steps away from such tables rather than talking about doing so later.<<

Yes we all get it Newsom made a mistake. God forbid that he isn't perfect. Name one politician that is perfect that doesn't EVER break the very rules they defend. You guys need to get past this. And instead focus on what the vast majority of the medical community across this nation is saying needs to be done to combat this virus until the vaccine is available for mass distribution.

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